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  1. Jimtheman liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Toot or Boot (Lana Edition)   
    Boot, not my favorite. 

  2. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    "Pararapaparida Piririgaaga Uuuuhhh Aaaahhhhh"
     I'm bored
  3. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    "I would wait american years" instead of "I would wait a million years" in Blue Jeans.
  4. hayden del rey liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Describe the Member Above You as a Lana Persona   
    Hum, maybe surf Lana

  5. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer.   
    Because Beyoncé can drop a new album anytime.
    Why do I blink so much?
  6. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer.   
    Because Beyoncé can drop a new album anytime.
    Why do I blink so much?
  7. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer.   
    Because you are your own soulmate
    Why can't I just be rich?
  8. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer.   
    Because you are afraid of social interaction. Why was he banned? He was one of my favorite members! 
    Why is my face so oily?
  9. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Toot or Boot (Lana Edition)   

  10. Embach liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Toot or Boot (Lana Edition)   
    Toot for both, they're kinda matching, I guess.

  11. gothphetamine liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    1.I don't know if it's unpopular but I don't like that much of what I believe be the most famous songs: Summertime Sadness and Young & Beautiful(They're good tho).
    2.Her voice seemed pitched in Blue Jeans,(Like when people upload the songs on youtube and have to change the pitch because of copyright, you know?) which was annoyng to hear but this song grow so much in me that now it's my favorite from her. The first song that got me from an artist is usually always my favorite so...
    3.Listen to Video Games is rare for me but i really like to see the lives of this song . I don't know you guys but I see something meaninful when she sings "Only worth living if somebody is loving you" and then she points the mic to the audence and they sing "Baby, now you do". Like, she lived in a trailer park, sang in bars, had her album shelved and crossed years to achieve recognition. And now, she finally have people that love her and appreciate her beautiful songs . I always think something similar with other artists. Like, the first song that made ​​the artist famous is kind of a summary ( Idk. Maybe a synopsis ) of the story that the person is about to tell the world. I don't know how to explain but kind of all the songs in one, which results in the song that will make the person famous. I may be wrong but it's just how I see .
  12. Elina liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    I would love to know who is K and more about the wild Lizzy years she sings about tbh. But I don't think I would even dare to ask her about this because I think I could be hitting quite a personal territory that is none of my bussiness, but I just can't help the curiosity   . Plus she would probably laugh, or ignore or just simply lie   . I wouldn't mind this last one tho, because you know what they say "every lie has a background of truth" hehe 
    On the other hand, I don't think it would hurt anyone ask about Yosemite and Life Is Beautiful lol.    
  13. Elina liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in How You Discovered Lana   
    Omg, I think I just found those old posts about her!     Sorry, it's in portuguese, but if you still want to take a look:
    (I'm suspected to say that I didn't like her face on the second picture. I was never a big fan of Nicole or tan so...  )
    I remember clearly, one of the covers was her show dresses! This one was originally publicated in august 2012 (Idk why the other is dating 2015, but I'm pretty sure it 2011 or 2012 too)  
  14. Elina liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in How You Discovered Lana   
    I was about to turn 11 when I discovered her through a magazine site from my country. I would visit that site and see every post about style, make up, do quizzes like "what celebrity could be your bff?" (they always gave Taylor Swift btw). So one of these posts was a presentation of Lana Del Rey and her song "Video Games". I didn't watch because I had (still have) this habit of looking later  . But I would often see her in the posts about style and what that celebrity wore in this award, etc. I remember thinking she was the most normal, in terms of style, comparing to the pop girls back in the day, which I really liked (sorry Lady Gaga, Kesha and Katy Perry stans here   ). Everyone was always so eccentric, I wasn't a fan of those "weird and exaggerated styles". To have a notion, I didn't know how was Lady Gaga face until 2016, I think. 
    But I didn't hear her music until the next year, when my friend asked me to download a list of songs for her and Blue Jeans and Video Games were there. I think I did see a few things about how she was fake, bad and blahblahblah, but didn't really pay attention. I listened to BJ and VG and it didn't get me because I didn't like her voice (I was more into light voices). Regardless the music, I don't remember if I liked or not, her voice really dazzled everything. I remember I gave it a shot to Ride when it came out, but again, her voice   . Can you imagine how I felt when I started searching about her and discovered she was singing deeper because people made fun of her voice? Yeah.....................
  15. Elina liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Super Movie   
