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Wryta Thinkpiece

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Everything posted by Wryta Thinkpiece

  1. To try to put it all together in one explanation; there was apparently a discrepancy of sorts with Lana's management and Bradley's participation in her music videos, something about getting axed from NA or what-have-you. Bradley had a Twitter meltdown and posted scathing and cryptic tweets that apparently had to do with Lana. It was disclosed that it wasn't about her, and was rather about Jeffree Star. Porcelain Black said otherwise, saying that it was actually about Lana. And for anyone who takes online-drama with a grain of salt, they simply don't care for him be it his looks or personality. I don't give a shit about the tweets, really, nothing new was said that wasn't heard from 85% of the critics should it be directly disclosed that it was about Lana and not via word-of-mouth. I could say it had to do with Peaches from the Candy Cat Too in LA, I wouldn't know—because I'm not Bradley, Lana, or Porcelain, and there are all these stories and no one has any support other than their own take on what happened and whether or not their perspective asserts their devotion/fandom. The two clearly worked things through if Lana's associating with him, and I fully stand by it not because I take a liking to Bradley and the two undeniably have on-camera chemistry, but also because it is a great demonstration of the power of forgiveness and Lana's fostering of goodwill. Oh, and it's also a testament to the fact that shit just happens with friendships and interpersonal relationships and everyone's guilty as fuck for saying something they shouldn't at one point or another in general, and not being Bradley doesn't make anyone exempt from that fact. And it's actually quite sad that again, there's a lot of hate coming from fans. I would say it's ironic with Lana's fanbase, but it's not ironic anymore, it's just sad. That's still another human being. I'm not saying we should all get together and have a jerk-circle about Bradley, but it really wouldn't kill anyone to just leave the antics of 2012/13 behind, especially because it doesn't involve anyone enough to be digging it all back up with such vehemence; negative vehemence, at that. It's cool if people don't dig Bradley, people can have their opinions, but we can at least save the shit-talk for a bad movie-sequel or an underwhelming cheeseburger. ANYWAY. Have any West Coasters given their take on what the "saying" might be that Lana's referring to? I'm actually interested to see if there's any that exist that she might say, or if she has one of her own for the sake of the song; like, in NY, we have "Fuhgeddaboudit," (well, more-so Brooklyn, but still.)
  2. Fellow fans of The Walking Dead might know her better for her role as Beth Greene, but outside of her acting career, the 28-year-old is also quite the songbird. Personally, I think she's more than deserving of a topic here. She debuted with the 2011 EP The Blue Toothbrush, and around 2013, released another EP called Expired Love. As of March 18th of this year, she re-released the Expired Love and included two new tracks. The up-beat approach in her songs (in contrast to the otherwise undesirable romantic situations that she sings about,) is not the only thing that makes Emily Kinney's work so beautiful. It's also her way of being simple-but-to-the-point lyrically (which we all know that I am a sucker for,) in a way that especially focuses on the emotional delivery that makes her songs come alive. Imagery is her forte (two brownie points from Stoop Kid,) and as a hopeless romantic of a New Yorker, I identify with so many of her songs and her love for finding (and valuing) the meaning behind the simpler moments shared with a lover/romantic interest that otherwise go unnoticed (and that makes three.) But I need not say anymore, I think I'll let some of my personal favorites do the talking. We have a handful of gems. Happy listening! The opening track to the Expired Love EP, "Expired Lover," Following, we have "Times Square," Her beautiful cover of Waxahatchee's "Be Good," The adorable gem that is "Married," The fun tracks "Doctor" and "Julie," "Dad Says" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISF-bwEMFkk "Over Anticipate" from The Blue Toothbrush EP, And lastly, "In," and "Morning Sex is For Lovers," also from TBT EP,
  3. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Still waiting on Chillin' With Max to leak.
  4. We are either going to end up surprisingly sober or face extreme alcohol poisoning... ... Count me in.
  5. Because people harbor grudges towards vague drama and just like to be wet-blankets when their favorites know how to keep dead bones buried and let bygones be bygones (if there was even any drama between them anyway.) If it's not Bradley's participation we're going to hear whining over, it's going to be something else. Because that's how fandom works. You pick what you can bitch about, and if there's nothing to bitch about, you pretend there is something to bitch about. Lame, isn't it?
  7. ? I can't tell if you're pulling on my dick right now, JFK.
  8. You're right... No one should* sing this song but Lana.
  9. Whoever said this track wasn't that great is a fucking liar because this track is SEXY. Some of the syllable-breaks remind me of Gangsta Boy, so I'm going to assume this is a sister-track and also put out there that I think she's saying "Hello, Boop-Boop, you are lookin' so fine, so fine." I think the first line in that verse is her fantasizing what he'd say to her or what he has previously said while buying Coke and fries from her.
  10. Literally walked home to "Hard Believer," "Tangerine," "IMUWAK," "In the Hearts of Men," and "Little Moon," and it felt so right. <3
  11. UV is going to be amazing and that's because so much could go right with it and I am putting that out in the universe because UV is going to be the real story of redemption. 2014 is going to be Lana's year...especially considering she's a Gemini and our yearly horoscopes say so. This is going to be the most raw and intense album and I am more than willing to bet my cake that the 7-piece live band is going to make UV come alive, and honestly I'd wager that in recording that way, Lana will be entirely in her element no matter if it's in-studio or live. I really think Lana's finding little shifts occurring in how she identifies with herself as an artist. And UV is going to be a testament to her self-discovery post-fame.
  13. That's possible! I don't know about the mysterious private video, though; I think I remember someone saying it was Tropico and it was accessible through the mobile YT app but don't take my word for it because I am not 100% certain but omg #LANADELSPIREYCIES.
  14. I don't know what I'd prefer more: a surprise single, a surprise EP, or a surprise full-length. I just really want to hear something already, but I'll wait...longingly. Hungrily.
  15. You guys better be bottle-feeding me something to quench this thirst you're fucking building up. Holy shit. My brain is crying.
  16. Haven't updated in a while, but here's Russian Red's most recent single, "CASPER," which is fucking AWESOME. And check out her heartbreaking-ly beautiful cover of Leonard Cohen's "So Long, Marianne"
  17. There's something about them that I can't pinpoint, but there's this atmosphere that they set that is just...broodingly lovely. I can see the likeness of Russian Red lyrically, definitely, but I have to say they sonically remind me of a combination between Daughter and Wye Oak more than anything. My favorite songs have to be "Shyer," "Wasting My Young Years," "Metal & Dust," "Hey Now," and "Strong." "Shyer" is just perfect. So glad I checked out this page last night, I've been feening for new music!
  18. Oh, god, if I was the mother of any of you subject-deviating, belly-button-lint snorters, I'd have a hysterectomy with you still inside of me if it meant actually talking about UV.
  19. The people are talking—let them talk. But no like, really though, I just want to get face-fucked right now by a really good and unexpected UV Single and FFS LANA JUST HALP.
  20. ALSO, no idea why this was never mentioned: This man is a fucking prodigy of Indie music. God I'm thirsting so bad for the album.
  21. Give it to me, give it to me, everything; You know I'd like UV on a stream~
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