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About zireal

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  • Birthday May 18

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    Video games, drawing, writing, reading, music, animals & nature
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  1. fiily could have been great but that chorus is awful
  2. any portlanders headed that way?? I could only score one ticket so I wont be bringing any buddies with, could use someone to stand in line w!!
  3. i'm relatively new to buying VIP tickets, can anybody tell me the benefits of buying VIP? I get that you get cute little merch w it + early entrance, but is that it?
  4. I hardly ever post, but after this whole drought, and this sudden influx of news, I thought I would. yesterday the album cover shocked me & not in a good way. but then after the initial shock wore off, it started to grow on me, and its so tacky yet I can't look away from it?? the album trailer is AMAZING. the shot of her ass is definitely the peak of that trailer this bitch really had me losing interest over the duration of several months and within two days she manages to yank me back by my clown wig and have me just as excited as if she announced the album a week ago and not nearly a year ago
  5. after listening to MAC, I have high hopes for this album. it seems more sincere and stripped back compared to LfL and I can't wait for the next single
  6. zireal

    Ellie Goulding

    Delirium was so overproduced and repetitive, it's kind of disappointing. Lights/Halcyon was her at her best. To be honest tho, I feel this album will be like Halcyon again? The first photos to start the era are so vastly different; Delirium was all vibrant and colorful, EG4 is black and white and somber. Plus, iirc, she said like she has to go back to "honesty" and it somehow related to halcyon, so let's hope we don't get another album like Delirium
  7. zireal

    Ellie Goulding

    Hey so I didn't see this posted but a photographer shared this photo on IG stories + his Twitter and tagged it as EG4
  8. Oh fuck. My bad. Didn't read it clearly
  9. Lana doesn't sing that line anymore because she's not in the same mindset/doesn't agree with it now that she's older. Or something like that. It was in one of the recent interviews
  10. zireal

    Instagram Updates

    That's probs the best outfit & hairstyle Lana's had in awhile
  11. Do you have any place for me to follow? IG, Tumblr, or DeviantART or anything? Your art's great!
  12. Can somebody edit the cover so it doesn't have the font?? I need it for a photoset I'm doing
  13. Anybody else get the feeling that this might be Lana's last album?? Also praying for the families that were affected and their victims. May God help them I had no idea any of that happened
  14. Am I the only one hoping there's no collabs, and if any, there's only one lololol
  15. Wait what did this say?? I clicked it & it says the page no longer exists
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