Lad 8,803 Posted December 20, 2017 Oh wow this freaking tanked. I guess it’s time to cancel. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bekim 2,576 Posted December 20, 2017 How did I not notice You've got competition 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Homogenic 1,148 Posted December 20, 2017 You've got competition Oh, really? Whomstve? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loleetah 4,087 Posted December 20, 2017 Best bet my entrance will be legendary (This is the day after my tour date lol) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SparkleJumpropeNoose 8,750 Posted December 20, 2017 "most triggered" is an ugly ass catagory, get ur stuff together with that gross and damaging usage of that word 3 Quote CAUSE BACK IN SCHOOL WE ARE THE LEADERS OF IT ALL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted December 20, 2017 And we're introduced to the first not-so-nice category. First of all, do not take these negatively - remember it's all for fun and you're getting an award too so, it’s a win-win situation. Kind of. Anyway… now yes, this place is filled with musical intellectuals, but there’s also the occasional Allie X fan here and there. Let’s celebrate that person whose taste makes you feel a certain way about them. JSFMSFJNDDNJGFHVGGBBNBDSAXDSXC I'm gonna snatch this award! 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brooklyn Baby 1,974 Posted December 20, 2017 cant wait!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted December 20, 2017 "most triggered" is an ugly ass catagory, get ur stuff together with that gross and damaging usage of that word It's internet slang and I literally explained its meaning in the description. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jean 4,117 Posted December 20, 2017 Are we gonna post pics here of ourselves arriving? I need to know. 0 Quote Twitter: johndelferro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted December 20, 2017 (Courtesy of @@lmdr) Well hello there! I am pleased, to say the least, to welcome you back – or introduce you, if you’re a new member – to the Lipsters Awards 2017! This will be our third ever consecutive event. Now, as you may have realized from previous installments, these awards are something else! It’s that time of the year when we all gather ‘round to honor those members that have risen to prominence in the spawn of these past twelve months. Those members whose presence in this …interesting website have made our overall experience better – or worse. But we do not just celebrate those members that have gained notoriety and celebrity, we also embrace everyone else: newcomers, not-so-popular members, and those who have chosen the very wise decision to leave this place. And also those ones who got kicked out of the party. We are here for everyone! If you still don’t get what this celebration is about, I’m gonna copy and paste the same description I’ve used for the past two years: The Lipsters Awards 2017 are a forum event made for us, the LanaBoards community, to have a good time and reflect on the big online personalities that shined through 2017. Users nominate each other in several categories, and the winners get announced in our iconic Ceremony, which this year will take place on January 14th. I’d also like to take the time to thank my friends @@lmdr , @Garland Rose and @@Brooklyn Baby (@honeymouns on Instagram) for helping me put this together. Enough said, it's time to introduce you to this year's categories. Some may be familiar, some have been revamped, and some are debuting tonight. Contrary to last year, our current-reigning users can be nominated in the same category they won last time. We love a dictatorship! DISCLAIMER: REMEMBER THIS IS ALL FOR FUN. DON'T THINK IT'S PERSONAL IF YOU GET A NOMINATION IN A CATEGORY YOU MAY CONSIDER "NEGATIVE". I ASSURE YOU THERE'S NO REAL HATE AGAINST YOU. ANY MAJOR ISSUE MAY RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF SAID CATEGORIES (all of them) NEXT YEAR.And we all know it wouldn't be half as entertaining. This title is granted to that member who's always online. Posting, updating, contributing, etc... It's time to recognize said member's input! We can’t give them a social life, but we can give them this award! I think this category explains itself. Again, another category that explains itself. This one is for the #Lipster whose username shines the brightest to you. That user whose username you wish you had, or maybe not, let’s be real - but is iconic nonetheless. Now, well - we all have an incredible taste, if it wasn't this way we wouldn't be part of a Lana Del Rey forum. But there's someone whose taste you adore, and it's time to recognize them. Could be musically, sonically, cinematically, lyrically, mathematically - y'all get it. And we're introduced to the first not-so-nice category. First of all, do not take these negatively - remember it's all for fun and you're getting an award too so, it’s a win-win situation. Kind of. Anyway… now yes, this place is filled with musical intellectuals, but there’s also the occasional Allie X fan here and there. Let’s celebrate that person whose taste makes you feel a certain way about them. And we’re back to being nice! Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to host these. This award is for all Mixx Congenialities out there. Pretty self-explanatory, this award goes to the #Lipster who's always nice to everyone. LanaBoards' Sweetheart deserves to be awarded too. On the flipside, there are some members who are, well... not that nice (in your opinion). This title will be granted to that #Lipster who is not in a good mood when they post some - or most - of their comments. Do not worry if you get nominated to this, you are also LanaBoards' sweetheart... with LanaBoards in need of a heart transplant. So, tryna keep these categories as tame as possible, because we certainly know some users on here like to create, ignite, instigate and contribute drama — we have rebranded the Bitchiest Member award to something more GP. So, what’s Sassiest Member for? Well, this award is for that member who *cue drag queen voice* likes to feel their fantasy and be that bitch we all strive to be. Being a bitch is not being rude, it's being real even if that makes you seem shady. So now it's time to award that little shady bitch! It’s