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Bernie Sanders (U.I.) must be smiling. What a useful idiot (U.I.) he is. But then he is Ralph Nader isn't he, and Bernie was just a tool/fool of Putin.


(and wouldn't surprise me if Putin was behind 2 other events today too, being that Putin's new goal is the defeat of Merkel, and starting trouble with other nations like Turkey.)


Meanwhile, congratulations President Clinton on winning more popular votes than any white male in United States history.


in every war, battles are lost, before final victory is achieved. Shame all those people are going to lose their safety net in the next four years while Paul Ryan and his white male friends take away everything from anyone not like them.


the irony will be how many Trump voters are hurt very badly (will they ever realize they were conned?)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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she wouldve actually won if idiots didnt decide that this is the appropriate time to protest and vote third party, or harambe, or deez nutz, paris hilton, or not at all


i cant believe i live in a country with so many uneducated idiots


like they had the mentality to go "wow im gonna get dressed, drive over to my local voting polls, wait in a long ass line, and then write in deez nutz because this is totally the appropriate time to protest when we have a man who is unfit to be president running and having a big chance at winning"

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she wouldve actually won if idiots didnt decide that this is the appropriate time to protest and vote third party, or harambe, or deez nutz, paris hilton, or not at all


i cant believe i live in a country with so many uneducated idiots


like they had the mentality to go "wow im gonna get dressed, drive over to my local voting polls, wait in a long ass line, and then write in deez nutz because this is totally the appropriate time to protest when we have a man who is unfit to be president running and having a big chance at winning"


... donald trump was the protest vote.. the media was able to portray hillary as a scandalous criminal, and donald trump as a messy outsider... in the end theyre both corporate sellouts.. but many people who voted for trump voted for him because he wasnt hillary.. 


dont blame the minority when LITERALly MOST people without college educations voted for trump :toofunny: 

and also, when you're informed on the issues that face the american people, as well as the candidates' records, you see that often times third party candidates would better for our country than the establishment candidates... i think america should do like two tier voting where you can vote for a first choice and a second choice.. that way u can vote for a riskier candidate first, then a more probable establishment candidate second... 

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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... donald trump was the protest vote.. the media was able to portray hillary as a scandalous criminal, and donald trump as a messy outsider... in the end theyre both corporate sellouts.. but many people who voted for trump voted for him because he wasnt hillary..


dont blame the minority when LITERALly MOST people without college educations voted for trump :toofunny:

and also, when you're informed on the issues that face the american people, as well as the candidates' records, you see that often times third party candidates would better for our country than the establishment candidates... i think america should do like two tier voting where you can vote for a first choice and a second choice.. that way u can vote for a riskier candidate first, then a more probable establishment candidate second...

she didnt win because she is a woman. trump had so many controversies you wouldnt be able to count them on your fingers and toes. hillary had like what 2 controversies? her emails and HER HUSBAND NOT HER cheating. it was because these old uneducated idiots couldnt stand a woman being president. it was also the third party voters fault because she got a lot more votes than trump did, if only they hadnt voted paris hilton we wouldnt be in this mess

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she didnt win because she is a woman. trump had so many controversies you wouldnt be able to count them on your fingers and toes. hillary had like what 2 controversies? her emails and HER HUSBAND NOT HER cheating. it was because these old uneducated idiots couldnt stand a woman being president. it was also the third party voters fault because she got a lot more votes than trump did, if only they hadnt voted paris hilton we wouldnt be in this mess

Literally no one cares that she's a woman. stop blaming her inability to connect with the American ppl on being a woman.


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Could you at least come up with a better joke? I've seen interviews were people didn't vote for her simply because she was female.

I'm sorry but to say she didn't win because she is a woman is dishonest and gross over simplification of America's political and idealogical landscape.


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Literally no one cares that she's a woman. stop blaming her inability to connect with the American ppl on being a woman.

wow tell that to all those trump supporters at trump rallies saying in interviews that a woman could never be qualified to become president

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Honestly melania looks so good i can't.


and like get over it he is the president if you dont like it move and see how you love other countries.



Also hiLIARy clinton would've been just as bad even worse and i hope before y'all praise her you see those emails... and #pizzagate k?

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I'm so disappointed today. I know I'll have a good laugh at how people that voted for Trump end up suffering the consequences, and somehow try to blame the left. 

I honestly hope he turns out to be a somewhat decent president, but I doubt it. I just can't stand or comprehend how this man is our president the next for years. Although, I'd love to have a woman president already, Hillary had so much going against her (regarding the emails and what not) and just in general being a woman. She has done and said questionable things, but I'd much rather have her as president than Trump. Anyways, if Bernie were the democratic nominee, he would have won- I'm 99% sure. Plus, I'd rather have him than Hillary. Either way, that didn't happen, and we're all going to have to deal with Trump the next four years. I'm just hoping for the best and safety for everyone. 




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