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LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2

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Paradise is a stand-alone

the new one is 5 albums in 5 years


This weeks marks the exact 5 years on the Billboard 200 chart (latest chart released today).


5 albums in 5 years

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I mean we already know of an outtake (SR) so she's probably eliminating songs as she's going to keep in a certain track limit


We don't know if SR was meant for the album, we don't know if it or isn't on, we don't know if isn't on because she had "too many tracks" or more likely because she didn't feel it deserved to be on, the reaches lmao

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Wow I have a music and design workshop and I had to do a presentation on pop music design and my teacher immediately said Lana was "morbidly depressive" before I even started. Like it can be seen as true but did I ask?? There was 36 covers why'd she pick her out I don't even wear my sweater :toofunny: It's 2017, why do people still think this of Lana, she's either catalogued as sugary vintage bohème or straight ass slow and depressive, literally one of the reasons I love her music that much is because of the variety of styles, ok it's a dominant trait in her released albums to not be particularly fast music but it's so cliché and boring. I want LD5 to be more pop or at least have electronic / boppy vibes  because I'm tired as hell of people having a negative opinion of her because they only see the aspects of her music that's visible on most cliché released songs, I want Lana to show them she's so much more than that, even though she doesn't have to justify herself. She's said so many times in interviews how much she cares about the critics opinions and how much it affects them, to the point of wanting to look as normal as possible. Well I want her to be herself and maybe it's being slow and depressive, yes, it might be, but I want her to be unapologetic about that and use it against people that condemn her, and I think LDR5 might be about, I think it started with Honeymoon, this idea of very lowkey empowering, like "I'm submissive but it's because I chose it because I love it and I'm taking control back over my fame". I think she's changing as well; her clothing style is changing, she's much more political, she's taking much more time to get this album out; I think it's just the machinery that got in place perhaps after the Born To Die backlash and kept on with Ultraviolence that's starting to be visible.


It's not to Lana to apologize to the critics, she doesn't has to apologize to anyone and if her music is like this then so be it, as long as she's happy to make it, I'm fine with anything, and even if one day I don't relate to her or appreciate her musically, I just hope that she'll continue being happy and do what is true to her above everything else because it's one of the biggest lessons she taught me

I think that only a few artists can make political pop songs without looking like a commercial trick, you know? If she goes to something more alternative, it may sound more genuine. And I think that ppl want her to do a lot of pop music bc it's easy to sell. I don't think that Lana wants to be known as a commercial artist with no depth or something like this.

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I think that only a few artists can make political pop songs without looking like a commercial trick, you know? If she goes to something more alternative, it may sound more genuine. And I think that ppl want her to do a lot of pop music bc it's easy to sell. I don't think that Lana wants to be known as a commercial artist with no depth or something like this.

I agree. Also it's a bit stupid but I think you can't really make political music in what's considered "mainstream pop", like for my presentation I saw that what describes music as pop is generally the subject of love and romance, the technical writing and the fact that it has dance as a purpose. You can always sing whatever you want on a song but it has an influence to the public you reach and want to reach. So I think that when pop artists, it automatically gets alternative, as you're saying; people take you more seriously if you're in the right genre, basically? Even though I never cared about genres, I love what I love, but in the case of music destined to be sold at the biggest possible scale, it's very important. Maybe it's time to reconsider if she's really pop then, because if her or her label still pretend she's pop (and I don't think at all she does), then maybe it can explain the sales or the critics reactions. 


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I agree. Also it's a bit stupid but I think you can't really make political music in what's considered "mainstream pop", like for my presentation I saw that what describes music as pop is generally the subject of love and romance, the technical writing and the fact that it has dance as a purpose. You can always sing whatever you want on a song but it has an influence to the public you reach and want to reach. So I think that when pop artists, it automatically gets alternative, as you're saying; people take you more seriously if you're in the right genre, basically? Even though I never cared about genres, I love what I love, but in the case of music destined to be sold at the biggest possible scale, it's very important. Maybe it's time to reconsider if she's really pop then, because if her or her label still pretend she's pop (and I don't think at all she does), then maybe it can explain the sales or the critics reactions. 

I don't think that Lana is pop, but I don't think that she's alternative either. I think that she's somewhere between pop and alternative. I mean, she flirts w/ both genres all the time.

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I really love both BTD and Paradise, but let's be honest, It's just a album used to introduce her to the media and all that stuff. It's her most commercial album

The most commercial doesn't mean it's worse than HM, because it isn't. 


Ppl on here really need to stop bashing BTD for no reason. First of all, without it none of you would be here and secondly, it doesn't send you in a coma like HM did. BTD is a classic and rightfully so. HM is just there for the sake of just being out.

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