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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. What do you think about Ukraine abstaining from this vote? I'm so confused. But of course good to see the majority asking for ceasefire and aid to Gaza.
  2. Exactly what I thought. Thanks to the original post I went and liked all the free Palestine comments, and the ones trying to explain to her except the ones saying that they were cancelling or unfollowing Lana because I think that discourages her from learning and looking past her go-to news channel.
  3. Oh interesting, as of today they are now allowing #palestine and #free palestine tags to appear as trending. Did tumblr staff educate themselves or did they just try to cover themselves after listening to the criticism they were receiving?
  4. Ultra Violet


    Pretty good album, but I don't find it as vibey as Flux or I Disagree. I know it will grow on me but there's been no instant hits for me, even from the singles. I hope Zag takes me by surprise.
  5. And the US is so effective at writing their narrative that people are in complete disbelief and even laugh at others calling this genocide. You can see that in the other thread....
  6. Tumblr is suppressing the #palestine tag as highlighted/trending despite it having more posts than other trending tags. #palestine has even more than the #gaza tag. Wonder if other social media platforms are doing this.
  7. " Palestinian death toll estimated at over 6,000 An estimated 6,546 Palestinians, including 2,704 children, have been killed and 17,439 wounded in Israeli strikes since October 7, the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said. In the past 24 hours, an estimated 756 Palestinians including 344 children were killed in Israeli strikes, the ministry said. Israeli authorities report that 1,400 people have been killed and 5,431 injured, mostly from the October 7 attack by Hamas militants." -------- This is so scary. We are not built to understand deaths in these numbers, let alone in 24 hours.
  8. This does nothing productive except serve as like-bait to those who think real-world discussions about people dying is childish. Like what are you even trying to add here?
  9. I don't know why you say that when we're all actually discussing and sharing information here + not even fighting about it. It's like you meant to post this in the "Lana signs letter to Biden" thread which is already a dumpster fire. Im noticing a lot of people on this site wanting to shut down and belittle conversation that makes them uncomfortable to talk about, especially when they feel "above it".
  10. Although the whole interview is important and very telling of how media is steering away from the Palestinian perspective (the perspective of the most opressed) what she says at 9:00 should say enough. How can people not understand this? But still, please everyone listen to the whole interview if you haven't. She goes into much more detail. Queen Rania is also such a good speaker. She pushes forward when the interviewer is trying to cut her off and bring it back to the biased questions she's meant to ask. You can't stop listening to her.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyw7KDaOBtR/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Sounds a lot like genocide to me (edit: apparently this post is not from a good person, but as far as I know, the quotes are true) As someone who doesn't know what to check, can you explain? I thought all the links in there said enough.
  12. " 700 deaths estimated in 24 hours Gaza's health ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qidra said a total of 704 people were killed in the previous 24 hours alone, the highest 24-hour number of deaths reported in the two weeks of Israeli bombing. The ministry said at least 5,791 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli bombardments of the densely populated territory since October 7, including 2,360 children. In Israel, authorities report a death toll of 1,400, mostly from the October 7 attack by Hamas militants. .... Wide areas of highly urbanised Gaza have been demolished by Israeli bombs, forcing more than half of its 2.3 million people to seek shelter elsewhere in the territory. Residents said several people were killed or wounded when an Israeli missile hit a petrol station in Khan Younis, where people who fled the eastern side of the city were gathered to charge their devices and fill water canisters. "They bombed them in their sleep," said Abdallah Abu Al-Atta, who lives by the petrol station. ..... All hospitals say they are running out of fuel to power their electricity generators, leaving them increasingly unable to treat the injured and ill. Doctors have warned that critical pieces of equipment, like incubators for newborns, risk stopping. Doctors said patients arriving at hospitals were showing signs of disease caused by overcrowding and poor sanitation. More than 40 medical centres have halted operations, either because of a lack of fuel or damage from Israeli bombing, a health ministry spokesman said."
  13. Just to clarify my own position, I only started to realise what was really going on about 4 days ago. I did not start with any particular opinion besides "war is bad and taking hostages is bad". I started to feel stupid for not understanding the context of what the news was reporting, and felt a bit cornered by people showing disbelief over people taking no stance when genocide is happening. So I decided to read for 1-2 hours, and sure enough I started to see what pro-Palestine movements are talking about and why this is so desperate. So for those not sure what is going on. PLEASE READ. Please start to notice what your news is reporting, the language they choose, if they report news from both sides, etc. And read past the news too.
