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  1. Lucas B. liked a post in a topic by butterflies in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    It changed music and fashion industry. 
  2. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   


    The second bonus track on Born to Die is Lana's most playful song. Full of classic Del Rey imagery and suggestive lyrics, "Lolita" was written and composed by Lana, Liam Howe and Hannah Robinson and solely produced by Emile Haynie. The album version features heavy, repetitive beats, overdramatic orchestration and multiple sound effects; the demos, however, are quite different.


    "Lolita" was a highlight at Lana's 2016 tour:


  3. butterflies liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    BTD was the first album where I felt that I was watching a new superstar arriving and it was great to watch the era. Her being so determined, so into her work and putting so much effort into all of it. You could just tell that it was her heart and soul.
    I became a fan for the first time I watched the Video Games music video before it even started charting in Europe in 2011. It was instant love.
    Never would I have thought that we'd go from that Lana to a Lana that cancells shows, stops promoting in general and to a bad album like Honeymoon within just three and a half years. And I have an even worse feeling about the new record, ngl.
    Everything seemed like such a slayage during BTD, now I feel she doesn't know how to pull things off anymore.
    I wish she was driven like she used to be. BTD will always hold very special memories to me.
  4. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    "Dark Paradise"


    Definitely the most criticized song off the record. Whether you like it or not, you can't deny this dark, suicidal anthem goes hard live.


    I have zero time today sorry


  5. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueSwan in Lana’s Best Album / Your Favourite   
    Tossup between BTD and Paradise, which I personally see as one album, even though I'm aware that they were released seperately. I voted for Paradise to show it some love and because my absolute favourite LDR song is on it (Gods & Monsters). Also, everything on Paradise is great, while there are maybe a couple of lesser tracks on BTD.
    I'm actually a bit shocked that Ultraviolence wins in a landslide here. It is my least favourite of her big label albums. It's not that I think the songs are bad, but it is a somewhat dreary listen to me and I prefer the overall sound and feel of the other albums. Maybe I just need to listen to it some more - LDR's songs always seem to grow on me.
    And what's with all the votes for the first non-major label album. I do have it, but haven't listened to it much.
  6. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueSwan in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    First post here (and possibly the last, who knows?). Registrered here with the sole purpose of articulating some of my thoughts on this amazing album.
    I was late to the Lana Del Rey party. Part of that is explained by my age (I'm 41) - while I still love music, it takes more to vow me than when I was a teenager. But part of it is also that I am not intuitively drawn to music in this vain, generally preferring electronic pop, club music and hip-hop.
    I first heard Video Games back in late 2011 - probably earlier than most I guess, as it was a couple of months before it became a hit - and I liked it quite a lot. I liked the moody feel, her deep vocals and of course the beautiful melody. However, I figured that she was probably a one-trick pony, so I didn't really feel a great inclination to check out her album when it was released in early 2012. I remember reading a few reviews of the album, and they were decidedly lukewarm on it. Infact, I have later gone back to read a bunch of the reviews of the album and they really are mostly lukewarm - quite incredible really, given the awesomeness of the album and the fact that many of those very same magazines now list the album as one of the best, not just of 2012 but of the entire decade.
    I remember hearing songs like Born To Die and Blue Jean and thinking that they were quite good but not as good as Video Games, which reinforced my view that she was probably a one trick pony. Fast forward more than a year to the spring of 2013 and I heard a Lana Del Rey song that I loved. It was "Young And Beautiful" - such an stunningly beautiful piece of work. Still, it wasn't enough for me to check out any of her albums (Paradise had come out at this time as well). However, a few months later I heard the song that to this day is still my favourite LDR track. It was "Gods And Monsters". THIS was my style. Big drums, huge stringpads and a menacing yet melancholy melody. I am a longtime amateur producer and it reminded me a bit of a style my band was trying to achieve in the mid-00's. I loved this song and yes, I FINALLY downloaded the album, which was now the Born To Die - Paradise edition. This is why I today have a hard time seperating those two albums. They seem like a whole project to me. 
    Anyway, I played the album a few times. Thought it was pretty good, but didn't think that much more about it. For me, this is one of those albums that didn't hit me hard out of the gate. Rather it has been the kind of album where on each subsequent listen, another song crept up on me, until the point where I starting loving pretty much the entire 24 song shebang (15 songs on BTD, 9 songs on Paradise). Still we're probably well into 2015 before the greatness of the album truly dawns on me. This is very rare for me. I usually assess fairly quickly how much I like an album or not. This album took years.
    I think something similar happened with the many professional reviewers who had a dismissive attitude towards the album at first. I bet most of them have come to reassess the qualities of this stunning piece of work.
    While I do regard my self as a Lana Del Rey fan today, it is mostly because of this "double" album (I actually like Paradise even better than Born To Die, but as I stated, I view it pretty much as ONE album). I think Ultraviolence is a good album, but lacks some of the pop qualities that I prefer. I like Honeymoon a bit better than Ultraviolence, but that doesn't touch BTD/Paradise either for me.
    BTD/Paradise is one of the best albums of the 2010's for me - infact it is a great shame that it came out the same year as Kendrick Lamar's masterpiece "Good Kid m.A.A.d City" or it would very easily have been the best album of 2012.
  7. butterflies liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    The BTD version of Off To The Races is everything I love about Lana - dramatic, over the top, on the edge, and a wild vocal performance. The fact that we only have the one studio version (plus the recently surfaced remixes that are basically the same arrangement), makes it even more perfect.
  8. butterflies liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    OTTR deserved sooooo much more attention from Lana then it got. It was almost the best song on the album and it had so much going for it. It's disappointing that she didn't have more songs like that now (officially released).  I think every thing about that song is perfect. Production, rapping, lyrics, perfect song. It's not my favorite but its definitely up there.
  9. butterflies liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    brand new billboard 1/28 chart-
    Born to die- #135 now in its 258th chart week... so four more weeks needed to have more than five chart years on the Top 200 Albums chart
  10. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Elle in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    The melody changes she made to Off to the Races during her 2016 Festival Tour were incredible
    (54:45 - 55:05)

