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New Moderator Application: MODS ANNOUNCED

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@@Elle how many moderators will be chosen?

I'll be choosing one moderator initially (possibly two), but after a week or so, I may choose to add another. I'll be saving all of the applications though, so at any point in time if I feel I need to add another moderator, I'll reach out to an applicant and see if they're still interested. 


I've never been this excited since Ultraviolence was released. what time will the winner be announced tomorrow? 

The new moderator will be announced sometime Monday afternoon once they confirm the position.





Also, I've received nearly 30 applications and I couldn't be more thrilled that so many of you are willing to help out on our team! For those of you who have not yet applied and still want to, please please please remember to send your applications to my @admin account rather than this one (@Elle) as requested in the OP so I don't overlook your application while making my decision. I've had a few members accidentally send their application to this account, and I don't want anyone to be left out of the decision-making process due to this! Many thanks!


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damn, I missed the deadline :defeated: I was hanging with my friends hhhhhhhhh

You didn't miss it, there's still 23 hours left! & even if someone does miss it, they can still apply for future positions.


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Hello. It is wonderwul- Thank you, we love you too. It is wonderwul to be here with you today and with my fellow Lipsters. I'm very proud of you. You all are hardworkers, you're kind, you have a great heart.

Preceded by last year's (actually earlier this year :hottie:) effort, we for sure can say the Lipsters Awards are back better than ever. We've learned from our mistakes, we've grown.

If you don't know what the Lipsters Awards are, let me introduce you to LanaBoard's biggest event. :hottie: The Lipsters Awards 2015 are a forum event made for us, the LanaBoards community, to have a good time and reflect on the big online personalities that shined through 2016. Users nominate each other in several categories, and the winners get announced in our iconic Ceremony, which this year will take place on December 17th.

Enough said, it's time to introduce you to this year's categories. Some may be familiar, some have been revamped, and some are debuting tonight. NOTE: Last year's winner are able to be nominated again except where noted


This title is granted to that member who's always online. Posting, updating, contributing, etc... It's time to recognize said member's input! I think this category explains itself. 


Again, another category that explains itself. This one is for the #Lipster whose username shines the brightest to you. That user whose username you wish you had, or maybe not - but is iconic nonetheless. LAST YEAR'S WINNER (@@analwinterofmylife) IS NOT ABLE TO BE NOMINATED AGAIN.


Now, well - we all have an incredible taste, if it wasn't this way we wouldn't be part of a Lana Del Rey forum. But there's someone whose taste you adore, and it's time to recognize them. Could be musically, sonically, cinematically, lyrically, mathematically - y'all get it.


And we're introduced to the first not-so-nice category. First of all, do not take these negatively - remember it's all for fun and you're getting an award too so, chill a lil miss thing. Now, back to this title, you all know. Whitin our Elite taste, there maybe be some users whose taste is not that exquisite, to you. This is the category for all the #Lipsters who have any Halsey album on their iTunes library AND listen to it frequently.


This category is probably the one that hits the closest to home here. We love everyone on here, including hoarders. This is the time for you to award that #Lipster who you know - even though they don't brag about it... THAT much - they have unleaked material in their possession (photoshoot outtakes, songs, ROSES not anymore :hottie: - EMGHWv2) but is still your sister and you love them very much.

Due to circunstantes that occurred this year, we are letting previous winner @Eclipse be able to get nominated again. You all know what I'm talking about.


Hmm... the Blogs section died out a little this year. Nonetheless, it's still part of our community and it wouldn't be fair for this category to be removed. This is the award for the #Lipster whose blog gives you life. It could be because of their heavily detailed sexual encounters, their blog posts relating daily life events, or maybe their song listings you skip to read / never listen to yet you always comment about how good the songs on it are. It's their time to shine.



The Status Updates is probably LanaBoards' most iconic section. Filled with drama and other random things, it's time to award that #Lipster whose statuses are the highlight of your online days.


This award is for all Miss Congenialities out there. Pretty self-explanatory, this award goes to the #Lipster who's always nice to everyone. LanaBoards' Sweetheart deserves to be awarded too.


