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31 minutes ago, slayyyngel said:

As someone who was a diehard Kim fan up until Slutpop 1 released... I just dont understand the thought behind doing it again.

Its definitely the weakest of all of her bodies of work let alone just lacking in any artistic depth or quality. There are so many artists making "erotic pop" music actually bringing something to the table while this is just.......... well, it exists.


Like, what really is the benefit for releasing this? Just more controversy and shock value? It feels like since slutpop, unholy, jesus is a rockstar, feed the beast shes really trying to get a lil nas x moment to get headlines and propel her forward but at what cost to the music quality?


After Feed the Beast I thought she'd kind of be given more reigns over her music / aesthetic direction. I guess I dont know why, but in Era 1 and Clarity, and TOTL, I saw Kim as being an artist that had a bit of a cool edge charisma to her. But it really seems like all she has to offer is "slutpop", "coconuts", and "slutpop miami".... from someone who just doesnt genuinely give off this type of energy in interviews.


I think thats what really gets to me too with these slutpop records is its just so clear that this is kim trying to put on a characterization that she isn't exactly pulling off like Ayesha or Slayyyter do. At her core Kim is a goofy, quirky, socially awkward pop culture nerd and she isn't really fooling anyone pretending shes a regina george sex goddess. She's just trying way, way too hard.

Ma'am this is a Wendy's 

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Ouch...that teaser. I feel so bad for her, and I wonder how she feels about having to degrade herself in this manner. If she is okay with it or finds it empowering, well fine, but she takes vulgarity to a new level and it's beyond distasteful. And for what exactly? I know, this is the project that the record label actually allows her to release so she has to take what she can get. The whole situation is just so sad. I would not be surprirsed if she regretted signing to that label.

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3 minutes ago, Creyk said:

Ouch...that teaser. I feel so bad for her, and I wonder how she feels about having to degrade herself in this manner. If she is okay with it or finds it empowering, well fine, but she takes vulgarity to a new level and it's beyond distasteful. And for what exactly? I know, this is the project that the record label actually allows her to release so she has to take what she can get. The whole situation is just so sad. I would not be surprirsed if she regretted signing to that label.


Slut Pop is Kim’s idea, she even said she had an idea for the sequel a year ago. She’s not being forced into lmao. 


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5 minutes ago, jumpropesparklequeen said:


Slut Pop is Kim’s idea, she even said she had an idea for the sequel a year ago. She’s not being forced into lmao. 


It's so weird when she has to fight to be allowed to release Feed the beast / problématique and then this project is always announced out of the blue and is released without any hiccups. Clearly the label is fine with putting out this one, maybe because they believe sex sells. But when she wants to bring quality she is held back.

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14 minutes ago, Creyk said:

It's so weird when she has to fight to be allowed to release Feed the beast / problématique and then this project is always announced out of the blue and is released without any hiccups. Clearly the label is fine with putting out this one, maybe because they believe sex sells. But when she wants to bring quality she is held back.


xxx was trending on tiktok so it makes sense to release the follow-up rn. IA with you. The overt sex/drug image is a bit much for me.

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am i the only one who thinks this soooo not subtle “slut pop (and now miami)” concept is so fucking cringey?


it’s like that one annoying girl in high school that’s constantly like “omg i’m such a little slut i’m such a whore i love cock yassss 🤪



also, did she take ozempic or am i going crazy


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i really hate slut pop, not as a concept (i love a good ayesha rip off moment) but the songs are TRASH. the lyricism is lazy, the production even more so. her career became such a mess the moment she signed to that label, i miss the clarity days

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If she's all for slut empowerment, then by all means go for it. Just make sure the music's good as well. 


I really like the teaser for Slut Pop Miami, but I wish the music is actually creatively slutty this time around. If you're gonna be inspired by Ayesha, at least take some better notes. 


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2 hours ago, champainproblms said:

i really hate slut pop, not as a concept (i love a good ayesha rip off moment) but the songs are TRASH. the lyricism is lazy, the production even more so. her career became such a mess the moment she signed to that label, i miss the clarity days

So bad. The beats are headache inducing in addition to the disgusting lyrics. 

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1 hour ago, Veinsineon said:

Yeah slut pop isn’t just bad, it’s cheap, as minimal effort as possible, and just not that clever. CupcakKe was making raunchy music 10 years ago….. nobody will remember throat goat unless it’s to cringe

That's more or less my take on it as well. Cheap raunch isn't really the thing I personally would prefer to see Kim trying to tack on into her career and legacy. She's proven with a lot of earlier work that she's got talent and vocal chops; I think going "slut" with it could be done really well, with the right effort and planning, but there's a line where it starts to feel more like SNL sketch songs...

Idk, for me it just feels like a step backwards in many areas, and poor representation of her and her talents.

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4 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

Yeah slut pop isn’t just bad, it’s cheap, as minimal effort as possible, and just not that clever. CupcakKe was making raunchy music 10 years ago….. nobody will remember throat goat unless it’s to cringe

it’s literally giving uninspired cheap Aliexpress Slayyyter/Ayesha with an extra dose of cringy nudity, lip licking and tit grabbing

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20 hours ago, champainproblms said:

i really hate slut pop, not as a concept (i love a good ayesha rip off moment) but the songs are TRASH. the lyricism is lazy, the production even more so. her career became such a mess the moment she signed to that label, i miss the clarity days


Yeah I agree with you, the concept is good, it's just the lazy and repetitive production as long as simple lyrics with 4 verses and a one sentance chorus all over and over again. Slut pop was NOT good quality.


I actually love songs that are about intimacy, most of them are in my top favorite songs, for example "Get Mine Get Yours" by Xtina is sexy as fuck but really well done, both production and lyrical wise.

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