    (1:22 - 1:29)
    Also, the high note from this one is one of the best things she's ever done.

    (4:23 - 4:31)
  11. wraith liked a post in a topic by butterflies in butterflies   
    So, I am happy to announce that upgraded version of my debut album 'Stranger's Sweets Taste Better' is coming out!
    It will include 8 original tracks + 3 brand new tracks!
    It will be available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, Rhapsody and Tidal.
    follow me
    twitter www.twitter.com/xxxbutterflies
    instagram www.instagram.com/iambutterfliesxoxo/
  12. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    I remember hearing OTTR first time on tumblr and i actually had a vision of our Lordt and saviour Jesus Christ right then and there.
    Best song off the album and one of her top 3 songs ever for me, sometimes its my #1 but then i hear West Coast and im reminded of its gloriousness.
    OTTR is so big and epic, that beat, that build up in the last minute, the strings at the end.....gorgeous.
    I'm actually crying right now typing this.
    I wish it was a single.
  13. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    “Off to the Races”


    Similar to “National Anthem” and “Diet Mountain Dew”, “Off to the Races” features heavy alternative hip hop beats, a catchy bassline, a powerful chorus and a bad girl attitude. The difference, though, is that this track is truly an emotional rollercoaster; throughout its 5 minutes, Del Rey’s voice expresses multiple, extreme emotions and moods and deals with unhealthy co-dependency (“I’m not afraid to say that I’d die without him”), drugs (“He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart”) and money (“Give me them gold coins”). During its third chorus, Lana admits “I love you but I’m going down” and apparently loses him due to all this “Las Vegas chaos” they’re experiencing. She doesn’t lose faith, however, and promises he is her “one true love”. The song ends with a dramatic and nostalgic strings section, absolutely appropriate to conclude this tale of American trouble.


  14. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    One of the most controversial songs when it comes to the Haynie Production.
    Honestly, I get why some people might not like this version of the song but as far as I'm concerned, I love it as much as all the demo version we have. It's juts a different atmosphere. (And to be honest, it's good to have another upbeat song in the album)
    This is one of the first songs I heard after being hooked. I think it was the demo that was posted on her account, the one with the jazz piece concluding it. I was enthralled... 
    This song is just one of those that you have to listen once to love, in my opinion. The chorus is so beautiful and melodious and it flows very well. My favorite moment is when the the chorus changes for "Baby stopping at 7/11, there in his White Pontiac Heaven"... It still excites me to this day, for some reason. 
    Also, at first, I didn't know what Mtn Dew was so I thought she sang "Diamond Dew, Baby, New York City".
  15. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    “Diet Mountain Dew”


    This fast, infectious trip hop track about a “pretty girl” wondering if her love for this bad guy will last forever is a collaboration between Del Rey (lyrics, melody), Mike Daly (chords, vocal production) and producers Emile Haynie and Jeff Bhasker.