back! Even when the main boards are dead, I’d be lying if I said the Status Updates bar isn’t there to give us a good laugh. Filled with drama and other random things, it's time to award that #Lipster whose statuses are the highlight of your online days. I’ll use this space to announce that the Favorite Blogger category will not be returning this year, due to low activity on that section of the boards. LanaBoards' very own mommies and daddies are also very important. Now, this is not for the grown men who browse the forum in search of Lana's nudes (or Lizzy Grant era material, you know who you are), no no no. Veteran Member is for the users who have been here since the very beginning and are still active (RIP GagaOopsy 2012-2012 ). Not gonna lie, as each year passes by, the users pool to choose from for this category gets smaller and smaller. We have some fellow Lipsters who may not be that popular, but they are part of our family nonetheless. Show them love nominating them here and make them realize they do not go unnoticed! Everyone is a #Lipster4Life. Oooooohhh! This category finna be filled this year, particularly. It's time to honor our fallen members who are probably still reading us but can't share their controversial opinions no more (We see you @AmericanBeauty! How’s Trump’s America going? Is it everything you expected it to be? ). This posthumous award will be given to that #Lipster who's not with us anymore, but still holds a place in our hearts. What's better than this? Nothing. Well, maybe getting unbanned, but sorry we don't have that power… yet. And talking about members who are not walking among us anymore, I’d like to take this opportunity to announce that the Most Missed Member category is not coming back. I supposed this year specially said category would share several nominees with the former [banned Member]. Clean and simple, this award goes to the most dedicated fan in LanaBoards. That fan with a complete unreleased collection, who listens to Lana Del Rey live performances (my condolences to your ears), who likes Honeymoon, who's capable of breaking into Lana's house. That one fan. DEBUTING THIS YEAR! And serving as the anti-thesis of Biggest Stan, this new category is pretty self-explanatory. Even though this freaking place is called LanaBoards, and is a site meant for discussion related to american singer-songwriter and surgery devotee Lana Del Rey, there’s plenty people who fucking dislike her. I know right? Yeah, I still don’t get it either, but we need to cover all fields! We are being generous with these new categories! Now, I think we’ve all noticed by now that our Entertainment section is pretty active. We have many users around here who like Lana Del Rey, but are also BIG fans of other musicians and acts. Not gonna lie this award is for all of those users who can’t seem for the life of dear God to leave the motherfucking Charli XCX thread. Someone let them know they’re getting awarded too! Get them the memo! Now, some of you may be asking yourselves - what's being "extra"? Besides having a dramatic behaviour, someone who is "extra" is over the top, blows things way out of proportion and is way too much in general. Now, this category is kind of the little sister of our soon-to-be-revealed Vanguard Award. Yeah, basically the consolation prize for all the users who won’t be able to snatch that Vanguard Award nomination. That #Lipster who is a LEGEND, whose username reflects LanaBoards history, obviously deserves their own award. This one is for LanaBoards royalty. This one is for those Lipsters who go off unexpectedly at a minor detail. Not an actual trigger! If you still fail to realize what this category is all about, here's context: Normal user: *makes a clear joke.*Triggered user: you're always so negative on this forum like seriously fuck off. Kali is an amazing artist. User 1 (minding their own business): Born to Die is my favorite Lana album <3.User 2 (out of nowhere): lmao how do you even dare to say this!!! Lana will never top her classic rock magnum opus Ultraviolence!! Born to Die was pure commercial bullshit!! !! Nicely put, this is the award for that member who's always trying to be the center of attention. It's time to give them the recognition they deserve and sought for this whole year. Given the fact that the Troll award is not making a return this year (oh wait, I hadn’t announced that. Anyway.) I think it’s fair to say this category also encapsules those users who like to troll around the boards. Glue your wig Constantine! Anyway, back to being good human beings! This award is for the Most Pacific Member. This category has been made for those level-headed members who are always keeping peace in check. Those member who stay in their lane in case of conflict, and also prefer to solve any differences in a reasonable way, without any kind of drama or fighting. This one is for the Lipsters who like to end discussions and restore calmness in our beautiful land. As Marguerite Perrin aka God Warrior would say, these users are here to "put God in our hearts". Do not confuse this title with 'nicest member'. Peace keepers may be pacific, but that does not mean they're always nice! On the flipside, we have the shit-stirrers, the eye-turners, the p r o b l e m a t i c members. We still love you! In one way or another, you give us life. Kind of. I mean, a win is a win! If Donald Trump was able to win the elections, you’re able to win an award too, problematic member! Previously known as the Be My Daddy award, we’ve decided to be more inclusive and keep it gender neutral! Yes, this one is for the finest face and/or body in LanaBoards. Have in mind, maybe they'll be very grateful to us and they'll post dick pics! or kitty pics, or strap-on pics, or butt pics. Or probably nothing , but their beauty needs to be recognized. Yaaaaayy! I bet you thought you’d seen the last of this category. But no, Favorite Hoarder is back! And cooler than ever! Because we do not just love a hoarder, we love THE hoarders who come through with songs, videos and / or pictures for all us to enjoy! The new name for the awards makes more sense, right? NEW CATEGORY! Now, we just talked about those who come through, but what about those who don’t? This award is for all those scammers who promised something but never delivered. We needed this category right? I