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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Kinda sounds like it was made up, because the "baby you're my sign" is a misheard lyric of "lady of Versailles" (which I used to think was "lady on the side" lol). Also mishearing it from "Cause Lady of Versailles" wouldn't make sense either, so I just really doubt this one.
  2. I hope Hollywood with the right production sounds as vibey and upbeat as the one that leaked.
  3. Yes, living in the Southern hemisphere, Lana's albums are released in opposite seasons. Ultraviolence will therefore always be a mostly winter album for me, and Honeymoon a spring album. But that's also heavily impacted by me listening to them on repeat at the times they were released. But when she sings about July, for example, I'm not going to think of our winters here because it's much more obvious in her lyrics. It's just an experience I don't have (July being summer, and therefore being a big celebratory time to be outside). so I don't really relate a lot of her lyrics to my own life, like all the locations she mentions too. It's just imaginary to me
  4. She should have done more with the rock sound in this Better Than That demo.
  5. Huge yes. Might I also add: The freedom of one group does not require the oppression of another group.
  6. Something really sad I just realised. I'm sure some of the Palestinian prisoners released will come back to realise they have no family left to meet them. And nearly all have no home to go back to.
  7. This year I've been mostly listening to local playlists on my phone of the Paradise, Ultraviolence, Honeymoon and Lust for Life eras, with all their added outtakes. Or I listen to tracklists I've put together of entirely unreleased songs and demos. I've been doing this with other artists too, mostly Sky Ferreira this year because masochism is never coming. But Lana is definitely the artist i have the most playlists for and usually my go-to. I guess it's because my predominant mood is chill and dreamy, and that's what most of Lana's music is to me.
  8. It's good to see the discussion above on this page. I'm of course going to keep updating what's happening with the hostage and prisoner releases when I can. I hope it goes smoothly, and hope even more that the bombing and attacks don't resume right away after the 4 days (even tho Netanyahuis promising it will), and that the West Bank can get peace during this too. Information about that so far: i've pasted so much so putting it in a spoiler
  9. I think you were talking about the prisoners to be released soon, but you might want to read a bit more about other prisoners Israel has taken and how they have unlawfully treated Palestinians that are not actually doing violent things, like this a couple of years ago: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/06/israeli-police-targeted-palestinians-with-discriminatory-arrests-torture-and-unlawful-force/
  10. So that old man who got murdered by an Israeli soldier while minding his own business harvesting olives must have identified with the idea of Hamas? Israel is never asked to prove any of this btw. They "just know".
  11. Ultra Violet

    Movie vs. Movie

    Lost in Translation vs Thirteen
  12. Ultra Violet

    Movie vs. Movie

    Pulp Fiction vs American Beauty
  13. Fair enough about the first part. I'll edit it to what I should have said. Generally, Palestinians being controlled by a government thats comitted terrorism (and still is) doesnt stop me from wanting their freedom and basic human rights at every moment. I also don't agree with collective punishment by Israel in the meantime, and rather than just a tragedy, I think the killing was entirely preventable, had there been communication before the bombing began.
  14. Okay. I just want to add, have you considered that freedom for Palestinians means to remove blockades, remove restrictions for the amount of food allowed into Gaza (like for years pre Oct 7th), remove their travel restrictions between the West Bank and Gaza, and that maybe their people shouldn't be restricted to only the two geographically divided locations within their homeland?
  15. And "From the river to the sea, Israel is what you'll see" is not calling for the elimination of Palestinians as a group of people on their homeland?
  16. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free is not calling for genocide or wiping out Jewish people in Israel. Meanwhile, people can tweet "From the river to the sea, Israel is what you'll see" and no one blinks an eye. It seems its easy to think that freedom requires colonisation when coming from someone living in a country that did exactly that. Meanwhile Indigenous people just want freedom and others be like "!!!! this requires my destruction!!!!". No It Doesn't. Learn the difference between freedom from oppression and what colonisation really is.
  17. I don't keep up with news from her but that's intriguing for sure
  18. @I Come In Peace sorry to bother you again, but maybe I can get your perspective on what's happening in the West Bank? How is Israel justifying that when Hamas doesn't control there?
  19. I read this, and I hear you. I want to respectfully say I keep trying to specify that I am criticising Israeli officials and people from israel who are mocking the pain and suffering and death of Palestinians, and also those ignoring the suffering. We are allowed to criticise a countries government and that doest equal antisemitism. I hope Israel will be free from Netanyahu too. I'm also aware that there are people in Israel who are trying to fight back against him with the risk of being jailed, and many have been. I also want to say (and maybe you didn't mean anyone in this thread at all), the "tik tok and influencer" news is really being thrown around to people as a defence to pro-Palestine talk. The alternative to the news you see on television and on your phone browser isn't automatically Tik tok and influencers. It can come straight from people in the UN (like the human rights expert who quit), and news channels that are closer to the conflict, and actually IN it like Al Jazeera who have been covering it for years.
  20. I wonder if the conflict and attacks in the West Bank are going to stop with the temporary ceasefire. My guess is no.
  21. A) 14,500 B) 30,000 injured and serious mental harm has been done to all Palestinians C) cutting off food, water, fuel, medical aid. Also before Oct 7th, only allowing food into Gaza that was calculated to be just above levels of starvation. Keep in mind only ONE of these points needs to be met to be considered genocide. And you only need to listen to what Israeli officials have been saying to know their intent. If you're going to ignore what I've shared in here about that, or refuse to look it up yourself, that's wilful ignorance.
  22. It's absurd to keep denying it at this point. I've posted several links and videos in here about Iraeli officials blatantly saying they want all Palestinians wiped out. Just because it's not plastered all over headlines in western countries the way "hamas" and "terrorist" is, people can so easily ignore and deny it. People really think US support = the right side all the time don't they
  23. Yup, saw a video of Israeli children singing about the IDF swooping in and bombing the city. Had to turn it off after like 2 lines. My ears bled just from reading the subtitles. Remember what German children had to sing in ww2?
  24. Yeah I've definitely noticed that. And barely any news channels ive seen have covered this yet and it's a huge update.
  25. Wtf that is awful. Are they also going to disown Jenna Ortega from the franchise for supporting Palestine?
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