    Personally, my favorite part of this song is the badass bassline played by Haynie and the whole atmosphere the chorus emanates.


  16. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Going to post this here as well - 
    Hi everyone: for the safety of Lana and her new project, if you have any "exclusive information" about the new record, please do not tease/share it on the forums - THIS INCLUDES DMS. Keep it to yourself. I do not want LanaBoards to be the source of any information that may upset Lana and discourage her about her new album. She will tell us the information when she is ready. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Lots of love! x
  17. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Youuu took the short rooaadd (5x)
    ooh bluuee (2x)

  18. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   



    One of the most personal tracks on Born to Die, “Carmen” is a dark ballad about a woman dealing with drugs, alcohol and an attention-seeking behavior. “It is a song I can't say too much about because it's so close to my heart,” Lana said to The Sun. “It's the song on the record I relate to most closely. It's set partly in Coney Island, a place that's been important to me throughout my New York City career.”


    Its music video, similar to “Video Games”, premiered in April 2012.


  19. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Love that shot of her in that gif, hence my avatar ! Thé verses are so effortless, the instrumental so good (i love the demo as well), the chorus takes you to that level, you know... It's perfect !
  20. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    It was Born To Die that got me into more 'pop'indie music (I was only into rock and metal before that hahah) and from there onwards, my music horizon broadened so much, I am lost for words when people ask "what music do you listen to?".
    So i will forever love this album and all the songs on it. There was not one song that didn't captivate me.
    Congratulations Lana, Emile, and all the other people who worked on this album.
    BTD is the 2010's bible of music, which paved the way for the chapters of Paradise, Ultraviolence, Honeymoon, and her upcoming album too.
  21. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Bootynugget in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    National Anthem's video is iconic. And the song

    I just love BTD so much
  22. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    “National Anthem"



    “Money is the anthem of success” are the first words of this playful, fast alt-hip hop rollercoaster of a song. Produced by hit-maker Emile Haynie, GRAMMY winner for Producer of the Year Jeff Bhasker and multi-instrumentalists David Sneddon and James Bauer-Mein, “National Anthem” shines with its epic orchestration, a dark, sinister beat and a euphoric melody written by Lana, Justin Parker, Sneddon and Bauer-Mein. With all these collaborators, “National Anthem” is obviously an ambitious track in every aspect – even its high-budget short film.


    Directed by Anthony Mandler (Rihanna, Drake, Mary J Bling, among others), “National Anthem” features Lana Del Rey as Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy and rapper A$AP Rocky as JFK. This controversial concept was written by Lana, just like all of her videos. “This was her concept,” Mandler explained. “She came to me with it, and I kind of dug it out with her […] Lana was really interested in exploring this loss of innocence, this idea that what you think you're experiencing is maybe not what it's always going to be. Because when you say 'Kennedy,' that immediately evokes something, just like when I say 'It's a Romeo and Juliet story.' So I think using that power, that pedigree of the story is a really fascinating place to show the loss of something, the breakdown of something." Lana and Rocky being an interracial couple was intentional. “We used the Kennedy framework to kind of implement […] this racially diverse Camelot [...] bringing it into the modern era, but still keeping that classic framework. […] There's a kind of micro-commentary of 'This is the new royalty,' you know, A$AP and Lana, trying to pick two people to maybe represent the next generation of something. I think even with an African American president, it's still controversial to see him sitting and playing JFK, it's still taboo, even if it shouldn't be.” Continuing with the social message of the film, Anthony said they wanted the story to be told from the perspective of the female: “it was always about the person sitting next to him […] It was always about seeing it through her eyes, seeing this kind of castle crumble in the moment, and that shot where she's coming up out of the car, and the pain in her eyes, that destruction, it's like the whole castle is crumbling around her. That's what we were going for."


    “I’ve been inspired by the footage I’ve seen of them, more than their story, just all of the colors in the film,” Lana said to NYLON. “And as far as the song, I’ve had a few relationships where there was complete devotion on behalf of the guy. I loved the idea of a girl telling her boyfriend, ‘Tell me I’m your national anthem, your star-spangled banner, salute to me and love me’ – you know, in a good way, in a beautiful way. I wanted to show how modern-day romance could still have that classic feel.” 


    “National Anthem” is included on Billboard's Best Videos of the 2010s list.


  23. butterflies liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    I pray the autotune loon makes an appearance   PLEASE EMILE PLEASE  give us the autotune loon
  24. butterflies liked a post in a topic by mrborntolose in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    so emile hasn't worked on any of her album material since paradise right? i kinda hope he plays with new things this time around
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