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  1. White Hot Forever liked a post in a topic by LadyWoolridge in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    randomly found a picture of lana. didnt even look for her
    "I think she is or was shooting a video at Little Dom's"
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LadyWoolridge in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    randomly found a picture of lana. didnt even look for her
    "I think she is or was shooting a video at Little Dom's"
  3. The Greatest liked a post in a topic by LadyWoolridge in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    randomly found a picture of lana. didnt even look for her
    "I think she is or was shooting a video at Little Dom's"
  4. latothemoon liked a post in a topic by LadyWoolridge in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    randomly found a picture of lana. didnt even look for her
    "I think she is or was shooting a video at Little Dom's"
  5. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by LadyWoolridge in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    randomly found a picture of lana. didnt even look for her
    "I think she is or was shooting a video at Little Dom's"
  6. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by LDR5 in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    sidenote: this albums deticated to her fans and there's no gay scene in the vid for love? ok
    love it tho, "retro sensibility with a retro flare"
  7. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Intriguing Penguin in Official Single Premiere: "LOVE"   
    Who did this
  8. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    I didn't have time yesterday, sorry


    “Born to Die”



    Those strings, man. That beat. Those lyrics. That melody. “Born to Die” is perhaps Lana Del Rey’s most immaculate masterpiece; an apocalyptic, jaw-dropping “homage to true love and a tribute to living life on the wild side”. The song was composed by Del Rey and Justin Parker, and despite its dramatic, dark atmosphere, its message is rather positive – forget about your fears and insecurities and live life to the fullest.


    The legendary “Born to Die” video was written by Lana and directed by Yoann Lemoine and it was her first high-budget film ever. “Tigers don't come cheap. It's a controversial video. […] I got a generous budget,” she said to The Sun. It features Bradley Soileau as her lover; “You can see the two sides of the relationship where I'm kissing her, then pointing a gun at her head,” he told MTV. “That's what it is. It’s a relationship that is so terrible but neither of them want to leave. That's why when she is in the car, and she wipes the glass, she's looking mad sad, distant, thoughtful. But I’m still trying to get her attention. That's kinda the story for it.” “Born to Die” won Best Pop Video at the UK Music Video Awards.


    Absolutely game and life-changing. The reason we all had an almost religious experience listening to this for the first time is because it was completely innovative, fresh, never-done-before.


    Congratulations Lana; Happy 5th birthday Born to Die!


  9. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Lana Del Rey's major label debut Born to Die will turn 5 this month, and we will celebrate its 15 tracks during the next 15 days, until it officially turns half a decade old on January 27.

  10. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    "Video Games"



    The song that started it all; a moody, dramatically romantic 5-minute ballad about “letting go of [her] musical ambitions and settling down into a simple life with a person [she] loved”.


    Written by Lana Del Rey herself, composed by Justin Parker (who worked with Ellie Goulding, Rihanna and Sia right after collaborating with Del Rey) and produced by Daniel Omelio and Brandon Lowry (Robopop), “Video Games” features haunting sustained piano chords, gentle strings, subtle electronic elements, passionate vocals and some of her finest lyrics to date, introducing us to the Lana Del Rey world: beautiful, innocent women terribly in love with bad guys.


    “Video Games” was an instant classic. “I knew right away that it was a pretty epic piece of work and that it would put her on the map and define her as an artist,” Omelio said back in 2012. “It was such a heartfelt and real piece of music, that I felt sure that people would connect with it right away.” And it definitely did; it went Top 10 in twelve European countries and even hit No. 1 in Germany and Luxembourg. This long, dreamy lullaby performed so well in the continent that it is considered to be one of most successful songs ever in France.

    “I would play my songs [to my label], explain what I was trying to do, and I’d get ‘You know who is No. 1 in 13 countries right now? Kesha,” Lana told T Magazine. “It was too dark, too personal, too risky, not commercial. It wasn’t pop until it was on the radio.” That’s exactly what this song and the whole Lana Del Rey persona did: she turned what it was risky, anti-EDM into the mainstream. Suddenly, slower songs hit the charts on which Katy Perry and Lady Gaga were dominating. An entire indie culture met the pop world and transformed into a sudden obsession for “retro vibes”, visual and musical textures and post-Born to Die kids like Halsey and Lorde.


    Its iconic video, a “moving collage” as described as Dazed, was just so brilliantly simple that the industry and general public started to conspire; Did she really edit this video herself? How did she get a contract with a major label? Is her dad a millionaire? Are her lips real? She’s not a feminist.


    Lana Del Rey was then a young woman opening her heart to the whole world. Yes, “It’s all for you / Everything I do”, “Only worth living if somebody is loving you” – among other lines – could come off as controversial, but she’s just another human being deeply, wrongly in love. Of course men are able to sing about dying over perfect bodies and great sex with multiple women, but Del Rey wishing to spend her life with an unrequited love is a bad example to young girls.


