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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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i literally took screenshots before you decided to delete your comments. "not even true" lmao sure


now carry on, i have a physics test to study for




I seriously don't care about any of this :toofunny: I just don't so it's whatever. It's LanaBoards, even just you guys making this shit about me is dumb. I don't care about you guys lmao. Petty bullshit that I'm not interested in. I'd say the same if it was positive things about me if it was this long lol

There's absolutely nothing to discuss rn in here so obviously anyone reading is bored, so it really doesn't bother me. Besides that it's a fucking internet forum. I'd say I'm over it but I never cared.

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I seriously don't care about any of this :toofunny: I just don't so it's whatever. It's LanaBoards, even just you guys making this shit about me is dumb. I don't care about you guys lmao. Petty bullshit that I'm not interested in. I'd say the same if it was positive things about me if it was this long lol

There's absolutely nothing to discuss rn in here so obviously anyone reading is bored, so it really doesn't bother me. Besides that it's a fucking internet forum. I'd say I'm over it but I never cared.


then log out and never come back or just simply stop replying. were not making up anything. both of us have said we have screenshots. you DM'ed us, so clearly you care enough.


id like for this to be the last time i talk to you, so stop commenting on my statuses with weird stuff and don't DM me again

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then log out and never come back or just simply stop replying. were not making up anything. both of us have said we have screenshots. you DM'ed us, so clearly you care enough.


id like for this to be the last time i talk to you, so stop commenting on my statuses with weird stuff and don't DM me again


i'm obviously not gonna leave the boards because of some stupid messy shit so like i said to the other guy put me on your ignore list. obviously if you don't quote this post i won't say anything to you lol

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Why ya'll hating on HollywoodHills now? What did they do? (Genuinely curious) also I'm sorry for bringing this shit up again RIP

Called him out on being annoying. And he claimed he doesn't care about my opinion. So I clocked. And it escalated from there.

I think that was the right thing to do. What happens in the dm should stay in the dm.

Yea. This is the Last time I'm gonna talk about it. Sorry to anyone who felt like I was wrong. Maybe I could have handled it differently. Hopefully Elle will be lenient with punishment considering it wasn't THAT bad.

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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if she makes another album song with coachella production she is cancelled

I think the main problem was not the production but the lyrics in the verses. The chorus sounds beautiful & if you listen to the instrumental, it's great too. It was just that the verses didn't go along with the trip-hop beats. @ removed the verses & turned Coachella into an interlude & it sounds beautiful.

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