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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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So many things to say! It looks like Liv Tyler is starring in Sin City. I'm going crazy for this! This is actually future retro! Bravo Lana!


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Wait guys it's actually adorable that her whole monologue was practically about calming our fears and the present and future. This is so cute y'all. I know we've been reaching speculating that this album will have specific production or Life Is Beautiful songs that we--the fans--want but I think the theme really is "solve et coagula" (dissolve and coagulate) and she feels we've been dissolved and she wants to help coagulate (build up) us. It all makes sense and is really adorable and sweet if you think about everything she has said about this album and era so far  :oprah:

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look @ where lana is are now and lana in 2011 when she got famous, just like, wow. the growth, the character development, i almost cant believe this is the same woman who wrote born to die


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Does anyone else seriously want a show about this? Like, an alien/space witch who lives on the moon/in hiding on earth who's dedicated her life to making people happy and sort of abandoned her previous planet to make Earth her own, which she gradually assimilates herself into? Maybe she was originally sent from that planet with a specific directive/mission and comes from a race from emotionless beings/robots but she found that she has a "Lust for Life" and decides to do what she wants to instead  :hooker:

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She is the best artist this world has seen, I really hope she gets the recognition she deserves for this album :pray2:


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Here's what she said in her monologue if anyone wants it (I think someone asked for it pages ago?):


"You know, in this town, an artist really needs a lot of space when they’re trying to create something special. A place to cultivate a world of their own, far away from the real world that’s around them. Luckily for me, I live right inside the middle of the “H” of the Hollywood sign. And this is how I spend most of my nights: perched high above the chaos that swirls within the city of angels below. Now don’t get me wrong, I love to dip my toe into the muck and the mires of the city every now and then. Especially on Tuesdays. But truthfully, when I’m in the middle of making a record, especially now when the world is in the middle of such a tumultuous period, I find I really need to take the space for myself far away from real life, to consider what my contribution to the world should be in these dark times.

So each morning, I have the luxury of asking myself, “What shall I cook up for the kids today? Something with a little spice? Something with a little bitterness but is ultimately sweet? Or shall I take the day off and turn down the fire, and just take a moment to send my love to them over the ether?” Because sometimes, just being pure of heart and having good intentions and letting them be known is the most worthy contribution an artist can make. So, even though these times can feel a little bit crazy, they’re not so very different from what other generations have experienced at one time or another before. Amidst all the uncertainty, and as we transition out of one era into another one, there’s no place I’d rather be than smack-dab in the middle of “Holly-weird” making this record for you. Because you, and the music, and this place, are my love, my life, my lust for life."
Source: Pitchfork and I also checked it. Let me know if it needs to be edited  :hooker:

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