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Showing most liked content on 08/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 9 likes
    The more albums that get released in 2020, the more it becomes clearer that Taylor is truly at the top of her game. She's miles ahead of everyone else sonically and lyrical--and tbh i think its because of her close relationship with her fans. She doesn't really write about her own celebrity-world troubles in her music, she writes them from the perspective of her average teenage fans, who share stories with her and she listens; and that's what makes her music so universally relatable. Not many of us can relate to living for cheering crowds, or overcoming the confusing world of celebrity--but we can all relate to love triangles, high school drama, drifting apart from our childhood friends, etc. etc. And that's why all her music has always been "folklore", bc it captures the common feelings of a group/subculture, and not just Taylor herself
  2. 7 likes
    I’ve been listening to WGFU on repeat all morning... can’t wait to trip acid to this bop
  3. 6 likes
    Since all these other songs are leaking, can someone PLEASE leak Reverse n Stop??!? It’s my absolute favorite & im sick of listening to the fcking simlish version on YouTube
  4. 6 likes
    Still trying to figure out which High on Helium is the real one
  5. 5 likes
    do yall think that the VV vinyls/merch could be a strategy to secure funding for high-budget Janet album... this is my fantasy at least.
  6. 5 likes
    girl it’s okay to say you made a mistake, chill out.....
  7. 5 likes
    did we frl not have a BLACKPINK thread?!?! WTF but....Ice Cream is tragic Sour Candy & How You Like That on the other handBANGERS
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