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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Favourite Lana Songs   
    SitarDrunk, i'd like to see you on Robitussin. Down a whole bottle one night and then take to LanaBoards and just post all night. Please? Come on, i'll buy you a beer afterwards. GET DRUNK, MAN.
  2. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Fergie   
    Video is amazing
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Fergie   
    I love Fergie and I think The Dutchess was a great album. Love Glamourous, London Bridge, Fergalicious,..but Clumsy has a special place in my pop library
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    Better than what?? Just curious lol. I def like After the Afterparty but I can't hear it being much better than anything else she's released, in any universe.
  5. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Lana sang Leonard Cohen's  "Chelsea Hotel"  years ago, first I believe singing it in concert in Canada, then the Endless Summer tour she sang it every night.
    Lana sang Lou Reed years before he died and was in fact going to record with Lou on the exact day he died without warning.
    Lana sang "terence loves you" long BEFORE Bowie died
    Seems Lana is a trendsetter even in that way, singing a song of, or with or about the legends BEFORE they died, not afterwards.
    and Lana sang in American about going slow
    years before Leonard Cohen sang almost the same thing himself.
    Lana has sung about Springsteen
    Personally, I had been hoping for a Lana/Leonard duet album, like he did with Jennifer Warnes among others. Or perhaps a Christmas song between the two of them.
    Unfortunately, that won't happen now.
    BTW, I would love it if Chelsea #2 made an album, making it an official cut.
    And there are mixes of him/her on the song on youtube (though not professionally done)
  6. evalionisameme liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    Better than what?? Just curious lol. I def like After the Afterparty but I can't hear it being much better than anything else she's released, in any universe.
  7. xcx liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    Better than what?? Just curious lol. I def like After the Afterparty but I can't hear it being much better than anything else she's released, in any universe.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Masochism in Charli XCX   
    it probably was fake guys ahaha
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    GOD Honeymoon (title track) is so stunning.  
    truly underappreciated. why does everyone think it's boring?  
  10. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Agreed. It's a shame because I love the song itself - the production is just weird and off. 
    I would love a reworked version of it! I think she sounds beautiful & the lyrics are very sweet. 
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by reputation in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Afraid is one pof her worst studio songs
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in New Moderator Application: MODS ANNOUNCED   
    :thumb2: :thumb2: :thumb2: :thumb2: :thumb2:
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    sorry only tax payers are allowed to post in this topic
  14. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Y'all acting like people are coming to America to steal your job and land and never have plans on becoming legal citizens. When someone comes here to escape torture or economic collapse or dictatorship in their home country we need to accept them - our country's history is based on that. People come here, work, pay taxes, don't commit crimes and are still denied citizenship. Do you realize people waiting on paperwork to go through are still considered illegal? What do you think people who have been here for a decade reapplying for citizenship, working and paying taxes should do? Give up, go to their home county and risk being murdered or not being able to work or provide for their families? America isn't the best country, but it's better than some places. Not everyone can stay and fight in their home country, some people need to escape for protection.
    My great grandma was an illegal immigrant the majority of her life. She escaped the holocaust and came here thinking she had a chance. She applied for citizenship over and over again, she had one judge spit in her face and said he would never grant citizenship to a kike. Though that kind of behavior is less common now, there's still judges who base citizenship on race, ethnicity and religion, they let bigotry determine their ruling. Everyone's soooo afraid of Mexican immigration but this is the same shit that's happened the past century. People feared Irish, Italians, Catholics and Jews coming over and destroying America.. but they didn't.. and neither will any other group of people. Fear of immigrants is drenched in bigotry. Literally no one is fearing white immigrants because they fit into average America, they only the brown ones. 
  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Lad in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    LMAO! In times like these is when people show their true colors.
    First of all, @Joker no need to get defensive. Uhm, no - let me correct myself. No need to get offensive. No need to call me stupid or ask me if I know how to read. Calm down miss thing!
    I know Illegal inmigration is, yes - for the lack of a better word - illegal. But you hold so much resentment on them because they're taking away "your" shit... most illegals cross the border out of need and desperation, they're not there to fuck you up, bro. But yes, at the end of the day what they're doing is illegal and that's why they get deported. Even during Obama's presidency there were lots of deportations, but those were done because that's the law, not because of hate.
    Your example makes no sense, I stand by what I said. You're comparing an entire group (illegal immigrants) to thieves (aka putting them on a bad light). An entire group. If I remember correctly, you got so triggered when the same thing was done to you when users expressed their opinion (given the right of free speech lol am I right ladies?) that all Trump supporters are racist / misogynist / homophobic / etc. ?????
    From what I can read (yes, I can!) your main reasons to vote Trump this election were 1) you dislike Hillary and 2) immigration. Don't you forget Trump (and his VP Pence) also came for the LGBT community so all I can say to you is, stay safe. x
    Yeah, ever since his acceptance speech he seems to have toned it down (a little). We can only hope...