    At the end of the day, “Video Games” was just a taste of what was yet to come: the most interesting and unique female artist of the 2010s. A modern classic Del Rey should always be proud of.


    Recommended article: Robopop on the process of “Video Games”



  11. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Ugh, guys, I'm out of town until Sunday/Monday so I don't really know what's going on in this thread & don't have the time to catch up on it at the moment, but if I come back to an absurd mess BEYOND THIS POINT I will not be happy. I really don't want to have this thread be locked again.
    Some reminders to keep this thread a happy & healthy place of discussion:
    -Please stop blatantly insulting Lana
    -Please stop fighting with each other; if you disagree with someone, disagree respectfully -- not rudely
    -If you think your disagreement is going to last more than a couple of posts, take it to the DMs
    -Try to stay on topic. This thread is called the "meltdown" thread, but let's keep it to small meltdowns about the anticipation of the album rather than literally melting the whole entire earth and all of the Lana fans that inhabit it
    Thank you guys in advance for (hopefully) cooperating, and I'll see you soon. Mod team, keep close watch on this thread.
    Miss you all. Love always x
  12. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Instagram Updates   
    Can you really blame her? 
  13. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Instagram Updates   
    I made this earlier. It is just a photo of Lana on our tree. It is not a photo-shop .All the best everyone.
  14. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Kathy Griffin talks about Lana in new book.   
    I'll pray for you Kathy Griffin, and that disgusting mouth of yours. God bless
  15. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Angel Fire in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I don't know if you guys ever realized that, but the Honeymoon instrumentals (and vocals) play a lot around the "time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future" theme (and some people here even say the Burnt Norton interlude is useless in the album, when, in fact, it's a major role in the understandment of the album themes) which I believe is a central role in the album and the thoughts Lana put in its creation.


    Like, if you listen to "Music to Watch Boys to" you can hear, right in the beggining, that the chorus without instrumental goes forward, while, in the back sound, the echoes are played backwards.


    We have this again in "High by the Beach" with the vocals being played going high and being repeated right after backwards and that goes throughout the entire song, everytime these "scream" (yawns? I don't know how to describe it) appear. The instrumental itself is also going forward and backwards sometimes.


    Art Deco brings it again, with the trip beats in the beggining being played forward and backwards. The instrumental in Burnt Norton is essencially this. Played forward and backwards, forward and backwards, giving the feeling of an endless loop.


    At the end or Religion the beats slow down to bring Salvatore, where the flutes are first going up and in a second beind played in reverse. 


    And the best of all, right in the beggining you have the sound of a man crying compulsively, which is repeated a lot of times. The cry itself lenghts less than a second, but they repeat it like, 9 times, so it seems like a continously cry. At the end of the bridge, when the violins rise again (at the end of the piano part) you can see that the cry is now going up, like a laugh, 'cause they're playing it backwards. God, it's fu**ing amazing. This part is more notorious if you listen to the instrrumental isolated, you can find it in here: 

    I listened some of the same pattern in the Swan Song instrumental, but right now I'm not remembering to tell you especifically. Overall, that's just shows how Lana is a fu**ing incredible artist, how everything is planned and she is really focused in materializing an idea, a thought, a belief in what she creates. It's simply overwhelming.


    P.S.: I copied it from the "your fav instrumentals" thread 'cause I have never read someone discussing this before and I'd like for more people to know about it!

  16. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in FKA twigs   
    You all seem to be forgetting that Pendulum is her best song
  17. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Degenerate in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    Kinky b!tch, She is definitely a bottom
  18. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by The Greatest in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    lol even her worst stuff is great feel blessed people
  19. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Angel Fire in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I read some stuff here and I actually start to wonder if some of you appreciate Lana's work or is just expecting that she will release something that you want to listen.
    Like, it's her creation, and her art. If you don't feel connected anymore (or is touched by what she's been expressing), maybe you should rethink if she's an artist you like instead of whishing she would go back to sing the only sound and atmosphere you expect. If you don't feel this brightness anymore (as so many of you say), maybe one option would be to look forward to artists that come closer to what you relate. But, most important, to keep respecting the work Lana does. I read some stuff here that I think are extremely offensive and if she was here herself she would probably question why you are interested in her work anyway, being just like the media that sucked her in the past.
    I didn't want to say anything just to be the annoying one, but what really bothers me is seeing so much disrespect and, mainly, the depreciation of her art, inputtted as "opinions". It's disheartening, I thought coming to LanaBoards I would see people praising, analysing, being proud of her work and thrilled by the person she's becoming over the years, 'cause she had a tough life and had to overcome a lot to be where she is today.
    it's really tiring, you know.
  20. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by Lust in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    This is what makes us Lana stansLooking for rumors but we don't find shit
    Fighting for over 30 fukin pages
    Don't cry about it don't cry about it

  21. LadyWoolridge liked a post in a topic by SissyReed in Lana is a bitch/Lana is shady af   
    lmao i've read about that but i wasn't sure i like lorde but she shouldn't have said such things about other artists, espeically at the beginning of her career...
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