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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Lust for Life went all the up from 121 to 27 on this week's Billboard 200! The tour really boosted it




BUT GUYS BTD DROPPED TO 191! Never stop streaming


Yall better stream Born To Die, her best album. Lust For Life can flop, it's okay.



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Completely random, but I was thinking about this thread today, and I have some extremely personal thoughts to share about LFL now that its been completely released for 2+ months:



I have extremely vivid memories of where I was and what I was doing when the first singles dropped. I was finishing my last year of college and a lot of my close friends were Lana stans during my last semester. People on LB knew that "YAIL" was going to be released any week now, so of course I was randomly checking LB on my phone any chance I could get. Love was leaked while I was pregaming for a night on the town at my friend's place  :hdu: Anyways I told him the news and we listened to the freshly-leaked Love on his giant speakers and we were fucking GAGGEDT. We were definitely a little tipsy but we were SO HAPPY that we were finally getting new Lana. "You get ready, you get all dressed up to go nowhere in particular" was definitely a relatable lyric at the time LOL. Nowadays I don't really listen to Love that much, but it was totally the perfect lead single IMO. 


Fast forward 2 months later to April 19th, and Lust For Life (the title track) was making its debut on BBC Radio. I knew what time that LFL was going to debut on the radio, but instead I chose to go get lunch with the boy I was dating. I didn't want to say anything like "I can't be out in a loud restaurant right now bc I need to listen to new Lana as soon as it debuts" bc I didn't want to seem like some sort of psychotic super-fan :toofunny: At lunch I was getting texts from ~3 of my bestest Lana stan friends and they were like "IT'S RADIO FRIENDLY ITS PERFECT ITS BTD ERA ITS FLAWLESS" like they were hyping it up SOOOOOOO much lmao. As soon as we went back to my boy's place after lunch, we did some coke and listened to the new Lana. It was a Weeknd+Lana track so it felt super appropriate and my boy and I were huge cokeheads so... that's that. I thought the track was amazing. I remember seeing people on LB give LFL shit but I disagreed (and I still disagree!!). It's flawless and I listened to it for like 3 days straight. I used it's lyrics in an Instagram caption. I was obsessed. 


~2 months later she performed Cherry at the BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend (and at KROQ Weenie Fest). The guitars were giving me such UV-teas and the choreo was such a nice touch. We were all dying for a studio version once we had first heard it--but we weren't going to get it until the album was released. I was SO HYPED for this track. The "I fall to pieces when I'm with you" lyric was so relevant to stuff I was going through w/ my cokehead boy at the time. 


We also got our first peek of White Mustang around this summer. All I remember was crying in a Chick-Fil-A drive-thru while watching her instagram post. Yeah. RBFY was a similar experience IIRC. 


Coachella was released with NO PROMO. I was sitting in my parking garage listening to it for the first time and I thought it was a mistake--a demo or something. Nope. Anyways that's on that. It's grown on me I guess. The Instagram video she posted in the forest was sooooo cute though. 


Later that summer we got Summer Bummer and Groupie Love. I remember being kind of disappointed by both of them, but they've both grown on me a lot--especially SB. By this point in the year, I had already graduated college and moved home for the summer. So I was definitely experiencing a summer bummer myself  :facepalm:  I was literally on vacation with my parents in Florida. "White lines and black beaches, miles in between us..."--really Lana's entire verse encapsulated how I felt at the time RE: my now long-distance boyfriend. Hearing that verse for the first time was surreal. 


Later, while I'm still at the beach with my parents, the LFL snippets leaked. All of them. I was at the public library with my mom, niece, and nephew and they were looking for books to check out. I found an empty corner of the library and listen to all of the snippets on my iPhone speakers lol. My friends and I were texting each other in complete awe of BPBP. I listened to the snippets at least 30 times that day. I remember thinking the lyrics of Heroin being "Life rocked me like molly" and thinking it would be my fav track on the album. Anyways I was right and it is my fav off the album to this day  :flutter:


No more than a few days later, the ENTIRE album leaks online. It was like 1am local time but my faggot-ass was still about to listen to the entire thing even though I was exhausted. I was in my bed with my headphones listening to all the new tracks all the way through ~3 times. I remember being absolutely fucking shook by the 1-2-3 punch of BPBP, TNC, and Heroin. To this day, those are still my favs off the album. 


BPBP's lyrics don't really have a deep meaning to me, but just the fact that Stevie Nicks HERSELF decided to collab with Lana is mindblowing to me. "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac is one of my absolute favorite pop folk tracks of all time. Stevie is a fucking legend. My mom is a huge Stevie fan too, and after being on vacation with my mom for weeks, BPBP had a really deep meaning to me. It made my heart light up. I eventually showed this track to my mom and she loves it.  :creep:


My mom also loves TNC since she's a huge Beatles fan. I love TNC too. Out of all the tracks on LFL, TNC has definitely made me cry the most. I cry because the guitar is so beautiful, I cry bc Lana's voice is so beautiful, and I also cry because the lyrics reflected some of the personal shit I was going through at the time. My BF and I texted every day that summer talking about how we would see each other once I came back to Texas after the summer. I seriously couldn't wait for the summer to be over. The prospect of never seeing him again for some reason made me really anxious and really sad. This song seriously made me cry so much that it probably wasn't healthy honestly LMAO. Black Beauty is another track that made me cry too much and it also reminds me a boy. Mess!  :deadbanana: Anyways. I'm back in Texas now and I've met up with my BF again and we're fine. Tomorrow came. Lol.


Heroin also got me really worked up this summer. Staying with my parents for 3+ months was a lot like staying in rehab. I didn't do any drugs. I thought about how I was so focused on making myself better this summer, hoping to come back and show the world that I had really changed. But the hot weather was also making me kind of crazy. This track is spooky af to me. I relate to every single second of it--and still don't really know how to explain it or make sense of it. Get Free also has kind of a similar meaning to me, but Heroin is just way more relatable for some reason. 


The other tracks on LFL are cute but I don't have any super personal anecdotes for them.



Anyways thanks for letting me share even though I don't really know where to post this. LFL is such an amazing album and it really took me on a personal, spiritual journey this year xoxoxoxo


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When do you think she’s gunna announce the dates? Tmw or Friday? Cuz it will be the same day for Middle East dates

I know just as little as you. =/ Well, it’s Wednesday and the middle of the week, so hopefully today?

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hope lorde doesn't wins

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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