cherryblossoms 10,458 Posted February 27, 2020 so i received my ds with my pokemon games today, also i finally one kanto's league in heartgold and now i can't wait to get a 2ds and buy pokemon x ugh I’ve been thinking of getting a 2ds just for this 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted March 8, 2020 so i received my ds with my pokemon games today, also i finally one kanto's league in heartgold and now i can't wait to get a 2ds and buy pokemon x ugh I’ve been thinking of getting a 2ds just for this TBH the combined DS + 3DS library you have available on a 2DS/3DS is probably the best game library on any Nintendo system. I mean, you literally get to play Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold/Soul/Silver, Black/White, Black 2/White 2, X/Y, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and gen. 7, plus all the Ranger and Mystery Dungeon (!) games. And that's not even counting other amazing games such as Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D, A Link Between Worlds, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Animal Crossing, all the Mario games... Buy Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX and Explorers of Sky for clear skin and perfect grades! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godsmonster 14,354 Posted March 11, 2020 Just bought a used DSi, Pokemon Diamond and Platinum. I'm playing through Pt because I never did as a kid Okay lemme just go off for a sec (this is gonna be all over the place) Pokemon Diamond was the first PKMN game I played as a kid through and through. I played like Yellow or Crystal when I was YOUNG but just like playing around. I got Diamond from some random kid I went to middle school with (I don't remember how, and this was around 2007/2008) and MY GOD do i have MEMORIES with this game. I remember I got a white DS Lite to replace my OG Blue DS, and this game blew my mind. I fell so in love with it. I legit played it everyday, and LITERALLY was that meme of the kid hiding the DS under the blankets from my parents when I should have been in bed (I used to sleep with my door open, and got caught a few times). I always, always, always mained Turtwig. Summer 2008 I had finally beaten Cynthia on a car ride somewhere with friends (I remember it vividly, it was a hot July day I think, very sunny). Cynthia will always be one of my fav video game characters, and she has an incredible battle theme. God, i remember my gram brought me to Border's to buy the official game guide, and the Prima guide Diamond and Pearl Pokedex book. (I dont have any of this anymore, the books, games, DS's, any of it, i really wish I did) I discovered ActionReplay, and hacked tf out of my game lol. My best friend at the time had Pearl, and we would search for hours on YouTube AR codes to get Arceus, and none of them worked. I remember when I actually found one that worked, him and I were shocked and amazed, and he didn't believe I had actually done it. Oh, the Underground, the WFC, the Wi-Fi Trades, this game was a golden time in my middle school years. I would sit in this playground near my house for hours every day, sitting in a tube thing, just playing Diamond. I remember at one point I checked my play time, and had put 230-ish hours into it (although it was probably around 300 when my DS broke). I stopped playing cause my said best friend destroyed my DS, and I think it ruined my game cartridge. RIP to all my Pokemon, hacked and otherwise. Revisiting Gen IV about ten years later for me is such a blast, it brings back so many memories of 2007-2010. I don't follow Pokemon anymore, or video games really, but this has a very special place in my heart. I hope they do DPPt remakes for the switch, and I hope they're good cause I will def buy them anyway, that ends my nostalgic rant lol 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted March 13, 2020 Just bought a used DSi, Pokemon Diamond and Platinum. I'm playing through Pt because I never did as a kid Okay lemme just go off for a sec (this is gonna be all over the place) Pokemon Diamond was the first PKMN game I played as a kid through and through. I played like Yellow or Crystal when I was YOUNG but just like playing around. I got Diamond from some random kid I went to middle school with (I don't remember how, and this was around 2007/2008) and MY GOD do i have MEMORIES with this game. I remember I got a white DS Lite to replace my OG Blue DS, and this game blew my mind. I fell so in love with it. I legit played it everyday, and LITERALLY was that meme of the kid hiding the DS under the blankets from my parents when I should have been in bed (I used to sleep with my door open, and got caught a few times). I always, always, always mained Turtwig. Summer 2008 I had finally beaten Cynthia on a car ride somewhere with friends (I remember it vividly, it was a hot July day I think, very sunny). Cynthia will always be one of my fav video game characters, and she has an incredible battle theme. God, i remember my gram brought me to Border's to buy the official game guide, and the Prima guide Diamond and Pearl Pokedex book. (I dont have any of this anymore, the books, games, DS's, any of it, i really wish I did) I discovered ActionReplay, and hacked tf out of my game lol. My best friend at the time had Pearl, and we would search for hours on YouTube AR codes to get Arceus, and none of them worked. I remember when I actually found one that worked, him and I were shocked and amazed, and he didn't believe I had actually done it. Oh, the Underground, the WFC, the Wi-Fi Trades, this game was a golden time in my middle school years. I would sit in this playground near my house for