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Elle UK June 2017 Interview & New Confirmed Track - "God Bless America"

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God Bless America must've been the last or at least one of the last tracks she made for the album since the Women's Marches were in January

She's been working on this album very long, so I hope it'll be a masterpiece.


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@   God Bless could have been recorded in November after the election, as she specifically says she forecast the woman's march was going to happen

(and they were solely because of the theft of the election, had Hillary been seated there wouldn't have been a march of 10 million women in DC and other states and  millions

worldwide in solidarity.


Lust for life and Lov are both also protest songs (and those thinking Lust is a teenybopper song, once again have missed the message, it is not about sex, and Love is telling everyone to hold on, speak out, have some fun and don't become so depressed one would kill themselves


Looking forward to hearing it.


and glad all the women singers are sticking together, and more and more becoming political.

If a dictatorlike Trump with anti-women anger and hatred, and anger management issues isn't neutralized, no one will have rights to do anything anymore.

One of Trump's cabinet members (Price, the health one, actually had a reporter arrested for asking a question.)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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God Bless America must've been the last or at least one of the last tracks she made for the album since the Women's Marches were in January


She said she wrote it earlier and was kind of trying to predict what was about to happen


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i'm so curious to hear what the song sounds like, love and lust for life sound so different i really don't know what to expect with this album . honestly even bar (sonically) goes better with love than lfl does. maybe lfl was her only kind of pop sounding song cause that's kind of abels sound, but i can't imagine her making songs like that with stevie and sean so idk :/ i just hope everything has a summer vibe cause lfl sounded a little bit cold to me, i might even go in and add some record crackle and ambience on my own just to warm it up lol


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hm so strange of her to finally admitting she indeed had some sort of persona back in 2012... not sure how to feel about it


She doesn't really need to admit to it, it's true.


But I wonder to what extent her persona existed. Like, were the things she claimed were true about herself actually true?


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i'm so curious to hear what the song sounds like, love and lust for life sound so different i really don't know what to expect with this album . honestly even bar (sonically) goes better with love than lfl does. maybe lfl was her only kind of pop sounding song cause that's kind of abels sound, but i can't imagine her making songs like that with stevie and sean so idk :/ i just hope everything has a summer vibe cause lfl sounded a little bit cold to me, i might even go in and add some record crackle and ambience on my own just to warm it up lol

She said there will be an acoustic section on the album. The songs with the old guys will be those probably

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I literally haven't stopped crying all my way home in the metro like idk how I can be worthy of such a beautiful inside and out person. I'm so proud of stanning Lana like how can she manage to top her best shoot ever everytime I'm at a complete loss of words for how B E A U T I FU L this woman is. The BTD reference the engagement fuck my ass raw no vaseline she's so fucking beautiful omg


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