    I'm so happy that she sang "Drop me off at the Copacabana" !
  16. Elina liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Put Me In A Movie (Little Girls)   
    The "Sparkle" echoing reminds me of "White and blue" echoing in Axl Rose Husband 
  17. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by Serene Queen in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    “Washing my hair, doing the laundry/Late night TV, I want you on me” 
  18. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Discovering after 8 years that shades of cool says "you are unfixable" not "you are unvincible".
    I knew "invincible" would be the right word but i thought it was just cute how she got it wrong  
  19. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    "They say im too young to love you  they say im too dumb to see"
    Just listened to the brooklyn baby acapella and its sing??? 
  20. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Lana Memes   
    This was me after Love released lmao
    This one always gets me lmao
    There was this one also about Love release, it was a video of dry people and then the water falls and Love starts playing. I had saved but the accounts on instagram have been suspended since then...
  21. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    So many:
    From Norman: Cinnamon Girl outro.
    The melody in the pre-chorus and the drum drop and du du du after the first chorus in The Greatest.
    The way she drops the lyrics in the chorus of California and Happiness Is A Butterfly.
    The whispered vocals in MAC. The guitar solo in Venice Bitch.
    The melody in the pre-chorus (or is it already the chorus) in Hope.
    Also in TBNAR, I like the what I call "Math sound" and in the end how it sound like a dark jugle or something. 
    Lust For Life: Again, the kind of whispered vocals in Lust For Life and the piano too.
    Crowd cheering in Coachella.
    Cherry guitar.
    Violins, backing vocals and pre-chorus in Groupie Love.
    That woman speaking in the beggining of 13 beaches, the satellite sound and drums.
    Everything about Heroin, but especially the tone and dark and cold nocturnal atmosphere (kinda follows in Change, which I love too).
    The gun shots in God Bless America.
    And the Lizzy, beach feel and the Out of the black/ Into the blue shouts in Get Free.
    Honeymoon: Creepy violins in Honeymoon.
    Whispered "live to love" in MTWBT, melody and guitar after that and the flute.
    Terrence Loves You melody and jazz feel, especially in the last chorus, the trumpet gives me me "heroic vibes"
    Freak's "Ohhhhahhhh" and "take it to the back..." and sax at the end.
    Religion' s High notes and harpa?
    Salvatore's piano and voice in the bridge. I like how it sounds straight out of The Godfather.
    Art Deco's sax in the bridge.
    Swan Song's sax too
    Ultraviolence: The heavy guitars in Cruel World, PWYC (vocals too, especially the "crazyyyyy yeah yeah" and the last chorus of PWYC) and Shades Of Cool (the wa wa too)
    Ultraviolence's drums, wa wa sound and bridge vocal.
    Brooklyn Baby and West Coast's whole dreamy atmosphere
    Sad Girl's spanish guitar and... blues vibe?
    Money Power Glory's heavy guitar in general, but especially in the bridge. Drums too.
    FMWUTTT's down melody on the chorus when she sings "show", "go".
    Is This Happiness's guitar in the end and the disney old animation movie feel
    Flipside's guitar in the begginning , it evokes kinda of a creepy vibe. Also the bridge (what a bridge  )
    Paradise: American's patriotic vibe with the violins
    Cola's charming, glamorous, rich vibe.
    Body Electric's guitar, sounds like some kind of dark country, and bridge.
    Gods and Monsters's gun shots in the begginning, drums and doom vibe.
    Yayo's heroic trumpet (I think) in some moment, I can't remember lol
    Bel Air's lovely piano.
    Born To Die: In the end of Born To Die, after the last chorus, I really love the piano and violins, evokes a sad, tragic feeling for me.
    In Off To The Races, there's this sound in the verses that looks like a dark beat. Also, there's another that attracts me in the pre, but I don't know how to describe. Anyway I love the whole pre, where she raps.
    Blue Jeans's beats and urgent bridge.
    Video Games's violins in the second verse.
    DMD's piano
    National Anthem's dark beats and violins and whole singing, raping. I like this coins jingle sound.
    Dark Paradise's violins in the begginning.
    Carmen's deep vocals, like she was narrating almost sarcastically and bitter.
    Summertime Sadness has a sitar I think? I really liked that.
    TWMUG's whispered bridge.
    Lolita's violins in the beggining ( )
    Lucky Ones's genuine melody.
    Sorry for the long ass post, I got excited lol!   Obviusly I won't go for the unreleaseds  . But to name a few:
    Children's guitar and I don't know if it's a violin, but it sure creates a creepy vibe that I like.
    You're Gonna Love Me, Get Drunk and MoneyHunny's melodies.
    Back To The Basics's happy vibe with the piano and bridge.
    K, done 
  22. dontlookaway liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in What Is Your Favourite Lana Del Rey Song From BTD?   
    It's a tie between Born To Die and Blue Jeans. They make it on my favorites of her whole discography too.
  23. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    You’re joking?
  24. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    In regards to Sirens, I find it to be mood music for me. It's not something I want to listen to all the time, but when it hits, it hits. The highlight of the album for me is Lana's lyricism.
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