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Elle UK June 2017 Interview & New Confirmed Track - "God Bless America"

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Everytime Lana drops literally anything I just imagine you sobbing somewhere in public with people starring at you like you're crazy.

The worst thing is that it's completely legit that happened a billion times :toofunny: I've always been a cry baby but I don't fucking care I'm not one to hide my feelings, I love being known in uni as the crazy girl/trashcan that would drop everything in the world for a woman with collagened lips, and I'm lucky to be respected enough for them to let me weep and roll under the table everytime she barely breathes


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The worst thing is that it's completely legit that happened a billion times :toofunny: I've always been a cry baby but I don't fucking care I'm not one to hide my feelings, I love being known in uni as the crazy girl/trashcan that would drop everything in the world for a woman with collagened lips, and I'm lucky to be respected enough for them to let me weep and roll under the table everytime she barely breathes

Del Rey Trashcan on the streets

Del Rey Trashcan in the sheets


That's my kind of life.


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"That applies to me," she says. "I have cringy moments. Certain things I have said and songs I have done, but mostly the ones that were leaked... I mean, they're not my finest."

Omg why she gotta do Betty Boop Boop like this


"Lust For Life is out soon" I HATE!!!!!!


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The worst thing is that it's completely legit that happened a billion times :toofunny: I've always been a cry baby but I don't fucking care I'm not one to hide my feelings, I love being known in uni as the crazy girl/trashcan that would drop everything in the world for a woman with collagened lips, and I'm lucky to be respected enough for them to let me weep and roll under the table everytime she barely breathes

Which Uni do you go to?  I'm a student at Paris IV and I teach at Paris III.

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Which Uni do you go to?  I'm a student at Paris IV and I teach at Paris III.

Je suis à l'École de Communication Visuelle dans le 11ème! C'est une école de graphisme :)


Also I agree about Yosemite, I had a feeling Salvatore would be my favourite from HM because of its name and Lord was I right, and it's the same for Yosemite now so I remain extremely hopeful


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To her fans, Lana exists in flickering Super 8; the Manic Pixie Dream Girl who comes with no baggage or bad days, but is here only for you in a Valencia-filtered fantasy. She's an idea of a woman who didn't grow up anywhere, but emerged fully formed from the elevator at the Chateau Marmont Hotel. She's a montage of Americana, finished with a flick of black eyeliner.


:um2:  What fans would accuse Lana of being an MPDG? I am honestly confused by this description.


In hindsight, she says, she understands what the criticism and intrigue over her authenticity as an artist was about: "I think it comes down to energy, I really do. It wasn't overtly saying 'I'm unhappy' or 'I'm struggling' in my music, but I think maybe people did catch that and they were saying, 'If you're going to put music like that out there, you better fessup to it.' But I don't think I really knew how felt. Then when things got a little bigger with the music I was still figuring out what was important to me."



This is interesting. People see "contradictions" when you're trying to figure out how you feel. I'm glad she's determined to go in a constructive direction now, toward greater happiness. (But I hope she doesn't feel pressured to be only "positive" all the time :ohno: )



"I have cringy moments. Certain things I have said and songs I have done, but mostly the ones that were leaked... I mean, they're not my finest."

She's talking about her computer being hacked in 2010, when hundreds of unfinished songs were released online, without her permission.





He[r] friends are her family, says Lana and that's why she can't accept anything less than total honesty and trust from them: "The fact that l know that now everything a lot clearer. What's interesting is how unsafe we [could] feel among each other if we weren't able to express how we really feel. It's hard knowing that if you tell someone exactly how you feel, like if you're happy or unhappy, that could be the end of the relationship because they don't feel the same way."

We speak about the crews you pick up through your life and agree that, in your thirties, you are much better at surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good.


I love this. I think that before you can know if you can trust someone, you sort of have to develop the courage to put it all out there and see what they do with it. That gets easier, I guess, as you get older.



I wonder if we put too much emphasis on being happy and that in itself causes stress and anxiety, but Lana passionately disagrees: "No! I think happiness is the ultimate life goal. I think it's the only thing that's important. There are no mechanisms in place for routes to happiness, that's the whole fucking problem. I think people are unhappy in school - the education structure has been the same for a long time and kids are still not satisfied all over the world with their educational experience. And you don't have enough conversations when you're young about what makes for a satisfying mutual relationship. Those collective life experiences - your youth, your academic education and your education about business, marriage or relationship goals they all lead up to happiness. I think the emphasis is on the wrong things, and it has been for a long time."


Hmm. I actually think I agree with this (with reservations). A lot of us are taught not to prioritize happiness... and it's true that a More-Better-Now mentality can stress everyone out... but that doesn't mean happiness isn't important. You need a certain baseline to stay functional. Some people who mean well can unwittingly pressure others to try to be "content" with being miserable. And those who benefit from "the system" obviously have a lot to gain from telling everyone else to suck it up. So yeah, I think we need to go back in the direction of seeking out what makes us whole people. (But to an extent it's a pendulum that can swing too far in either direction.)



Lana tells me she's more socially engaged than ever; her fifth and latest album is a mix of personal introspection and outward-looking anthems, such as God Bless America, in which she sings: "God bless America and all the beautiful women in it." She says that, with this record, she was striving for a feeling that we're all in this together: "I think it would be weird to be making a record during the past 18 months and not comment on how [the political landscape] was making me or the people I know feel, which is not good. It would be really difficult if my views didn't line up with a lot of what people were saying."


I think she's saying it would be difficult to get people to see how our futures are interconnected, if she was the only person who saw it. But luckily there are plenty of people who aren't on board with the "Trump'll fix it" bullshit. (They're harder to find where I live. But now I'm feeling more hopeful about seeking them out.)



And as for her paean to America's women? "I wrote God Bless America before the Women's Marches sprung up, but I could tell they were going to happen. As soon as the election was over, I knew that was going happen. People were way more vocal and more active on social media and in real life, so I realised a lot of women were saying out loud that they needed support and they were nervous about some of the bills that might get passed that would directly affect them. So yes, it's a direct response in anticipation of what I thought would happen, and what did happen."

Predicting the Women's Marches must have taken a seriously smart, social instinct, or some kind of sorcery straight from one of her otherworldly Lust For Life trailers.


:worship: Using that Introverted iNtuition! I knew this lady's no INFP :)



"I'm going to write a book one day called, 'The curse of the frontman and why you should always date the bassist.'"


They've got more rhythm.  :flutter:  :teehee:





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