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thinking about the missed opportunity that extta clutter is..... it was the most perfect way to release some more cb outtake it Just hurts she didnt make it right, im really hoping on the 10th anniversary kind of expansion re release, thsts truly a term of a crime not to use These perfectly done songs, Just praying


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58 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

Animal Crackers and Shadow Puppets are Cry Baby outtakes (unleaked), After School is filled with fake songs for some reason, rest are released/leaked


I'm sorry but thank goodness she doesn't

Someone said those After School songs were real but unleaked so idkk

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3 hours ago, SalvaWHORE said:

well. The album has aged badly for me, very easy to lose interest, nothing to dig deeper for more imo :w8ing:

(still better than K-12 up until this point) 

God I don’t want to be a twat but this seems like the shared synopsis for all of us except the Die Hards :deadbanana: I think she needs her co-writers back to refine ideas tbh!

But yeah anything is better than k12

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9 hours ago, Coloringbooks said:

This actually isn't true! 'Medieval Dynasty' was never a real thing, it was made up by fans when Dragon's Blood was the only MM3 (Portals) leak. The title Portals was even foreshadowed at the ending of the K-12 film, she had the concept planned for a long while.

What is it with all of the constant misinformation being thrown around in this fandom? You'd think by now everyone would know better than to believe whatever they read on Twitter.


Not only did none of the leaks have anything to do with the title 'Medieval Dynasty', but it doesn't even sound remotely like anything that Melanie would ever release, lol..

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21 minutes ago, ButterflyBones said:

Not only did none of the leaks have anything to do with the title 'Medieval Dynasty', but it doesn't even sound remotely like anything that Melanie would ever release, lol..

well… calm down, I never said I believed the Medieval Dynasty thing but some of the leaks sound a little bit more “medieval” to me (like Dragons Blood with the chains or Barely Juice where she mentions a literal castle), that’s all… also she said Test Me was a teaser for what was to come and that also sounds a little “witchy” 


anyways, let’s chill. Also love that u say that’s a title she would never publish like she hasn’t put out cringier and worse things by now (Portals for example… r we 4? Yikes) 


Portals is a mess and aging like milk… I’m sorry. It had potential though, let’s see if she nails it once again in 4 years 

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2 hours ago, AzzyCxndy said:

Someone said those After School songs were real but unleaked so idkk

The After School titles aren't legit.


'Meth' (a typo for 'Math' if I recall correctly lol) was made up by one of my friends from Discord as a joke back in 2021. The only real song on this list is of course History, which had a snippet leaked at the time:


'Duck Duck Goose' is a fake snippet from 2020:

'Wishing Well', 'Guardian' and 'Flower Bed' were fake MM3 (Portals) titles, also dating back to 2021.


This isn't to say that she definitely doesn't have songs under any of these names— some of her titles can be so guessable :creep:— but the 'leaks' weren't real.

I do it just to amuse me 

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27 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

well… calm down, I never said I believed the Medieval Dynasty thing but some of the leaks sound a little bit more “medieval” to me (like Dragons Blood with the chains or Barely Juice where she mentions a literal castle), that’s all… also she said Test Me was a teaser for what was to come and that also sounds a little “witchy” 


anyways, let’s chill. Also love that u say that’s a title she would never publish like she hasn’t put out cringier and worse things by now (Portals for example… r we 4? Yikes)

I wasn't directing my comment at you specifically, and I never tagged you because I was responding to another user and making a general statement about the fandom. Especially the Twitter fans that believe every post they see about "Melanie is releasing a secret single tomorrow! Get my post to 15k likes for a title reveal!".


I don't see what's so terrible about PORTALS as a title, either. It's not the strongest, but it's not like Dollhouse, Cry Baby, K-12, or After School were the most creative titles in the world to begin with(not saying they aren't good, of course). I'm all for criticism where it's due, but let's not go around shitting on random things for fun.

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35 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

well… calm down, I never said I believed the Medieval Dynasty thing but some of the leaks sound a little bit more “medieval” to me (like Dragons Blood with the chains or Barely Juice where she mentions a literal castle), that’s all… also she said Test Me was a teaser for what was to come and that also sounds a little “witchy” 


anyways, let’s chill. Also love that u say that’s a title she would never publish like she hasn’t put out cringier and worse things by now (Portals for example… r we 4? Yikes) 


Portals is a mess and aging like milk… I’m sorry. It had potential though, let’s see if she nails it once again in 4 years 

I just wanted to say, even though we have a lot of disagreements and opposing opinions, I don't have any ill will against you or anyone on this thread! if I come across that way it wasn't intentional.


Like obviously I wasn't a fan of @AzzyCxndy's tracklists, but no serious animosity there. It's always nice to talk with fellow fans/listeners of Melanie :D

I do it just to amuse me 

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7 minutes ago, ButterflyBones said:

 Especially the Twitter fans that believe every post they see about "Melanie is releasing a secret single tomorrow! Get my post to 15k likes for a title reveal!".

okay sorry. I supposed it was directed at me since I’m the one who mentioned the medieval thing… 


anyways, u are so right about the twitter fans but at this point I think that’s a lost battle… some crybabies really are a piece of work to say the least… also the constant making up rumors and fake song titles is tiring. Is the fandom I trust the least sadly :bebe: I can remember when people made up Class Clown , Paper People and Blossoming like it was yesterday…

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Its sad PORTALS come out so weak and like expired milk when melanie recorded songs for the album that were some of the best songs she has made in her entire career and are huge career highlights but does not release them and decides to release tracks that are weaker and messy. The only good songs on the album are Tunnel Vision, Leeches, Evil,  maybe Nymphology (would include faerie soiree if she didn't ruin it)

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1 minute ago, Anonymcomenter said:

Also when people believed that K-12 would be called Bluffington :oic2:

I believed that was the original title forever until now :xcry: never trust the fandom

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