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I saw this on reddit and I think this is extremely important. I don't care if you're anti Trump or pro Trump, this affects absolutely everybody. It affects people across the world, it affects the people in our nation. It affects you, your children, your grandchildren, their grandchildren, etc. Please take your time to read. I'm absolutely horrified. 
    "Climate is the biggest concern I have by a landslide. Trump's 100 day plan includes allowing for coal/oil/shale extraction from protected sites, a strong arm for pipelines through protected areas (specifically pointing to Keystone as his champion cause), promises to gut $50 billion of environmental spending to UN programs, promises to undo sanctions on pollution, and also has a bunch of clauses which, if implimented, would impact all fields, but including and especially climate science (such as his desire to require two regulations be removed arbitrarily if one regulation will be passed).
    He is appointing a leading climate change denier to the EPA, which he has discussed dismantling all together. He has discussed removing the FDA all together, removing educational advisement from his cabinet, and rewarding companies with tax incentives to expand in destructive areas while simultaneously promising to remove the restrictions put in place to mitigate harm done to the environment in the process.
    A lot of this he can get done via executive order. A lot of it beyond that he can get done with house and senate support, which he has.
    This is not an instance of conspiracy theories or "what ifs" being thrown around. He has promised these things, and has the tools to deliver. It would literally take him saying "naw nevermind" to stop this from happening.
    Any one of the items listed above would cause damage to the environment that will take decades, if not longer to reverse, if it even can be reversed at this point, during a time that we are already losing an uphill battle to protect our environment. And he's not talking about one item. He's talking about all of them, and has the ability, and intent, to do everything he says.
    And that's just enviroment. People have a right to be afraid. I would be afraid with a Clinton presidency because I wasn't sure she'd do enough. I would be afraid with a blue house/senate to stand in Trumps way, because I'd be worried they wouldn't do enough. What we actually have, is a scenario where people who deny climate change are now in un-checked power, and are salivating at the chance to make a quick buck off immeasurable damage to our planet.
    The planet will recover and move on, the question is if we will be around when it happens. This is not an issue that we can really afford to "wait 4 to 8 years and vote better next time." We have already reached the emergency point according to any scientist worth listening to.
    Forgive me if I don't see much opportunity for "it won't be so bad" when it comes to specifically climate change. I could ignore everything else he's doing (which I won't, but we're speaking hypothetically here) and I think stress and alarm is still perfectly in the scope of reason regarding his promises. Even if we "think" he'll do a ton of damage, but he only does a lot of damage, the damage is too severe and has ramifications too drastic to ignore."
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Lad in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Your example makes no sense. You're saying all illegal people (or "Mexicans" as you like to call them, because not all inmigrants are from Mexico if you didn't know!) enter the country to fuck you up. And to quote your soon-to-be president: WRONG.
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Rem in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Sure jan.
    How much did they pay you to search the internet to defend trump on different forums?

  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Don't try to gaslight people's fears. There are very real threats to a lot of our safety. In 2 months we're going to have a government run by people who are anti-gay, anti-trans anti-choice anti-Islam anti-Latinx anti-Black anti-Native  anti-women, pro-pipeline, pro-conversion, pro-war, pro-racial profiling...
    We were just starting to make progress and all of that could be taken away. Just because something isn't going to personally effect you or your country doesn't mean these aren't real threats. Trump preaches an anti-Islam rhetoric extremely similar to the anti-Jewish rhetoric that nearly killed my entire family. Don't try to tell me with the full power of the government he can't cause a lot of harm. 
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    people literally took the time out of their day to go to the polls and write in Harambe for president. imagine having this privelege to joke around while other people are fearing deportation, gay marriage getting annulled, police force getting stronger while innocent african americans are getting killed, etc. truly tragic
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I volunteer for a suicide prevention hotline and ever single person calling is non-white, non-Christian &/or lgbtq. It's been non-stop all night. This isn't because of politics, this is people literally fearing for their lives. This is children fearing conversion therapy becoming legal because their parents have said they're going to force them to go. This is people fearing their citizenship.This is people fearing their places of worship being targeted. This is people fearing racial profiling becoming legal in their states. This is people fearing being murdered by police officers and their murderers walking free. This is people fearing real things that are really happening. This isn't democrats being "sore losers" this is bigots winning complete control of America.
    To anyone who didn't vote, or voted third party or wasted your vote on Harmabe or Batman... you're a fucking ass hole. Fuck your privileged apathy. Fuck you for putting yourself over these lives.I have absolutely no respect for anyone who didn't do everything they could to prevent Trump. 
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Constantine in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Fucking unfathomable. Plain Evil. I have no words.
  23. Elle liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in New Moderator Application: MODS ANNOUNCED   
    exxcxsuses me misses but Shart Echo is the best song on Hornymoon so plz see yourself out xoxo - Billy 
  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in New Moderator Application: MODS ANNOUNCED   
    PART 2 OF APPLICATION PROCESS: You must PM @FROGGO a cute animal gif to even be CONSIDERED as a potential mod. If not, girl byeee
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