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  1. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by WhiteLinesPrettyBaby in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I hate how some of you expect her to be like all the "pop stars" in the music industry. She clearly doesn't want that. Lana does what she wants and how she wants to do it. Everyone is so fast to judge her management and team but that's how she wants it and who she likes. Never gonna be a Katy Perry or Lady Gaga or Lorde. That's why I love her so much. She doesn't change her style to fit in with what's popular.
  2. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    okay you can say you dislike a song but to call it trash, isn't that a little too far? how could a lana stan even say something like that? I would never call any of her music trash, no matter how much i disliked one of her songs..
  3. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by The Greatest in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can't go on this thread without coming across another post from you about how lana is flopping/did flop/is going to flop if she doesn't do xyz. Her music isn't entirely mainstream because she offers a new perspective. It's time appreciate her for who she is; caring about her sales more than she does is kind of sad. 
  4. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by frankie in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    people actually think that when they say "(song here) sucks" that everybody will just accept it and agree with them ? and then when somebody says they dont agree theyre shocked. like yeah, different people like different things, shocking right
  5. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Meh. Radio is overrated.
  6. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by LucaS89 in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Of course it's a flop, unfortunately most people are content to listen to music of shit from morning to night. Just think of the fact that radio and charts are full of poor and low quality music. Precisely why I'm a fan of Lana Del Rey, because it is one of the few artists who has the courage to go controccorrente and do not always follow the logic of the market, thinking about making good music rather than pop by supermarket.
  7. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    You may be the most active user this site has ever seen but that don't mean you own it.
    Please stop being so fucking rude to everyones opinions
  8. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    That Spotify playlist Lana created is a mess. How can a Best of LDR album not include West Coast, Shades of Cool, Brooklyn Baby, Pretty When You Cry, Music To Watch Boys To, Salvatore and so on??? I mean, at least a few UV and HM songs deserved to be in that mix!
    Also, WTF are Lucky Ones, Carmen and Radio doing in there?? I doubt anybody on this site would honestly say they are considered her best songs at all.  lmao    
  9. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by BeautifulAnywhere in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    To be honest, "Fame" & "All For Fame" sound ugly.
    Not only that but the word fame in itself feels overused & her calling it either one of those would feel cliche. BAR as the title is perfect in my opinion it's not repeated so many times in the song & it sounds fresh & at the same time it's quintessentially Lana. It has that Americana reference & it has the sass of the BTD era, it's perfect. With just hearing it you'd think she's cocky but, within the context of the song it adds a flare of brilliance to it. That's what I feel & think at least.
  10. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Sitar in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Do we need a disclaimer at the top of the site to remind everyone that replying to geek version can only lead to two pages of off-topic arguing while he's cackling somewhere in Germany?
  11. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by The Greatest in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Why does everyone want lana to do things she has never done and literally will never do (a collab with nicki minaj? really?) for a number one hit. Lana could have a number one single, she has written a lot of accessible and catchy music, but she's not going to sell out and become like every other artist. For her, music is the primary concern, and I would rather have impactful music that's genuine and well conceived than something that is designed solely for the purpose of being a number one hit. Also, she doesn't like being famous anymore, she made that apparent, so that won't be her goal her goal will be writing music that matters to her and her true fans. I wish the people on this thread appreciated lana for how amazing her music is and didn't try to fit her into a mold meant for other artists. 
  12. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by LucaS89 in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's depressing see you talking for hours only about sales, when the only important thing, especially for an artist like Lana, is the quality of music. I really hope Lana continues to think only about making good music and to express herself, not caring to please this or that, like any truly great artist does. That said, if I had to think of a duet, I think of artists like P.J. Harvey, Kate Bush, Cat Power ... I hope that we should always keep away from the empty and sterile pop that is rampant in the charts and radio.
  13. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Sylvia Plath in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Seriously, the argument that someone else is a better option than Dylan purely because the best he ever did on the singles charts was #2 is ridiculous. Who gives a fuck? I'm sure Lana would agree. She wanted to collaborate with Lou Reed and he never got above #16. I'll never understand people who care more about charting than anything else. And, for the record, Nicki has never done above #2 on a song she was the main artist on either.
