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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I should have specified- I think they meant the instrumental in the last part. But still, every cinematic dream pop song isn't exactly a lana copy
  2. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I remember people saying it was a ripoff of Summertime Sadness which is a bit of a stretch, but yeah it's for sure inspired a bit
  3. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The correlation and storyline is just rebirth and death over and over which is why I'm over it. Probably no particular order besides Death as the first one, but I'd be really keen to see how it finally ends.
  4. Gotta agree with Flipside and Is This Happiness here Also: Burning Desire Big Eyes and I Can Fly You Must Love Me as a cover. No one talks about those VOCALS? It's all the ones that are easy to forget about. I don't think I underrate them, but when I notice them again, I'm like "Where have you been???!!"
  5. I love how this sounds exactly 50% Quavo (I can only assume, I don't know his music tbh) and 50% Lana. Super excited! I want Lana to be THAT girl on every rap song.
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Definitely a step up from the last 3 imo, lol. Her choices are certainly weird this era, and in a way that I don't consider a good weird every time, but im glad I happened to like this choice I guess? It fits with exactly how I feel when listening to light shower. Death fit very well too.
  7. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I actually enjoyed this music video as a nice relaxing break from all the fast-paced samey-same music videos. It was quite beautiful at the end, but damn this shit is still so repetative.
  8. Lately all I want to read is cosmic horror, psychological thriller kinds of books like The Southern Reach trilogy (the books that inspired the Annihilation movie) and I have a whole list more, like the Three Body Problem books but I am procrastinating too hard to read. I also really want to read Picnic at Hanging Rock, which is an Australian historical fiction and kinda leaning into psychological thriller and mystery too. Also something that the TV series got me interested in.
  9. Okay once again I wish I never watched the finale
  10. Idk, I think AHS kinda needed this step back, to stop trying to be so complex. I don't think this is the worst season by far. It's still kinda camp, but it's at least been enjoyable and more or less interesting every episode for me. I'd possibly rewatch it again in a few years. I've still got no excitement for the future of AHS but still, it gave me more than I expected lol, as an uninterested fan since 2018. I'm just glad all I needed was a 1 month subscription to Binge to finish the season and I can cancel it the day after The Auteur airs
  11. On a serious note, and only off the top of my head. Fire: Lolita. The most well known demo and the final version fit fire well imo. They're fast paced, even a little unpredictable. Water: Old Money. I just think of slow running water, waves, or sunset over the water. Earth: Born To Die. I think the verses are earthy, or they're like lana asking to be grounded. Air: Brooklyn Baby. It has an airy atmosphere?
  12. Brooklyn baby: I think it's like fire? and water? Like wind and sea?
  13. Also, if you have spotify and it's updated, they have that function where you can flick through snippets of each song on an album. That would be a faster way of seeing what the vibe of each album is like. Lana often always has a few more upbeat songs and a few very slow songs on her albums, so that spotify thing can help you pick the individual songs you'd like more.
  14. My suggestion would be to play her albums in order while you're driving/commuting, hanging out, doing chores, etc. You'll pretty much pick up the vibe of each album quickly and know which one/s you want to dive into more. I'd also suggest watching her music videos if you want to do something quicker to check out the singles and visuals.
  15. Lol she trashes the NFR album cover in that interview, which is funny tbh, but she praises that album a lot. But idk, I can't really keep up with people who do so many backflips like her. I've always liked Courtney from afar, but have been wary not to find out too much about her And I still think she's a toxic friend sorry not sorry
  16. It's definitely not as shallow as "she did a shit cover, now I don't like her", so it's really quite pathetic that she's gone ahead with that narrative. Just like... My speculation: I think she just did it to make Lana notice. I'm really just quite concerned for Lana because I'm sure Courtney's support felt amazing to her during their friendship, and she probably told Lana something like "your music is so amazing you could never make a bad choice or do a bad song", and now that their friendship is over it's giving me abusive vibes, like it does a full 180 and is probably making Lana feel terrible, and i know what Courtney said is so stupid and unhinged, but it's sure to be a pinpoint aim to make Lana feel like shit and prove to her that it's really over and theres no repair. I'm sorry, I hate to throw around the word abusive, but thats literally the vibe I'm getting. Maybe a better word is just extremely toxic, but I've had extremely toxic friendships before that did feel abusive so... I know I'm speculating here...
  17. All this talk of a white horse. I was a huge taylor fan in her early career and if she showed up in Lanas performance and sang White Horse followed by Lana singing White Mustang
  18. Omanko definitely should have been a BSide over Can't Say No To Myself. It sometimes hurts my ears but I love it so much at the same time cause it was the last song I discovered from NTMT and was so excited to have something "extra" when I finally heard it. Meanwhile CSNTM is a perfect flawless fit for the album. As are all the others unmentioned.
  19. You mean B-sides part 1. Yet another thing unfinished. But those 3 songs really are so good. I'll take any chance to mention Shirley Manson, and she really killed it with writing Red Lips and I'm on Top. I'm on Top also gives that weird groovy vibe Garbage sometimes does.
  20. I wanted to say so much but im gonna keep my mouth shut. My short answer: eye roll
  21. Oh I only just saw this tracklist. I thought Overcompensate would be a perfect album opener, so Navigate must be an instrumental or short intro of some sorts. I'm really excited to hear Routines in the Night. It sounds dark, but they always surprise me.
  22. I love Overcompensate. It's constantly in my head and it's my favourite single since Chlorine, and my favourite lead single since Stressed Out. This is so exciting! Listening to Next Semester which is also really fun and vibey, but I feel like Tyler is holding back his vocals somehow? He sounds different but still great. Still hoping they do a psychedelic trippy rock album like Tame Impala currents style (a little more like My Blood).
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