believe in the ying and the yang. We have the good, but we also have its counterpart. Time to let our rage out in name of all those broken promises! Neil Krug outtakes coming at 300 followers? Yeah, right. Your Girl unedited? Sure we got it. That Jack Antonoff studio session? Never came to fruition. Do not forget this site is dedicated to the liar of all liars, Lana Del Rey herself. And you can nominate her if you want, too. Bitch I’m still waiting for my signed Lust for Life CD, or my phone call for purchasing her album, or my tour dates, or my box set, or… yeah. This award is for that member who's still developing their LanaBoards persona but has a bright future and it's going to be an icon soon enough. Do not nominate fossils on this one! We want fresh, but impactful, faces. Now y’all thought all of our specially titled awards were gone! NO! How could we get rid of such an iconic award name as Delete It Fat. Do you know of that one member who you see their posts and think "delete it fat"? This is the award for them. In other words, this is the award for the most annoying member. Don't be mad if you get nominated, we don't think you're annoying - you're annoying because we think so! LanaBoards is full or artists, and they deserve to be recognized too. This award is for the #Lipsters with talent. Remember, this does not only include users who do graphics and fan art, it also includes LanaBoards' very own musicians and all kinds of resident artists. This category may be awarded to two users. In my opinion the biggest award of them all, this title will be granted to the Sluttiest Member! Take that as whichever way you understand it. Our Christina Lucci could mean anything. This one’s a fun one. After some deliberation, we have decided this will not be an open category. But we’re announcing it anyway. This award and its nominees will be decided and hand-picked by our very exclusive elite committee. We want to award those members who are known by everyone, who are on everyone's mouth and whose relevancy makes lots jealous. Not to be confused with Lipster of the Year, this award is for all those relevant users whose popularity doesn't mean they ARE the user of the year, but still pretty successful on their own. We love a legend! Committee members will be revealed in the near future. Us #Lipsters love leaks, and they deserve to be awarded too. Original songs / very different alternate versions will be the only ones taken into account, so there's not much trouble to the users who have not listened to them. Your GirlBest American RecordI Want It All Well that was short. 2017. Looked good. Last year everyone died, this year everyone is dead to us. We got many exposes worldwide this 2017. In LanaBoards, it’s a staple that we cannot function without drama. It's time to crown the biggest drama of 2017! The formally biggest award of the night, this is the time to award the Member of the Year. That #Lipster who is the whole package. Only those with Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent will have the chance to be crowned LanaBoards' Next Lipster Superstar. Preselection period starts NOW and ends January 1st, 2018 at 23:59 EST. This year, we have finally caught up with the modern technologies and Preselection will be easier than ever. You just have to click THIS LINK and submit your ballot. Here’s some information you may wish to learn about to correctly participate in the Preselection period: 1. Please submit at least 2 or 3 pre-nominees for each category. You just have to hit “enter” for each user so each one has their own line so it doesn’t get submitted as one, big, long, convoluted line that will make the data harder to compile. I know you guys aren’t dumb but I feel like I had to explain that just in case. I believe in you! 2. You have to vote in every category, pretty please. You can skip some if you want, but please - I beg you - try to fill in most categories. You have quite some time to figure out your pre-nominees, don’t be lazy! 3. As soon as you submit your ballot, please let me know in this thread or DMs that you have voted. Just in case there’s someone trying to impersonate you. This place has history with people who enjoy impersonating, am I right?. 4. Don’t worry, I turned off the compile emails option. Your privacy is safe! The Voting stage will start with the official nominees announcement on January 3rd, 2018 and ends January 13th. Same method, this time around you will only vote for ONE user of the 4-5 official nominees. I will explain more once we enter this stage. Ceremony will take place January 14th, 2018. Schedule and more details will be announced later. 22 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Off To The Races 2010 demo pls 19,335 Posted December 20, 2017 1 Quote "ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted December 20, 2017 I loooove it!Can't wait 0 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hornymoon 5,772 Posted December 20, 2017 even though I'm a new member I'm a fresh new face and have already established myself here as a skinny legend, I look forward to collecting my awards and accolades 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,797 Posted December 20, 2017 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groupie Lover 1,267 Posted December 20, 2017 OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING YOU GUYS 0 Quote i will love you until the end of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerbomb 65,600 Posted December 20, 2017 @ for "most underrated memeber" bc she deserves the world but y'all can't see it yet. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TROPICUM 6,407 Posted December 20, 2017 can’t wait for that ‘attention whore’ award 1 Quote ???, ????????? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweetie 6,629 Posted December 20, 2017 i'm loving the 2017 LanaBoards cohort. they make it very easy to compile my nominations for the delete it fat, most problematic, attention whore, most triggered, rudest member, and worst taste categories. there are so many users who qualify! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AKASAKA SAWAYAMA 7,893 Posted December 20, 2017 oh well, you should have added rape supporter category so i could have voted for some supporters from melanie thread 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites