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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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According to Amazon, they can't guarantee my CD is going to be here for Friday which is annoying. I may just cancel my order and buy one in person because if I have to wait for the weekend to pass I'll be livid : :crossed:

Amazon can't really do anything except for getting it shipped before friday and hope the delivery service does what they're supposed to do



most retailers said they don't have the cds/vinyls in stock yet and some don't know when they're gonna get shipped (what i concluded from multiple posts of people calling and asking retailers such as fnac etc.). no german media retailer has lfl listed yet, not even amazon i wonder if stores get it on the 21st tbh.


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Should we expect a new single + video?

Yes please, Rich Lee did an amazing job with Love! Weren't we getting another video directed by him? Or was that LFL? =P

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Yes please, Rich Lee did an amazing job with Love! Weren't we getting another video directed by him? Or was that LFL? =P

no it was a video she filmed inside of a car


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how HM leaked? I don't remember 

We got it a week early thanks to those album signings in Urban Outfitters. All of lanaboards watched it live on periscope and we recorded the whole entire thing.

I still remember the first time I heard Religion, I have never felt closer to god :creep:

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