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  1. callmedecember liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Lorde   
    can someone finally leak some unreleased lorde tracks, i want good fights thanks
  2. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is the 35148 post on a thread with barely 1 page worth of exact news  and information.
  3. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is completely true. 
    I listen to Mariners when I need it the most.
    Something terrible happened in my house last night and when I was finally in bed I played Hope and it felt right.
  4. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this feels too harsh.. honestly i'm just worried about her mental health, like why is she procrastinating so hard? it could be because of the criticism toward hope, which could explain why her next release isn't actually her own song?
  5. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by slang in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Sorry (in advance) for the rant, but I always need to vent on this topic. Hope it's entertaining.   The twitter quote is actually hypocritical to some degree, given she doesn't unsuppress AKA, and release May Jailer and all of those weird and wildly divergent (yet high quality) unreleased. I mean I really don't want there to be a "Lana Del Rey aesthetic" if it means her plurality can never be officially released and recognized. The quote should enable her to do those things, but sadly she doesn't. I'd also like her to disconnect her self image from her art. She should not feel that a song has to represent her *at all* or that she has to abide by an aesthetic, and I wish she'd just say this to interviewers.   Anyway, maybe binge listening to Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP (which I recently discovered) could help her understand how to do the disconnect of artist from art. I mean it's clear (and I think he even says this) that the songs on that album do not represent him, but merely show how he wishes to express himself in his art at the current time. My point is that nothing in her past lyrics or past songs should make her uncomfortable, given Eminem's success with what is on that album. Also, my what a bizarre universe this is that we live in (i.e., his album won a grammy, sold more than all of LDR's records combined, and made a bunch of people's all-time-best album lists, and ngl, I also like the album).
  6. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Hope might be « simple » production-wise, but it is perfect to me. No, you don’t listen to it everyday, but when you are just in a dark place, when you are just lost, the soft piano and her voice just hit the right chords and reflect how you feel: kinda empty and slowed down. I love her cinematic songs and production, but it wouldn’t work on Hope.
  7. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Lorde   
    fixed it
  8. True Romance liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Lorde   
    can someone finally leak some unreleased lorde tracks, i want good fights thanks
  9. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Lorde   
    can someone finally leak some unreleased lorde tracks, i want good fights thanks
  10. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Masochism in Lorde   
    i miss her
  11. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in Lorde   
    Melodrama is still SO GOOD, yesterday I was at a cafe with friends and Sober started playing and then The Louvre and Hard Feelings/Loveless, and then Coachella started playing...
  12. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's gonna be a fall/winter album, I can feel it.
  13. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    and the snippets i met along the road were my only summer
  14. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can feel myself in general getting really depressed, and I know it's stupid to rely on Lana and her music to help, but I just need a little something to kinda put my bad thoughts at bay for a while.
  15. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    The thought about the possible personal hurt after Hope was in my pool of thoughts, so I definitely think that it's very plausible, that and that at least she's aware of how that must personally go, to whatever degree. Where ever it stems from, she's defensive of her work, bc it's still a part of her, regardless of the fact that she was able to compartmentalize it and send it off as a track. I get ur point, and agree conceptually to what ur saying on that.
    To build on that speculation:
    - MAC was a strong return, similar to how West Coast was well received when it debuted w Fearne Cotton's radio show, and how VB cultivated a mini cult following.
    - Could explain as to why she even used an alt account, to garner exclusivity w deeper fans than the general public. --> what those trolling posts on the 29th were on insta
    Bc speculation is fun, but can end up getting stale real quick w/o real world answers, at least for me. let's fact check everything else. 
    -Ben's aware of this site's existence. How he uses that information, or how it spreads, we don't know. 
    - Do we have confirmation that Lana visits the site? If, thru who? 
    - Lust for Life, was generally well-received by the public, but has mixed opinions surrounding it when it comes to this forum. Same pattern for Hope, allegedly (add this to the spec portion)
    - People have reacted poorly to what the track was, focusing on things to upset them. Motive? At least for some on this forum, nitpicking for problems w the phrases u mentioned bc of the news blackout (Genuine question tho, was anyone else via articles/media distressed about it as much as some of us on here?)
    - Sad Girl, introspective shit, was how she described the record. (Anyone have the exact date? I'll fill this in later).
    - She's halted posting about the poetry book. 
    - Fans at most dislike the lack of effort, case a., the interlude passing mv for MAC, mixed for VB. 
    - Minor changes from the party's management, a.k.a. possible tweaking.