On the flipside, there are some members who are, well... not that nice (in your opinion). This title will be granted to that #Lipster who is not in a good mood when they post some - or most - of their comments. Do not worry if you get nominated to this, you are also LanaBoards' sweetheart... with LanaBoards in need of a heart transplant.


Previously known as Biggest Bitch, some of you may think this category is too similar to the previous one... no. Being a bitch is not being rude, it's being real even if that makes you seem shady. So now it's time to award that shady bitch! Own your bitchiness, sweetie.


Making its debut in this year's awards, this award substitutes last year's Drama Queen. Now, some of you may be asking yourselves - what's being "extra"? Besides having a dramatic behaviour, someone who is "extra" is over the top, blows things way out of proportion and is way too much in general.



That #Lipster who is a LEGEND, whose username reflects LanaBoards history, obviously deserves their own award. This one is for LanaBoards royalty.



New category alert! This one is for those Lipsters who go off unexpectedly at a minor detail. Not an actual trigger! If you still fail to realize what this category is all about, here's context:

Normal user: Ariana > Lana Del Ray.


User 1 (minding their own business): Born to Die is my favorite Lana album <3.

User 2 (out of nowhere): lmao how do you even dare to say this!!! Lana will never top her classic rock magnum opus Ultraviolence!! Born to Die was pure commercial shit!! !! 


LanaBoards' very own mommies and daddies are also very important. Now, this is not for the grown men who browse the forum in search of Lana's nudes (or Lizzy Grant era material, you know who you are), no no no. Veteran Member is for the users who have been here since the very beginning and are still active (RIP GagaOopsy 2012-2012 :poordat:).




We have some sisters who may not be that popular, but they are our sisters nonetheless. Show them love nominating them here and make them realize they do not go unnoticed! Everyone is a #Lipster4Life.

LAST YEAR'S WINNER (@@LoreleiLee) IS NOT ABLE TO BE NOMINATED AGAIN. She left the forum anneway so I don't think someone plans on nominating her. :hottie:


It's time to honor our fallen sisters who are probably still reading us but can't share their controversial opinions no more (NOTE: this was a fact since miss thing @Benovolio aka Rosalita aka Dot never left the forum in the first place :hottie: ). This posthumous award will be given to that #Lipster who's not with us anymore, but still holds a place in our hearts. What's better than getting an award named 'Best Banned Sis'? Nothing. Well, maybe getting unbanned, but sorry sistrens we don't have that power.



Clean and simple, this award goes to the most dedicated fan in LanaBoards. That fan with a complete unreleased collection, who listens to Lana Del Rey live performances (my condolences to your ears, sis), who's capable of breaking into Lana's house. That one fan.


Previously known as simply "Attention Whore", the Lipsters Awards organizers have decided to re-title this award in honor of viral sensation Marina Joyce. Nicely put, this is the award for that gash who's always trying to be the center of attention. It's time to give them the recognition they deserve and sought for this whole year. Also please smile if you're in danger.


Last year's "Troll" award has been revamped - now honoring an event (AN event) in LanaBoards history. As to what does S.C.A.T. stand for? That's up to you.

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement.


Lyin' in the beach, on the hot sun - yeah I want youWe thirsty hookers, this is our time to recognize LanaBoards' hottest memberYes, the finest face and/or body in LanaBoards. Have in mind, maybe they'll be very grateful to us and they'll post dick pics! or pussy pics, or strap-on pics, or butt pics.  :oprah: Or probably nothing, but their beauty needs to be recognized.



Do you know of that one member who you see their posts and think "delete it fat"? This is the award for them. In other words, this is the award for the most annoying memberDon't be mad if you get nominated, we don't hate you because you're annoying - you're annoying because we hate you! :hottie:


Last year subdivided in three sub-categories, this awards comes back as a single category. LanaBoards is full or artists, and they deserve to be recognized too. This award is for the #Lipsters with talent. Remember, this does not only include users who do graphics and fan art, it also includes LanaBoards' very own musicians and all kinds of resident artists. This category may be awarded to two users.



This award is for the Donald Trumps of LanaBoards! Perhaps controversial, shit-stirrer or high-key something-phobic - if this year taught us anything it's that you can still win shit! And this is the category for you, problematic members, to win.


