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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop freaking out everytime, that's exactly what it wants.
    Report + ignore and soon enough this shitstorm will subside
  2. hollywoodsdead liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop freaking out everytime, that's exactly what it wants.
    Report + ignore and soon enough this shitstorm will subside
  3. 111 liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop freaking out everytime, that's exactly what it wants.
    Report + ignore and soon enough this shitstorm will subside
  4. HEARTCORE liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop freaking out everytime, that's exactly what it wants.
    Report + ignore and soon enough this shitstorm will subside
  5. Leo liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Lizzy Grant Lower East Side Jams 🎶   
    A long stalled project because i'm bad at finalising things and compiling them. I think this album is so amazing and infinitely inspiring, what I really wanted to show was Lana Del Ray. The transition between Lizzy Grant to Lana Del Rey. I feel like the defining look of that is Lana in the short film Poolside. She looks insanely good there. All the images of Lana used in this packaging are screencaps from the short film which I have retouched and further edited to make look like official photographs and to improve the quality greatly for print. I used the official cover art as a main inspiration because I think even though it's very low-tech it still has a great atmosphere in it, so I wanted to create something similar. The atmosphere in this album to me is very noir-ish, so I chose to use all grayscale images in the booklet, an effect with sunken highlights which makes the images feel quite sultry.

    Gatefold LP 12” Vinyl. 
    The blue vinyl is the only striking colour here. It's a nod to Lana's homemade videos and her love for party store toy aquariums. It's the opposite to the yellow I featured prominently through the album design.



    16-page booklet mockup

    ★ Preview / Download full-res digital booklet ★

    Bonus: Album demos artwork
    I've been working on this on / off for so long! Please tell me what you think and be sure to find any lyrics corrections because it's inevitable I probably messed something up!
  6. Leo liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lana interview for V Magazine with James Franco   
    credits: https://twitter.com/shampainandcola
  7. Leo liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    wtf TOW is so great, it was the biggest surprise on the whole record for me​, such beautiful guitars and her voice was very heartfelt while playful with these crooner-like falsetos. She really did make something of the song.
  8. Leo liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Can we stop talking here about sexual orientation and focus on Honeymoon, please? I'll make a separate thread about sexual orientation if you want to talk about it. 
  9. Leo liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    but ed is shit, so who cares
  10. Leo liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Help Support Lanaboards!   
    I'm definitely co-signing this. Ata hit the nail on the head on here: it would be AMAZING if we never had any downtime again, but it wouldn't solve the problem of staff being unable to effectively moderate. If I had a nickel for every time I had to reply to a PM with, "I'm sorry, only @@TIARNZUS is able to do this; you'll have to contact him", man, I would be hella rich at this point.
    Moderators here are essentially regulated to glorified janitors. We clean up spam, we merge threads, and unfortunately, dole out the odd warning point and remove posting privileges. Menial tasks. We don't have the power to IP ban/delete member accounts, we can't fix the default icon limbo, we can't add sub-forums (i.e., 2014, 2015), we had to abandon Member of the Month because moderators lacked the power to change the sidebar... 
    All the power to run the forum effectively is concentrated on you. This centralized power is not good and as a result, the forum is suffering. What adds insult to injury is when we bring up problems and you essentially ignore us and fail to even acknowledge the problems. I don't think other members should be privy to the words in this post (I would have much rather discussed this privately), but you repeatedly ignore PMs, the Staff Chat, and attempts to reach out to you on Facebook. It's just not cool.
    I know that you rilly love this forum and I know you've put a lot of work into creating a site where we have an amazing community of Lana fans. I'm happy to have made so many new friends and I love the inside jokes, the shade , and the camaraderie and we all really do owe that all to you! We just want to help you make this amazing forum better, so talk to us Tiarnan! 
  11. Leo liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Help Support Lanaboards!   
    this is great! but it doesn't tackle the fundamental problem of lanaboards which is moderation. moderators do not have enough power to effectively do their job here. I don't mean to be shady and bring it up here but every other attempt of a moderator reaching out to you regarding this has been ignored, even attempted monetary negotiations. please tiarnan, we want lanaboards to be able to be a great forum, talk to us
  12. Leo liked a post in a topic by TeDeseoCarino in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I am a very straight male and I am a major LDR fan. I cant imagine not listening to her music. All of her music. But still, I haven't met another straight male that is a LDR fan
    I think we are all closeted LDR fans.
    I rarely listen to her songs in public. I've come to the conclusion that it is either because I am so protective and selfish of her, like I want her music all to myself. Or I just a little bit ashamed to let people know I like her music... such a dilema.
    Don't judge me
  13. Leo liked a post in a topic by Jiggy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Please drop this 'conceptual album' bullshit, it's getting boring.  
  14. Honeybear liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'll eat a medium sized hat if that's the case
  15. Leo liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    But see, that's the thing- I don't understand what makes those titles any better or worse than any titles on HM. What makes American any better than God Knows I Tried? Or Swan Song any worse than Pretty When You Cry? And besides, I don't think the titles matter one bit if the song is good and it's really a waste of your time to gripe about the song titles of all things (and no shade to the person I quoted. Your post made me think about something that had been on my mind)
  16. Leo liked a post in a topic by American Money in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Genuinely wondering but what would you guys consider to be good titles for song? I know most people here give Lana shit about the titles of her songs so I was wondering what people considered to be good titles? Doesn't have to be a Lana song. What makes a title good, what makes a title bad?
  17. queenxsaigon liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'll eat a medium sized hat if that's the case
  18. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'll eat a medium sized hat if that's the case
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'll eat a medium sized hat if that's the case
  20. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    1: Music to Watch Boys to - Very intriguing title and it'll be interesting to see whether it's indicative of the general theme/atmosphere of the song or if it's just another phrase that she likes, or a combination of both. MTWBT is also, if I'm not mistaken, the concept that this album was originally created around, which makes it even more interesting.
    2: The Blackest Day, for these reasons:
    3: God Knows I Tried - Simply because Lana said that this song and TLY are extremely close to her heart and since TLY is magnificent I'm going to assume that GKIT is too.
  21. jazzsingrcultleadr liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'll eat a medium sized hat if that's the case
  22. Leo liked a post in a topic by Wild One in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I need more Justin Parker tracks in my life.
  23. Leo liked a post in a topic by joshuasean2900 in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Honestly, the cover art is my favourite cover art Lana has done for an album so far and I don't know why
  24. Elle liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'll eat a medium sized hat if that's the case
  25. James19709 liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    1: Music to Watch Boys to - Very intriguing title and it'll be interesting to see whether it's indicative of the general theme/atmosphere of the song or if it's just another phrase that she likes, or a combination of both. MTWBT is also, if I'm not mistaken, the concept that this album was originally created around, which makes it even more interesting.
    2: The Blackest Day, for these reasons:
    3: God Knows I Tried - Simply because Lana said that this song and TLY are extremely close to her heart and since TLY is magnificent I'm going to assume that GKIT is too.
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