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Actresses Carrie Fisher and mother Debbie Reynolds die at 60 and 84

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Actress Carrie Fisher, known far and wide for playing Princess Leia in the "Star Wars" movies, has died at the age of 60, People reports.

Fisher recently suffered a heart attack and later died at a hospital, according to People.

Family spokesman Simon Halls released a statement on behalf of Fisher's daughter, Billie Lourd.

"It is with a very deep sadness that Billie Lourd confirms that her beloved mother Carrie Fisher passed away at 8:55 this morning," the statement says, according to People.

"She was loved by the world and she will be missed profoundly. Our entire family thanks you for your thoughts and prayers."

Fisher, who is the daugher of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds, was also a screenwriter and author. Her semi-autobiographical novel, "Postcards from the Edge," published in 1987. It was later adapted by Fisher herself into a movie of the same title, which was directed by Mike Nichols and released by Columbia Pictures in 1990.

She appeared in films like "The Blues Brothers," "When Harry Met Sally," and Woody Allen's "Hannah and Her Sisters." Fisher was slated to reprise the role in Star Wars' upcoming "Episode VIII" and "Episode IX."

This is so fucking terrible she was a LEGEND.


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Honestly this is the first person passing away this year whose death really affects me. She will remain inspiring for generations to come and not just because of the roles she played, her strength was a beacon


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im shaking..... i know that carrie was much more than star wars but i am obsessed with those movies since im a child (my first crush was han solo when i was 4 lol) and now i cant even speak... my princess leia has passed away... NO JUST NO


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cher will still be standing on a hill, singing believe, when we're all dead.

i am cackling at this because you know madonna will be right behind her - singing EXPRESS YOURSELF .. cher will be hating it since she's not a huge madonna fan. they would be left together in the end. 

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I'm devastated by this news. Carrie was such an inspiration for me. She's been through so much shit, she brought attention to so many issues (such as mental health and sexism in hollywood) and she still remained such a good soul. And just to think how it was announced couple days ago that she was fine...

Rest in peace Carrie. 

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Words cannot describe...


Debbie Reynolds (her mom, and a legendary actress/singer/Broadway star in her own right must be heartbroken. I don't know if Debbie wlll survive this


my thoughts are with her family


Carrie was also married in the 1970s to superstar singer Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel), and the two remained friends and even dated afterward.



as I said on the George Michael thread


2016 please just go away


Iconic  and my heart breaks for her mom Debbie Reynolds, who has had her share of major heartbreak in her life


and I do wonder how this will be handled in the next two Star Wars films (8 and 9), she was suppose to be an integral part of the next one, I believe 8 did finish filming and is in post-production


btw- silly trivia- Carrie was suppose to be the female lead in "princess Bride", but it didn't pan out and Robin Wright took the role.



edit to add- Dec.28, 2016- 912pm eastern, Debbie Reynolds has passed away from a stroke, brought upon by the devasting loss of her daughter.

(see post 23)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Nothing this year has hurt worse than this and really, no celebrity death has ever hit me harder than this. I think anyone that knows me knows that Star Wars has played an important role in my life  - more than just from an entertainment perspective. Leia's strength and courage has always meant so much to me.Watching her take down Jabba was one of the first times I became consciously aware of female empowerment and the strength we as women can possess. Carrie's unfiltered and open discussions about mental health and drug addiction has meant so much to me and inspired me to come to terms with my own issues.  Knowing that people like Carrie and Courtney Love survived made it possible for me to. Her unapologetic criticism of Hollywood, discussions about feminism and her desire to make Leia's legacy more than just a bikini has always been something I've looked up to and respected about her. She was (it hurt so fcking much to type was) a brilliant writer, an inclusive activist, my hero, my first love, my idol... I'll always lover her. I'll always miss her. I'll forever be grateful for existing in the same time as General Organa. 




I can't even begin to imagine how Billie and Debbie are right now.  :ohno:


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This is just terrible :( She was an amazing actress. I remember seeing her on the Graham Norton show and thought she was funny af. She came across as a clever and thoughtful human being.


RIP Carrie Fisher


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I just need to let out some things because I'm going out to do Hanukkah stuff in a few hours and keeping this bottled up is probably the worst thing to do and I'm just an emotional wreck right now...


I never met her but she impacted me in a huge way and it's weird coming to terms with the fact that your idols aren't the gods you make them out to be and they aren't going to live forever and that death is bullsht and it's a cycle you have to live through each time one of them passes and... idk, this fcking hurts. There's been a few other deaths in the past that have hurt, but nothing nearly as much as this. I cried when I found out she was in the hospital, felt a bit of relief when we were told she was doing okay and now... like... what do I do now?


How do I ever watch Star Wars in the same way? How do I feel the same joy over Leia as I used to? It's going to be so much different now and it's weird knowing that. And I know a year from now when I see Episode 8 there's going to be something at the end about Carrie and I'm going to have a breakdown and probably a panic attack and whatever they do with Leia's character isn't going to feel right and the ending to my favorite series will always piss me off because of it and there' just a lot of stuff I don't know how to deal with :(


And then there's a lot of guilt over how selfish I'm being because I'm worried about a fcking movie instead of realizing that that's the least important thing right now. Her mother and daughter just lost someone and it's terrible and they're going through a whole grieving process due to fame that I can't even begin to understand. You know, it's going to be hard seeing her image and watching her movies, but I'm never going to know what it's like to wake up and see my mother or daughter on the news or have fans come up to me and constantly bring back the fact that they're gone. And keep thinking about Yoda being an ashole for saying "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not." like.. screw Jedi logic right now. Death is inevitable but it fuking sucks and mourning is just as natural as death.


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