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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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Prediction #1 : Lana will shapeshift into her true reptilian form just like how Justin Bieber did in Australia :illumilana:


Prediction #2 : Lana will announce that she's retiring from the industry and will only return if Donald Trump is fiyaaaahd


Prediction #3 : Lana will perform satanic rituals on stage to fire Trump and will invite fans to join in the rituals. It's a "Bring your own Broomstick Party" AKA "Look at you kids with your Vintage BroomStix"


Prediction #4 : Lana will announce that she's gonna release mixtapes of her unreleased songs every month this year. Each mixtape will have 30 songs.


Prediction #5 : Lana is collabing with Granny Swift on her upcoming alboom :P

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Honestly I'm so overhyped, if this is another corona capital situation I'm gonna cry

I am still trying to recover from the disappointment I set myself up for after capital corona

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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too bad that dress looked like it was bought from walmart clearance sales.


other than that. it SLAYED. (even with the same old setlist since paradise tour)

I love this cover, because while it IS a Peggy Lee cover, the arrangement and key are actually referencing the Jessica Rabbit version everyone likes better lol


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Apparently people are mad because Apple suddenly changed it to a 21+ show instead of 18+ and they're turning away people with artist wristbands even though the page said they accepted them? Not sure if that's true but it's what people are saying to her on Twitter.

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but srsly guys, she's making this shit very exclusive... could it be new info? maybe album name? another single?





Are they gonna confiscate all cellpones and cameras?  :crossed:  

???, ?????????

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i have feeling she is going to fuck it up vocaly and quit music after  :facepalm:



SNL v2 tbh


Well, it's not going to be livestreamed so nothing to worry about


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