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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I love Overcompensate. It's constantly in my head and it's my favourite single since Chlorine, and my favourite lead single since Stressed Out. This is so exciting! Listening to Next Semester which is also really fun and vibey, but I feel like Tyler is holding back his vocals somehow? He sounds different but still great. Still hoping they do a psychedelic trippy rock album like Tame Impala currents style (a little more like My Blood).
  2. This is such a late reply but just have to say it's because the actor got a concussion from it, and was also fired by the director for complaining about it, so i doubt they could even get it covered as a work injury. That's when Mia also laughed at him when he confronted her about it after the scene was shot. A kick in the head can also kill someone so it's not just an ouchie, it's a big deal, especially when you get treated like that afterwards. Well then we know she doesn't die at the end? Unless?
  3. I just woke up and seeing these designs makes me think I'm still having a weird dream
  4. Oh that's beautiful. Neil is going to slay. I want colour like that so bad.
  5. Exciting! And I'll gladly rewatch the first part as it was so enjoyable. Looks like things will go quickly from here.
  6. Definitely watch this to learn a bit more about Marilyn's truth Tbh I'm guilty of having fallen for the JFK affair shit. And also guilty of wondering whether she was murdered. But Jessica debunks these so well.
  7. Maggie is actually such a cool person. I only wanted to listen to a certain section of this interview but was left so interested by her and listened to the whole thing plus the others with this channel for the Paranoia and Suckerpunch eras. Idk, it's just so nice to hear someone who is only slightly younger than me sound so wise and so grown up. I've never truly looked up to someone younger than me!
  8. Hearing US citizens complaining about non-US citizens not minding their business as if the US hasn't forced everything onto the entire world and doesnt have direct influence over the entire western world and even control of whole countries and cultural groups, deciding whether or not some even deserve to exist
  9. Well die for is finally out!!! but besides that one, I love 24 (big Alexis Munroe fan) and rip my heart out. I tend to love Maggie's album tracks rather than the singles.
  10. My two favourites growing up were the straight-to-video sequels- The Lion King 2 and The Little Mermaid 2 (actually I hate that one now compared to the first but I used to be obsessed). Other than that, Alice in Wonderland is my favourite. And out of live action, The Little Mermaid is the only one I'd watch again. It was fantastic.
  11. Ultra Violet

    Jazmin Bean

    Traumatic Livelihood is a fantastic album. It's so cohensive- much more than WWT, and her sound is even more indescribable now. It reminds me more of early 2000s pop or alt pop. I love it so much. I have to say the first half of the album stands out more, but the rest a beautiful additions. I literally can't say a negative thing. It's a huge win for me. I loved WWT for its metal influence but it had a few skips and I have to say TL doesn't have any The sound is even more addictive. It's like something you can vibe to more as well.
  12. I love Burnt Norton and never ever skip it, but I actually voted The Trio because it's so Lana, and even more Lizzy. It's crazy. It's so American western.
  13. Ooo yes. But I'd genuinely swap the order all the time between 1-6 because I love all of them a lot. 1. Ultraviolence 2. Ocean Boulevard 3. Born To Die 4. Paradise 5. Honeymoon 6. Blue Banisters 7. Normal Fucking Rockwell 8. AKA 9. Lust for Life 10. Chemtrails Alt covers: 1. HONEYMOON (and this would win over even the official covers) (The following I'd place between 6 and 7 above) 2. Ultraviolence 3. The Chemtrails Wolf cover 4. All the Ocean Boulevard ones 5. Blue Banisters with tractor 6. Normal fucking Rockwell 7. Chemtrails 8. The other 2 Blue Banisters alt covers
  14. Glad you asked because I completely forgot. It was Obsession, played in 2x05
  15. I can't really list anything that hasn't been mentioned already, but I never think that repetative songs don't stand out. I always think repetition in Lana's songs makes it easier to sink into the mood. Edit: okay no one said Cruel World yet. There's a reason that one is my favourite.
  16. I was referring to the Neil Krug shoot she posted on twitter which she used to promote witchcraft against Donald Trump. That was just after Love's release, and a month before the LFL trailer. But anyways someone needs to ask Lana about what she wanted to do with the witchy aspects of LFL and if there was anything unreleased that she considered to be on-theme with that. I wonder what Lana considers witchy, because everyones definition is different and can change over time. E.g. Stevie Nicks said it wasnt nice for people to call her a witch in earlier Fleetwood Mac years, only to later be obsessed with it herself and appear on AHS Coven as a witch.
  17. Girl do you remember the album trailer? And one of Lana's promo pics before the album? Lana has never teased us so hard with an album vibe/aesthetic and not followed through like she did there. I don't think Lana intended LFL to be witchy upon its writing, but she definitely made it look that way in the roll-out. Pretty sure I did write at least a 3 page essay on that trailer now that I think about it
  18. (Which I've got blog posts on because I want to keep expanding them, and currently need to update) - the Ultraviolence era development - the weather in Lana's music - references to death in Lana's music - the honeymoon era development I'll eventually do
  19. That's interesting, thanks! Gonna take note of that and find which songs involve more people and see if there's a pattern
  20. Honestly the first look of her in Wicked is so much cuter than the looks for this era. I think the pale pink is really her colour, and always has been, no matter what shes tried to do with her skin colour I've always been such a cautious, secret Ari fan, like I'm always fascinated in what she's doing, yet genuinely know only like 15 songs. But if the rest of this album is gonna sound so early 2000s (I get so much 2006 pop from yes, and?) then I'm in and will probably stream the whole album a lot.
  21. This didn't even show up in my spotify new activity So I thought "OUT NOW" meant only the trailer of the TV show or the pilot episode or smth. So now that I have heard it, ITS GORGEOUS OMG JESUS CHRIST Season of the Witch background vocal throwbacks omg. For all the Jack hate I've given, he does really REALLY REALLY good with these covers. I think maybe because he knows he needs to do better with covers Or he gives himself more time to feel the vibe that's already there? And same with Lana because her vocals are more interesting and variable here compared to her recent albums. Her voice was made for the classics.
  22. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I could finally be fucked watching the Fairie Soiree music video and.... it's giving more and more "school musical". The lighting doesn't make any of the colours look nice, and it's getting really boring with this being born and entering the world, vibing around or whatever, and then going to the next. It feels claustrophobic and uninspired, even though I know it has meaning, like life lessons and cycles and portals and whatever. But are we gonna watch them all in order and enjoy it? Nope. However, once again, just like Tunnel Vision, the ending is nice. I just see all of this potential, but my final thoughts are that these last 2 music videos were poorly executed, especially Fairie Soiree. It's funny how some of the crybaby music videos could be so simple yet so much better.
  23. I like to assume "confusing shade" or "sending a coded message" before "good terms"
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