    Loose factors:
    - Baddie NY resolutions.
    - Dating life, according to numerous tabloids, even a personal reference from close sources to her. Did it just end abruptly?
    The theory holds a lot. It could very well be the factor as to why she's been real silent, as much as I'd hate to admit it. Do I think it's sensible? No. Warranted if true? Definitely.   
    What I dislike, so so so much, is how, if the previous is the main debilitating factor, is how she's lost faith in those who stuck on, and were really trying to really listen to and understand what she was putting out. Lack of comm, or bending around it, leaving only traces/clues if even directed at anyone. Which, imo is what infuriates this forum in the first place. (I'll come personally clean even, and state that 3/29 was incredibly upsetting, like how the rest of us thought. Made a post about it, genuine anger behind it, self-sickening, but damn, u just can't gloss over ur problems hoping to stand above them. It's unstable ground.)
    I'd like to think better that she's waiting more for society to be truly ready for her work, to let it simmer thru the tracks we've gotten so far, which imo is great, they each hold merit for a diverse selection of emotions, bc she's usually good at feeling at society nd current events/time, but that was bound to happen regardless. 
    Ya can't not expect others to want more material after its been promised, and expect them to not get upset when everything (info)'s been fractionalized. It isn't just. 
    This was long, but I'm not gonna hold anything against anyone til we get answers. This is like reverse-arguing, and it's just incredibly upsetting. There's just no compromise. Again, if any of this holds any precise validity that is. Makes me wonder what the leaks were all about, and how much the cover plays into things. Articles being forced to become liars, and magazines misting information. Feels a lot like the suffering we went through after Love being leaked which totally disaligned everything. She seemed alright about it tho, just gave leakers a slap on the wrist
    Was pretty new, and started during the LfL era, but earlier users, does this always happen? Passive punishment? July 21st still makes me squint, and idk what warranted that exactly.   
  16. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    A disco/synth/electro pop album produced by Giorgio Moroder, but ~dark~ and moody!

    Alternatively, I would love her to record a proper psych-rock/grunge-ish album. Basically the same direction as Venice Bitch, but go much further (since as of now, it seems the rest of NFR will be rather tame) and take it to the extreme lol. I can't really see her doing that, unfortunately. On the other hand, absolutely no one could've predicted Venice Bitch, so who even knows?
  17. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Love this post! Some really interesting points.
    My thoughts ... (complete speculation, of course)
    They are two very different women, certainly, but I think Hunger is to Florence what Hope is to sis. Hunger recently turned one, and Florence posted about how nervous she was to release it because it was so personal, and that she was so grateful for the reception to it.
    Hope was released before I joined this community, but going by the comments here, and by those I've seen on social media, I feel like the reception to it was mixed. Seeing as it's her most personal song (and took 3 years to complete) maybe that reception hurt her more than we realised. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but she posted that Instagram comment replying to the accusations about racial connotations in the song, and seemed to shut herself off from NFR, and to some extent, fans, right after that.
    When I translated that article earlier and read that it took her 3 years to complete, straight away my mind went to that poem: "I love you but you don't understand me." It could be about absolutely anything or anyone, and was likely written before Hope was released, but I immediately thought of it. Maybe she felt really misunderstood and hurt, pouring her heart and soul into that song for three fucking years and everyone was all, "Oh my God that selfie is horrible", "Wow "Black narcissist"?!", and "Fuck me, an iPad reference!"
    I'm not saying that it's wrong to be critical of those points (and others) ... not at all. I'm just saying ... maybe she really didn't get the reaction she wanted and it upset her more than we realised and/or made her doubt herself and the album - which she has said is very personal. And maybe that's why she's taking a break just to regather herself or whatever.
    I know this post sounds really emotional 'n' shit but she has said herself that she is an emotional, sensitive person.
  18. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Woah... I can’t believe it took her 3 years to ink the deal w Apple to use the phrase “most famous woman you know from the iPad”
  19. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do these rumours follow jack around? it happened with lorde too
  20. Marius liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do these rumours follow jack around? it happened with lorde too
  21. deepseafishing liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do these rumours follow jack around? it happened with lorde too
  22. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    which would be even more gross since there's a +15 year gap between the two
    don't want to take it there but i also believe its very sexist how our society can't take a man and a woman working together without thinking they're banging or something like that
  23. Cacciatore liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do these rumours follow jack around? it happened with lorde too
  24. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by BreadKing in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do these rumours follow jack around? it happened with lorde too
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