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LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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it is only discounted in germany. not in the us


It's not discounted in the us though. The original post in here was a screenshot from universal music germany about the german iTunes Store



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after her contract with interscope is done, lana needs to go indie because its frustrating to see a major label artist give her fans what an indie artist would (maybe even less tbh)


That would only make her album releases messier tbh.


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u don't have to dig deep. it's up on youtube

I found a link in about ten seconds and indulged after I pledged to abstain :deadbanana: it's beautiful tho, way better than love

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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after her contract with interscope is done, lana needs to go indie because its frustrating to see a major label artist give her fans what an indie artist would (maybe even less tbh)


The thought of Lana going indie kind of scares me. Lana puts her heart and soul and vision into her records, but she seems done with them the minute they get mastered, which is understandable, but not good for promotion. If she goes indie, the most we could hope for would be two or three 30-second Instagram clips of her dancing in her kitchen to the new songs and one random festival date in Switzerland or something, where 90% of the setlist is from Born To Die.

I think what Lana needs is a TEAM of people (not just Ben) who not only give a f uck about her music, but who have a precise understanding of how the changing music industry works and know how to market HER as an artist. 

Right now is kind of a crossroad because it is pretty clear that Lana does not enjoy extensive travel or promo, and the last two records she made were not exactly radio friendly (or at least not as much as BTD), so labels are less likely to invest in a lot of promotion, but if they continue down that path, it's just going to be a cycle of her getting less exposure, and the labels having less money to invest in her the next time around.

She is a unique artist and I wish they would capitalize/work with this more than they do. I know it didn't really go over that well, but I still like the idea (though maybe not the actual execution) of the Honeymoon hotline. Or what Frank Ocean did with pop up shops, or Katy Perry's listening stations. Something that is still mysterious and a little different from normal marketing strategies, but draws more attention to the new release and gives fans a way to connect further with her. If her team could figure out ways to integrate her personality and preferences into the marketing (something that brings some exposure without her having to be there all the time or leave the house even), it could possibly help turn things around a bit. 

Another idea could be if Lana was willing to invest her own money into the videos and photo shoots (if she doesn't do this already, but I'm assuming she doesn't), that could give her her team a wider budget to work with for marketing. Though that may not work, because I could quickly see Lana reverting back to her Lizzy Grant/VG and original Blue Jeans-style of videos, which isn't bad, but I want to see her grow. 

Okay sorry, I'm going on a rant now. 

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Tbh I wouldn't mind if Lana went indie. I think she'd do well on Sub Pop Records rather than Interscope.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I really don't know what to say 

It seems that good music and success are two different paths and as the time pass this is getting more true

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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Guys, breathe in and breathe out. It's just 2 weeks when Love was released. There's nothing wrong on analyzing things unless you over-analyze it. Let's just stay positive, and maybe Lana and her team are brewing something big for us really soon :)

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The moment Lana goes indie I'd unstan. Her label would eventually run out of money to even pay for the studio sessions with rick.

The only artist that made a smaller label work was adele and only because they still put all their effort into promoting her first two records and give her the exposure she deserved. Even when adele is lazy she still knows that u can't have a career if ur sitting on ur couch.


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