  14. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    In that case I am ready for a depressing album by the queen of depression 
  15. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    U gonna be shook if it turns out real. And it probably will . P.s. stop using gay as a negative word xxDude you are way too snobbish in general. Shush
  16. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Since some of us were kind of on the topic of not wanting Chuck to shoot the album cover, I thought maybe we could mention other stuff we don't want for LDR5.
    Tbh I don't want any collabs with hip-hop artists, I have a feeling LDR5 isn't going to be to involved in that genre...
    So far from the two songs we have, they're kinda slow paced so maybe she'll do a collab with artists in alternative genres? Maybe older artists?
  17. latothemoon liked a post in a topic by CatchTheBreeze in Instagram Updates   
    Hm,  it can be a pure coincidence but Alex Turner nowadays works with Alexandra Savior who sonically sometimes reminds me a lot of Lana...
  18. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    "We want promo waaahhhj!!!"
    :video is being filmed:
    "We dont want this promo waaaaaah"
  19. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Shades in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting Lana to be more active in terms of providing more than just bare minimal effort for her fans, and it certainly doesn't mean she has to "sell out." No one is saying she owes us anything. It is, however, disappointing to be fans of someone who literally does almost nothing beyond just dropping the album and releasing a few subpar music videos. Yes, the music is great and lovely and at the end of the day we will all listen to it, but it quickly runs dry.
    Lana doesn't care for being mainstream, and I don't blame her after what she went to, nor would it suit her either. However!! Not being mainstream doesn't mean she should literally just scrape by with doing almost nothing. Lana should take advantage of being on such a large label and use their resources to craft eras that she feels comfortable with.
    For example, she hates singing live television -- why not record a few intimate performances of your favourite songs off the album and post them on Youtube periodically throughout the year? Just her and the band.
    She doesn't like extensive & exhausting promotion -- you don't want to appear on TV mopping the floor with Jimmy Fallon, fine, we get it. Why not just host a few livestreams that last more than 30 seconds so your fans can see/interact with you??
    Interviews depress you & make you want to kill yourself because the questions are always dumb and passive aggressive -- why not do a Q/A with your fans where you get to pick the exact questions you want to answer?
    Lana seems to really like the process of actually making the album and then quickly loses interest in it almost immediately to move on to the next one. Why not document the entire album recording process, showing us how she crafts each song, talking about the history/meaning behind each one...
    Idk. There's lots of things she can do to make the fan experience a whole lot better + remain completely comfortable in LA going to work or the coffee shops. The fact also remains that she won't maintain her popularity/sales at this level of effort and will quickly lose the ability to even make the kind of music she really wants to.
    wow this ended up so long this is what happens when u go on lanaboards to distract u from midterms 
  20. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by frankie in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    if lana makes good music then she makes good music, how popular she is and how many views on youtube she gets shouldnt be the sole reason for being a fan of hers
  21. White Hot Forever liked a post in a topic by CatchTheBreeze in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Is there a link to the recorded livestream?
    EDIT: Found this on YT – so the stream lasted only 16 secs?

  22. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    yeah it's pretty much everything.. it's so short i guess it lasted for 1 min or sth
    it's just her driving and thanking fans for loving her song and promising there would be more exciting things coming up?! + singing part of the song and saying "thanks for playing my song on my fav radio station that i listen to every night?!"
  23. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by LaserKitten in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Personally, I love that Lana is fostering a small but fiercely loyal fanbase. The Lana I fell in love with - the girl in the Ride video, the inscrutable and enigmatic Lana of Born to Die - is not a 'Top 40' artist, who plays stupid games with Jimmy Fallon and pimps herself out of her comfort zone for a cheque. She's private, and sincere, and complex. I love that she is somewhat under the radar, that she seems to have found comfort in directly addressing us via social media, that she's crafting not only her art, but the way she communicates with the world, on her terms. 
    Tbh I like where she is at the moment. I admire her resistance to the things that are apparently how one is 'meant' to be a pop star these days. She has integrity. And she appears pretty happy with her choices.
    Just my opinion.
  24. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    She doesnt owe you shit and the self rightous entitlement attitude is hilarious.She didn't put a gun to your head to buy her music.
    Also, i like how everyone seems to forget shes given us 4 albums in 5 years.
    What ungrateful vile fans.
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