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Everything posted by Lust

  1. When I listen to God's and monsters, sex comes to my mind cause of the lyrics. Whenever I hear bluejeans I imagine a guy being arrested while Lana is crying. For black beauty I always imagine Lana wearing black clothes in a dark house. For the other woman I imagine a woman waiting for her man. And for religion I usually imagine Lana praying I've associated most tracks with colors (Great thread idea btw)
  2. Where can I find the final version snippets of Hollywood's dead and damn you I didn't even know they existed until recently
  3. driving in cars with boys - this is what makes us girls velvet crowbar - born to die and dark paradise (subject of death)
  4. I think she's out of white shirts
  5. Lust

    Instagram Updates

    omg i didnt know that
  6. They usually don't make up things The fact that this person used dayglo reflection as a demo means they don't know shit
  7. Eliminate: Burning desire and cola Immunity: Gods and Monsters
  8. Lust

    Lady Gaga

    Can you guys link me to the snippets please
  9. Lust

    Lady Gaga

    So million reason love has no effect on me but the studio version in YouTube made me cry both times I listened to it. I also love sinners prayer it's so good, I'm also coincidentally getting into father john misty atm. Not a big fan ayo thought but I'll have to hear the studio version for my opinion on it. I honestly love her new direction in music, I love how she's actually emotionally attached to her music now...
  10. Lust

    Book Thread!

    I read "everything everything" omg it was soo good anyone read it?
  11. I want there to be a father john misty collab
  12. Lust


    gemini feed is my fav and second is judas, love the vocals in judas!
  13. Fuck, all I saw was new song registered and I never clicked on something this fast before
  14. don't mind waiting if its good but I just wish we had a date
  15. all of dua lipa's songs, ldr unreleased and some lady gaga singles also dangerous woman (album)
  16. Lust

    Instagram Updates

    Yes I don't understand why people think pop lana is a bad idea the music is still amazing (because its Lana duh)
  17. I have to be in a very certain mood to listen to this album and when I'm in it, listening to it feels orgasmic almost
  18. She should cover you don't own me by Leslie gore that would be amazing
  19. unreleated: is the woman in your signature lana?
  20. y did she separately tweet the sentence tho that's kinda creepy...
  21. Do you guys know how many albums she has left on her contract wid interscope?
  22. Why is this more discussed than the ride music vid which only has 9 pages lmao
  23. Lucky ones > lolita > diet mountain dew
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