Introduced this year, this one is for the Lipsters who like to end discussions and restore calmness in our beautiful land. As Marguerite Perrin aka God Warrior would say, these users are here to "put God in our hearts".

Do not confuse this title with 'nicest member'. Peace keepers may be pacific, but that does not mean they're always nice!



This one is for our sisters who are no longer active. It's time to award the most missed member and see if they make a come back post-ceremony. This is not for our banned sisters, sorry - you already have an entire category! You don't have to say, these users are the ones who got away.


Also premiering this year, this award is named after soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump, whose originality at writing speeches got her where she's at now. This title is given to the most original member. It's for those users who do a lot for our community. Those ones who are dedicated, come up with amazing ideas that help improving this (very bad) website and are invested in LanaBoards. This is our way to thank you for the hard work.


That member who's still developing their LanaBoards persona but has a bright future and it's going to be an icon soon enough. In simpler words, Best New Member.




Surprise bitch! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of Christina. Last year this category was deemed as the Vanguard Award, but this year another LanaBoards icon got to carry that title. Nonetheless, we decided to keep this award for all the vulgar darlings out there!

In my opinion the biggest award of them all, this title will be granted to the Sluttiest Member! Take that as whichever way you understand it.



Excited to introduce you to this year's Vanguard Award! As noted earlier, last year's Vanguard Award was given to the sluttiest member. This year, we've created a new category for all the Hillary Clintons of LanaBoards. This award is for those users who are known by everyone, who are on everyone's mouth and whose relevancy makes lots jealous. Not to be confused with Lipster of the Year, this award is for all those relevant users whose popularity doesn't mean they ARE the user of the year, but still pretty successful on their own. In other words, this award is for the Most Popular User. And who else but Qaadir to name this award after?


2016. Looked good. The year of realizing stuff they said... and they were right. We realized LanaBoards cannot function without drama. It's time to crown the biggest drama of 2016!


Us #Lipsters love leaks, and they deserve to be awarded too. Original songs / very different alternate versions will be the only ones taken into account, so there's not much trouble to the users who have not listened to them.

WARNING: If Resistance doesn't win this category, it will get scrapped.

1949 (Studio)


Caught You Boy

Super Movie

BBM Baby

Dance For Money

Girl That Got Away

Motel 6 (Vicarage)

Other Woman


NOTE: "Hollywood Movie", "Party Girl v2", "Children of the Bad Revolution (Demo)", "Never Let Me Go (Concept)" and "Go Go Dancer v2" were not eligible due to their demo-ish nature and for not being that different from previous versions.


The formally biggest award of the night, this is the time to award the Member of the Year. That #Lipster who is the whole package. Only those with Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent will have the chance to be crowned LanaBoards' Next Lipster Superstar.

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Uhm it's not some sort of giveaway or contest     :crossed:  It's a responsibility that you have to be ready to devote your time to. Elle will be choosing the moderator on Monday.

They're allowed to be excited, we all are. Knowing how often the mod team here changes, it's pretty cool that we finally have a chance to become part of the sites team. Let em live lol


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@@Elle When will the moderator be formally introduced? Or will they be making a post on their own?


They'll be introduced in a post I'll make later today. Then, of course, they can make a post of their own if they wish.

I'm still in the process of deciding with our current team how many moderators should be initially added, but we pretty much have two people selected. (I read through the applications and then suggested to our current team 5 people that I thought would be the best choices, and then I gathered input from them on who they best thought should have the position as well. The decision was unanimous on the two people we selected from the five.)

It's just a matter of if we'll be adding them both at the same time, or add one now and wait a few weeks or so to see how it goes before adding the other.


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They'll be introduced in a post I'll make later today. Then, of course, they can make a post of their own if they wish.

I'm still in the process of deciding with our current team how many moderators should be initially added, but we pretty much have two people selected. (I read through the applications and then suggested to our current team 5 people that I thought would be the best choices, and then I gathered input from them on who they best thought should have the position as well. The decision was unanimous on the two people we selected from the five.)

It's just a matter of if we'll be adding them both at the same time, or add one now and wait a few weeks or so to see how it goes before adding the other.

Sounds good! Really can't wait to see who you guys choose. @@annedauphine better be a candidate or you'll see #NotMyModerator from me :oprah3:


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