  14. No one else was gonna do it so. Here's what I read to understand what Palestinians are experiencing. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1u--MOgPuHav14hoqQbXH7LytpESUPwUMWRQ_v1kVwd8/mobilebasic#heading=h.wqzkq5qivrvt And this is copy-pasted straight from that link, but several days old already. Death Toll for scale: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyZOFjvOmmk/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 4 Wars Old - Fourteen Years of Childhood in Gaza https://visualizingpalestine.org/visuals/four-wars-old What Genocide looks like over 7 days: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyZGdaVLBIP/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== An animated map of the loss of Palestinian land: https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/maps_main.html 23 Palestinians for every 1 Israeli killed between 2008- 2021: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/18/mapping-israeli-occupation-gaza-palestine What does the blockade actually look like: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyNpw16sYhs/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D&img_index=6 50,000 pregnant women can’t access health services in Gaza: https://twitter.com/UNFPA/status/1712838361117794493 Clickable map of a list of town where Palestinians were forcibly removed, 1947-1949 (Nakba): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_and_villages_depopulated_during_the_1947%E2%80%931949_Palestine_war And here are the main massacres that occurred, and the name of the towns: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/15/nakba-mapping-palestinian-villages-destroyed-by-israel-in-1948 The contamination of Gaza’s water: https://www.facebook.com/middleeastmonitor/photos/a.175445796925/10156833240971926/?type=3&ref=embed_post Unemployment rate and stops to exports strangling Gaza’s economy: https://m.facebook.com/Oxfam/photos/after-more-than-a-decade-of-illegal-blockade-of-gaza-its-once-thriving-economy-h/551093568601795/ Not an infographic, but a link to the UN saying that Gaza is unlivable - in 2018 - that was FIVE YEARS AGO. https://www.un.org/unispal/document/gaza-unliveable-un-special-rapporteur-for-the-situation-of-human-rights-in-the-opt-tells-third-committee-press-release-excerpts/ How a 15 year blockade affects food supplies: https://images.theconversation.com/files/487843/original/file-20221003-7185-zmf9k8.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=1000&fit=clip
  15. Anyway, as someone who IS pro-Palestine, I don't think signing this letter warrants not listening to her music yet, although that's a choice anyone can make at any time, and one I'd respect. I also don't think Lana will do anything to get herself cancelled from this. She's part of the dumb majority, unfortunately.
  16. I love how people only use the "chronically online" "spend too much time on the internet" when we are talking about war and politics that impact lives of millions of innocent peolle, but not when we all spend hours each day discussing one artist over and over.
  17. Let's be real. Lana isn't going to educate herself and no one around her is. No one in her circle could explain to her why people were mad about QFTC, and no one around her will explain it to her this time. Because theyre all the same as her, exposed to the same information in their position, and just double down on it with eachother. I also don't see the point in people saying she has good intentions. OF COURSE she does, yet she can still be (and is) wrong. Everyone thinks they have good intentions. Everyone thinks they're in the right. Even people deploying the missiles think that they're right. Misinformation and propaganda run wild, and in this case is the first and easiest information to see. People never believe they're under the influence of it because of this.
  18. I had to laugh I personally skip the song only because the lyrics are not really good for what Lana can do, like what she did with the rest of the album.
  19. Looking like the celebrities they're playing isn't critical for the movie. You all saw what happened with Blonde. I think the truth in this story will mean everything.
  20. These words, yes ! And yeah I have definitely heard that Heroin fan made mix. I still like to hear them and pretend Lana has done the heavier rock/metal sound, but that is not at all Ultraviolence. Meanwhile, some channels do pretty accurate "Born To Die", "Paradise" and "NFR" versions, and even some "Honeymoon" versions. Those often pleasantly surprise me. I must say, NFR is the most easy and basic to do. But when someone pulls off a Honeymoon version I am like WOW, major respect!
  21. I mean yeah definitely, people loved the rock sound as it hadn't really been done before by Lana, and also wasn't popular at the time. I just find it funny when I click on an "Ultraviolence Version" of a song and it's a blaring, droning electric guitar for the whole song. Literally zero songs on Ultraviolence sound like that and I think the only demo that did was a part of Your Girl Still makes for a good remix tho, and I like imagining heavy live versions like that.
  22. Don't get me wrong, I love all the channels making "Ultraviolence" versions of other Lana songs, and many of them I listen to regularly, but it's like we all forgot Ultraviolence has some songs that aren't rock-based at all and also has other sounds that branch out a lot more. There is so much focus on making a song sound like rock and calling it an Ultraviolence Version, but no one is noticing the soft jazz, the vintage sounds, the piano and the strings as the part that is distinctly Lana. In fact, the album sounding too "classic rock" is exactly what Dan Auerbach said was wrong with the original record before he produced it. I absolutely get that rock is probably easier for amateur musicians to do on their computers, but yeah, I still kinda see it as making Ultraviolence more shallow than it is. It's such a complex album, I'm always searching for more and never being satisfied!
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