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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Um, WOAH, her hair!!! I'm kinda digging it. I just can't wait to see more photos of it and how she styles it. Also new music video is being filmed next week. Is it fire drill?
  2. Hmm interesting and indeed that post is not progressive feminism at all! That makes me think she only has a one-sided view of femininity, and that's only the 'fragile' kind. Oh my God, so messy. Yes I definitely have to watch the movie though. It does sound so sad. I think Lana must have felt like she was treated like that from time to time, especially by men (the other woman, million dollar man, if I'm not mistaken?) But yeah, not all the time. Perhaps it's just how she views herself in a romanticised way.
  3. I haven't even seen the movie but after watching this analysis there is no way Lana could top this, I'm sorry! BUT if Lana had recreated it in the BTD or Ultraviolence era, rather than the LFL era, then she would definitely have done it better because she really did radiate this energy back then. And this could go in another topic im sure but since I posted the video... What the analysis is talking about it basically what Lana WAS trying to say in her infamous instagram post, but it came out totally wrong and clueless. But yes it's no secret that she does relate to this Malena character a lot.
  4. Lana reminding us that she used to be so cool and to renew our stanship
  5. What the f is this. Why is it sorta hot
  6. Seriously I don't know another band or artist that does chill + vibes so well without being overly-produced (as I argue that Take Impala is, but it's a different genre and I still like them). I had Devil's Advocate on repeat most of the day, and it's been so long since a song was worthy of that
  7. Devil's Advocate is fantastic
  8. I wonder what has prompted her to revisit Badlands. I'm seriously interested in the psychology and memories behind it, so I hope she's okay, and hopefully maybe she wants to do it for her peace of mind or something, like facing her past to move forward
  9. https://youtu.be/cLvNitWGRxY
  10. It's crazy how we all have different takes on what NFR is. I think that shows thatshe actually didn't put much thought into it and sorta just included everything on her mind without being choosy. That's why to me it feels wishy-washy and unrefined in most places, compared to previous work, but to others it feels like true authentic Lana because it feels less filtered. I think what's on NFR IS her natural way of thinking, but it's not stylised the way we were used to before. To me it feels like she didn't go into that album with much of a goal, except to just do something new.
  11. Ultra Violet


    I love all the songs! In fact I like them better than some of the songs on the standard album. But I understand the choice for these to be separate because they are mostly not as impactful (to her new sound and message) as the standard album songs.
  12. Can't find the Evanescence thread since it's so buried and inactive but Speak For Me is amazing! Their best release since 2011, and their power as a rock band really is back. I was not too fond of The Game is Over or Wasted on You. Other rock songs that have come out since I last posted are Madina Lake -(after their long hiatus) Playing With Fire, Heart of Gold and Love is War (all excellent) and The Pretty Reckless Death By Rock and Roll (phenomenal). Madina Lake has an EP coming soon, TPR and Ev have upcoming albums. Their music will really save my year! Oh also Linkin Park released She Couldn't (an old demo? Which I never knew about). It's so early 2000s, late 90s. It makes me feel so nostalgic and sad. Especially because of Chester's vocals.
  13. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    My favourites of Crybaby have changed throughout the whole 5 years and that's why it's so good, because every song is solid, and there's no song that I disagree with when anyone says it's their favourite. I started off most fascinated by dollhouse, mad hatter and soap, then milk and cookies + tag you're it, then pacify her and teddy bear but I have to say pacify her and cake are my absolute favourites that nothing else has topped.
  14. I really think it was just Jack thinking he was doing something edgy. Like how he explains in the last half of this video, producing HTD. Or if you meant other parts of the album id love to hear a bit more detail in what you mean, cause the word I would use for the albums production is sorta monotone or just lacking. Also, imagine the impact that Kanye line would have made if she just sang it live a couple of times. We all would have SCREAMED. It's the fact that she put it in the studio version that bugs me! Kinda like how she did "isn't life crazy I said, now that I'm singing with Sean" in TNC... IT might have been a cute moment if she did that live with Sean but left the original/alternative line in the studio version.
  15. Honestly I knew it from the first post
  16. Sport cruiser is surprisingly my favourite, and the only one I actually might go back to. In sport cruiser we get to hear about her growth, rather than just ramblings, and it's an actual journey with a beginning, middle and end. Plus it makes me think this is half the inspiration behind MAC which I really appreciate. I think of this one like a diary entry. We actually get to know more about her from this one, and it's inspiring. I'll now want to keep thinking about the wind, like I want to get to know it now.
  17. It sounds very similar to NFR, particularly Cinnamon with a bit of California (lyrics-wise), but her vocals sound better and I love that.
  18. Big Bad Wolf (the slower version) is far too underrated. There is no other song like this. A dark fable executed in such a light, fun and yet mysterious way.
  19. I guess that's why they had time to mess around taking photos, if they were really saving the frog lol Anyways literally all I was saying was that frogs need to be caught with wet hands.
  20. Low-key want the new site more than the new album
  21. Ultra Violet


    Meditation Song reminds me of how Lana likes to (almost) freestyle on stage, just switching around lyrics and elaborationg, which sometimes works but other times sounds tacky. But I really think Meditation Song is one of BANKS most beautiful songs and wish it was on an album or at least on Spotify as a single.
  22. Ultra Violet


    Khaosx4 is excellent Just wondering who actually does the male vocals on her tracks now? It can't just be her voice distorted is it?
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