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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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I have yet to hear anything of 8 tracks, but wow, this is a beautiful breakdown. "Retro Futurism" come through afterall :defeated: Love is truly such a special song production wise and lyrically and I always knew it would be the perfect opener. There's such a theme of looking to the past in order to deal with the present and into the future throughout this era and i can not wait to hear how it manifests lyrically on the latter half of the record. When she talked about anxiety about the future and the state of the world in the Album Trailer, I really didn't get what she was saying - to me maybe she was even downplaying things... but if you consider Lana as being a fan of musicians who wouldve gone to things like Woodstock, of the more classic rock and folk music era of the 20th century... it really makes sense. She's right, its not like the people of that era didn't feel the world was ending too, but they still used music to make the most of things, and advocate and speak out as well as they could, and tbh they inspired a generation. I don't know if any of this is even intentional, but its lovely to think of in such a way and it really does make sense. 


I know she said the tracklist made a few changes in the last 3 months, If anything, it feels like Lana's experience at Coachella was actually really impactful and kind of shaped the current tracklist - perhaps the ordering of things and the replacing of a few tracks other than just the inclusion of Coachella. Even if I don't love the song (I just don't feel like the production on it makes much sense compared to the lyrics for Lana, but the last minute is heavenly) I've always defended that the concept --- of being at a music festival, celebrating life and joy and music, but having kind of flash backs to another festival where the focus was on Love & Peace, but in the middle of tensions rising yet again in the world... It didn't make Lana go all hippie "save the world kids, you're the future!", but its certainly quite profound and perhaps even a bit awe-inspiring. Like, "wow, this is happening again, and I don't want to just sit here and do nothing about it, but what can I, as a voice do?" Whether you think the track Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind was successful in conveying this or not, I think it's still really important. (And personally, I love the lyrics).


Personally now, I want some kind of video - whether it be homemade, or studio funded, etc. for a track on the latter half of the record :defeated:

I get the feeling that Lana doesn't feel overly satisfied with how her videos were handled in the UV era and the HM era, but so far (other than the album cover ~) I feel like LFL has been on point aesthetically and so far there seems to be evidence that Lana and her management are on the same wave length in regards to her videos. Love and LFL are imo some of her best videos, especially the former (it just needed one gay couple :defeated: )

Personally, Coachella resonated with me the first time she sang the song on her insta, acoustic. I loved it and was expecting something more stripped back. It still sort of is, but the beats kinda threw me off bc of my expectations so yeah, friction there.


Some lyrics aren't as smooth on it, but the chorus and the outro just elevate it so well. Ya mentioned the past generations inspiring the future, I really do think that's what the world needs more of today too, so I hope the album reaches people and helps instill a change that we as humanity just so desperately need now.


I think having a gay couple in her videos would be amazing too. I'm biased for that I think, but still so for it. VIsuals have been terrific so far, hope it stays consistent further


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Personally, Coachella resonated with me the first time she sang the song on her insta, acoustic. I loved it and was expecting something more stripped back. It still sort of is, but the beats kinda threw me off bc of my expectations so yeah, friction there.

If the production of Coachella was like WTWWAW, GBA or Get Free it would be such a wonderful track  :toofunny:

Fortunately, it really fits in the album after all.


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Guys that listened to the snippets


What are the best vocal lines you've heard so far? I'm considering breaking an listening to just one or two of them :defeated:

I need Lana to explore her vocals on this record


I love her vocals in in my feelings chorus. So amazing. And for some reason I adore her voice when she sings "why why why why why" in tomorrow never came. Quaking


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It really does, it's kinda like, liking something u don't want to like. Like the bitterness from a drink, but u secretly do  @@Roctab

Guys that listened to the snippets


What are the best vocal lines you've heard so far? I'm considering breaking an listening to just one or two of them :defeated:

need Lana to explore her vocals on this record 


Bring ear condoms, it's infectious. Don't have the link anymore bc I know I'll just listen to it to no end so . . . yeah


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Not as excited for the first half (except for Love) since the melodies, subject matter and lyrics are what we've all heard before from her past work.