hours every day, sitting in a tube thing, just playing Diamond. I remember at one point I checked my play time, and had put 230-ish hours into it (although it was probably around 300 when my DS broke). I stopped playing cause my said best friend destroyed my DS, and I think it ruined my game cartridge. RIP to all my Pokemon, hacked and otherwise. Revisiting Gen IV about ten years later for me is such a blast, it brings back so many memories of 2007-2010. I don't follow Pokemon anymore, or video games really, but this has a very special place in my heart. I hope they do DPPt remakes for the switch, and I hope they're good cause I will def buy them anyway, that ends my nostalgic rant lol OMG we love PokéNostalgia! So does this mean you've never played HeartGold/SoulSilver and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky? Because if it does, you NEED to play these! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
callmedecember 2,319 Posted March 17, 2020 okay so my diamond game got damaged somehow i don't know, does anyone know if i can recover over 12 years of my life or is it completely lost? please tell me i can have my almost 300 pokemon back 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted September 1, 2020 Have any of you guys read the Pokémon Adventures manga series? I've heard so many great things about it, especially that it's much closer to Satoshi Tajiri's original vision of Pokémon than the games or the an*me, and that the story is actually great lol. They recently started to re-release the entire series as cute collector's editions, so I decided to give it a shot and order the first volume. I think these would look really cute next to each other hehe: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finch8367 0 Posted September 1, 2020 I like to play pokemon games so recently i download pokemon ash gray for pc online and i play daily this game 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted October 24, 2020 Spoiler Crown Tundra is actually pretty fun 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted January 14, 2021 Oh wow! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted January 25, 2021 nostalgia hitting yo 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamiDelRey 1,961 Posted February 12, 2021 WHERE ARE THE DIAMOND AND PEARL REMAKES WE NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED THEM GAMEFREAK UGH..... *doesn't even own a Switch & hasn't even finished Sun or Moon tho* 2 Quote 5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 12, 2021 6 hours ago, JamiDelRey said: WHERE ARE THE DIAMOND AND PEARL REMAKES WE NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED THEM GAMEFREAK UGH..... *doesn't even own a Switch & hasn't even finished Sun or Moon tho* It's coming u little bitch. Well, presumably. I'm PRAYING they don't fuck up the Sinnoh remakes. Sun/Moon and Sword/Shield were just incredibly disappointing, but since Diamond/Pearl/Platinum already provide such a strong basis, they should be able to deliver this time around. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamiDelRey 1,961 Posted February 12, 2021 4 hours ago, SlowGinFizzzz said: It's coming u little bitch. Well, presumably. I'm PRAYING they don't fuck up the Sinnoh remakes. Sun/Moon and Sword/Shield were just incredibly disappointing, but since Diamond/Pearl/Platinum already provide such a strong basis, they should be able to deliver this time around. can you imagine how cool they could remake the Distortion World from Platinum with updated graphics and physics omg I literally remember to this day buying the Japanese release of Platinum early (compared to US) on ebay for like $50/60 playing through not understanding a word of dialogue still enjoying the hell out of it because of how enthralled I was with Diamond/Pearl the whole 4th gen (with HG/SS) was honestly PEAK it was all so good 1 Quote 5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 25, 2021 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lavender Sunshine 4,269 Posted February 25, 2021 Omfg I didn't know about the Diamond and Pearl remake Diamond was my gateway to Nintendo, so many childhood memories attached to it even though I never got to finish it because one of my siblings smashed the upper screen of my DS Anyways stan Piplup as probably the best starter 0 Quote 𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙.𝖋𝖒|𝕷𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝕲𝖗𝖗𝖗𝖑 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dominikx4 25,496 Posted February 25, 2021 i swear if they fuck these remakes up... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 25, 2021 The fact that it's a Pokémon Presents rather than a Direct has me worried. Usually main series games (and even major spin-off titles like Mystery Dungeon or Pokkén) get announced in a Direct, whereas Presents has so far been reserved for stuff like Pokémon Café Mix, Pokémon Smile, New Pokémon Snap, and Pokémon Unite. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gasstationkween 5,820 Posted February 25, 2021 They better not ruin these remakes, those games were my childhood 1 Quote i like your ultra-violent swing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamiDelRey 1,961 Posted February 25, 2021 Spoiler supposed leak from DP remake trailer from ATRL.... holy SHIT...? edit: jk they said it was clearly fake not my gullible ass believing anything 0 Quote 5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamiDelRey 1,961 Posted February 26, 2021 FINALLY OMG hate the names tho THEY ARE REAL UGH GOTTA GET A SWITCH BEFORE HOLIDAY NOW 0 Quote 5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites