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Do you agree that Red Velvet is the best type of cake?

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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YES,  I've only had it once in my life,  but it's just so sweet and seductive. I want one at my wedding. 


Do you agree that peoples obsession with eggs (like wearing fried egg patterned shirts,  having egg pins on their bag,  etc)  is kinda weird.. 

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do you agree that choc. ice cream>>> vanilla ice cream?

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Hell no!


Do you agree that coffee is overrated

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Do you agree that homework is both annoying and unnecessary

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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I don’t celebrate Halloween or DdLM, but I’m gonna disagree because I read that Halloween originated in Ireland and some culture there.


Do you agree that Twitter is better than Instagram?

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Recently i have been agreeing with that. Ive considered deleting Instagram several times. Then twitter would be my only social media left :')



Do you agree that there is currently too much money spent on moving to space when it could and should be spent on helping our planet and people

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I totally agree, 100%


Do you agree that Honeymoon is one of the best Lana Del Rey albums and one of the best albums in the world? :hooker:


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Hell yeah I do.


Do you agree that cancel culture needs to be... cancelled?

If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?


video games GIF

I believe in Flipside/Is This Happiness?/Your Girl supremacy

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Hard to give a hard yes/no answer. I think we’ve seen a necessary correction, that was sparked by the Me Too movement, but it’s gone too far. Small mistakes or lapses of judgment 10, 20+ years ago shouldn’t be ending careers. 

Do you agree that summer is better than winter?


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