However the second half of the album...  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated: I'm still sad the Shangri-La girl group influences went away. The opening 30 seconds of Lust for Life was the only good thing about that song :toofunny:  :toofunny: .


Still holding out hope though that LDR6 finally brings back the live drums & narco swing backdropping Lana's newfound witchy lust for a full-automated luxury gay space communism that abolishes all forms of capitalist paid work & an equal distribution of leisure time and socially necessary unpaid labour responsibilities across all genders, class and race  :thankyou:  .

I think I've found my soulmate

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I have yet to hear anything of 8 tracks, but wow, this is a beautiful breakdown. "Retro Futurism" come through afterall :defeated: Love is truly such a special song production wise and lyrically and I always knew it would be the perfect opener. There's such a theme of looking to the past in order to deal with the present and into the future throughout this era and i can not wait to hear how it manifests lyrically on the latter half of the record. When she talked about anxiety about the future and the state of the world in the Album Trailer, I really didn't get what she was saying - to me maybe she was even downplaying things... but if you consider Lana as being a fan of musicians who wouldve gone to things like Woodstock, of the more classic rock and folk music era of the 20th century... it really makes sense. She's right, its not like the people of that era didn't feel the world was ending too, but they still used music to make the most of things, and advocate and speak out as well as they could, and tbh they inspired a generation. I don't know if any of this is even intentional, but its lovely to think of in such a way and it really does make sense. 


I know she said the tracklist made a few changes in the last 3 months, If anything, it feels like Lana's experience at Coachella was actually really impactful and kind of shaped the current tracklist - perhaps the ordering of things and the replacing of a few tracks other than just the inclusion of Coachella. Even if I don't love the song (I just don't feel like the production on it makes much sense compared to the lyrics for Lana, but the last minute is heavenly) I've always defended that the concept --- of being at a music festival, celebrating life and joy and music, but having kind of flash backs to another festival where the focus was on Love & Peace, but in the middle of tensions rising yet again in the world... It didn't make Lana go all hippie "save the world kids, you're the future!" I don't think based on what we know of the track's lyrically, but its certainly quite profound and perhaps even a bit awe-inspiring. Like, "wow, this is happening again, and I don't want to just sit here and do nothing about it, but what can I, as a voice do?" Whether you think the track Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind was successful in conveying this or not, I think it's still really important. (And personally, I love the lyrics).


Personally now, I want some kind of video - whether it be homemade, or studio funded, etc. for a track on the latter half of the record :defeated:

I get the feeling that Lana doesn't feel overly satisfied with how her videos were handled in the UV era and the HM era, but so far (other than the album cover ~) I feel like LFL has been on point aesthetically and so far there seems to be evidence that Lana and her management are on the same wave length in regards to her videos. Love and LFL are imo some of her best videos, especially the former (it just needed one gay couple :defeated: )

What's even cooler, is that when you look at "Love" and "Coachella" as the intro/bridge, both stypes of the halves have exactly seven songs each. So fascinating. 

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Look at this, the post that started the whole "tracklist is fake" mess. Look how everyone was either disappointed or calling it fake. Little did we know  :defeated:


iconic tbh

???, ?????????

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Guys that listened to the snippets


What are the best vocal lines you've heard so far? I'm considering breaking an listening to just one or two of them :defeated:

need Lana to explore her vocals on this record 


Get Free, God Bless America and BPBP.

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The tracklist couldn't have just "coincidentally" ended up the way it did. Lana truly did plan this out well. I love how the first half has more summery and gritty songs with a contemporary production, while the second half has a more stripped back, lowkey feeling that speaks to the lost era of Woodstock. She truly bridges the gap between the past and the present and is appealing to both the younger and older audiences she has. She truly has outdone herself with this record. I cannot wait to see where we're headed with Lana Del Rey.

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