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Ultra Violet

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  1. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Sky Ferreira   
    yeah no, after ten fucking years i'd be more than disappointed with a low quality live album rather than a full studio album 
  2. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by SinclairKills23 in Sky Ferreira   
    You’d be lucky to get anything 
  3. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    let’s leave them some encouraging messages….
  4. RebeccaJuno liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    They can all relate to losing people and it's heartbreaking, every one of those stories at the beginning. But it really gets to me when the Israeli advocates jump in and claim the Palestinian advocates are lying about many Palestinians going to jail without trial, that the western media is pro-Israel. One even saying America doesn't support Israel And then the guy who said children throwing rocks are terrorists too... thats not what any white folk in western countries get labelled as, let alone children . Idk, this video really just shows me the different media that these Israeli advocates are fed compared to the plenty of verified information they don't seem to have any idea about + Biden literally speaking and supporting Israel with his words and America's money
    Edit: I want to say that I think the general Israel population is being lied to by their government and the IDF with a very specific narrative. It's still up to every individual to look further than what theyre being told, just like everyone else in the world needs to. But especially when their own nation is responsible for how Palestinians have been living. The ones who already label children as terrorists are probably too far gone tho.
  5. RebeccaJuno liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Yeah, I don't really agree with the veto power in general either, but I'd get it if it could still be overridden by the majority of veto power countries. Just one country alone is a terrible system.
  6. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    They can all relate to losing people and it's heartbreaking, every one of those stories at the beginning. But it really gets to me when the Israeli advocates jump in and claim the Palestinian advocates are lying about many Palestinians going to jail without trial, that the western media is pro-Israel. One even saying America doesn't support Israel And then the guy who said children throwing rocks are terrorists too... thats not what any white folk in western countries get labelled as, let alone children . Idk, this video really just shows me the different media that these Israeli advocates are fed compared to the plenty of verified information they don't seem to have any idea about + Biden literally speaking and supporting Israel with his words and America's money
    Edit: I want to say that I think the general Israel population is being lied to by their government and the IDF with a very specific narrative. It's still up to every individual to look further than what theyre being told, just like everyone else in the world needs to. But especially when their own nation is responsible for how Palestinians have been living. The ones who already label children as terrorists are probably too far gone tho.
  7. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I’m kinda rooting for the collapse of America. ATP FUCK this country! Stop going to work and stop paying taxes. FUCK America. Backwards ass country.
  8. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    As expected, the US blocked the vote for a permanent ceasefire. All other 13 countries with veto power voted FOR a permanent ceasefire, except Britain who abstained.
    17,480 people have killed in Gaza.
  9. RebeccaJuno liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    As expected, the US blocked the vote for a permanent ceasefire. All other 13 countries with veto power voted FOR a permanent ceasefire, except Britain who abstained.
    17,480 people have killed in Gaza.
  10. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    "The majority of these resolutions were drafted to provide a framework for peace in the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict, including asking Israel to adhere to international laws, calling for self-determination for Palestinian statehood, or condemning Israel for the displacement of Palestinians or settlement building in occupied Palestinian territories."
    Does anyone else know much about the UNs veto power and how it all works? Just started to look into it and wow I'm just appalled. Some people in this thread have already mentioned how useless the UN is, and it's in times like this that we really see it.
  11. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    imo there is no point in having a United Nations where a single nation can override what the majority of the world wants.
  12. Embach liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    Discovering Lana when I was just turning 16 changed a lot for me. This was at Paradises release, so i had only 2.5 albums to catch up on. It got me into indie and alt pop music for the first time, after 3 years of being strictly metalhead/emo/goth (and 3 years is a LONG time when you're a teen). Lana lead me to opening up new genres of music and in many ways a new lifestyle too. Not many people saw Lana's music as positive at the time (depressing was the word most used), but it truly made me more positive and carefree, and i think that's because I'd already been listening to sad emo music about love and death, but the addition of listening to songs about drinking, partying, being crazy and smoking weed made me actually do all of that And I thank her for it. It did nothing bad for me (except for the cigarettes), it was a positive influence as I became more social and less rigid. My whole family knew me as the antisocial one and suddenly I wanted to be out and had people to see nearly every day. And this was literally inspired by Lana's music. I shit you not.
    My journey always reflected her latest album really well, right up until Chemtrails. When Ultraviolence came out, the darker and more desperate lyrics really reflected how I felt that entire year, while i totally was the hippie to all my friends on the outside. When Honeymoon came out, I was in my "escape reality" phase, still with a sadness about everything. When LFL was released I had also been learning more about global issues, was really into witchcraft and also still in my hippie phase. When NFR came out, I was reflecting on where I was in my life, and also feeling burnt out and careless.
    Since Chemtrails, Lana has mostly remained in my top artists for her previous albums, and mostly her first 4 albums. Over the last 3 years I just "check in" on her new releases, binge-listen to what I really like, and leave the rest for when I feel like listening more. I loved Blue Bannisters, but Chemtrails and most of Ocean Blvd remain as the albums I never really connected to so far. But none of these last 3 albums have really shown me much on my own journey.
    As for the future, I hope that I will really connect to just one more album again. It might be the covers album, but hopefully some original work too. I really do want the experience of having a new Lana album being the soundtrack of year, and one that I'll love forever more and constantly come back to. I haven't truly had that since Honeymoon.
  13. That Venice Bitch liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    As expected, the US blocked the vote for a permanent ceasefire. All other 13 countries with veto power voted FOR a permanent ceasefire, except Britain who abstained.
    17,480 people have killed in Gaza.
  14. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    "The majority of these resolutions were drafted to provide a framework for peace in the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict, including asking Israel to adhere to international laws, calling for self-determination for Palestinian statehood, or condemning Israel for the displacement of Palestinians or settlement building in occupied Palestinian territories."
    Does anyone else know much about the UNs veto power and how it all works? Just started to look into it and wow I'm just appalled. Some people in this thread have already mentioned how useless the UN is, and it's in times like this that we really see it.
  15. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Arab nations call for Friday vote on UN resolution demanding ceasefire in Gaza
    "Arab and Islamic nations are calling for a vote on Friday on a draft UN Security Council resolution demanding a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. 
    The proposed resolution is a response to a letter UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sent the council on Thursday warning of an impending "humanitarian catastrophe" in Gaza and urging its 15 members to deliver a humanitarian ceasefire.
    The United States, Israel's closest ally, has not supported a ceasefire and has veto power in the Security Council."
    So nothing will ever happen until the US decides a ceasefire is necessary. The permanent countries with veto power are China, Russia, France, the US and the UK. The UK will clearly do whatever the US does, but China, Russia and France all voted yes for a ceasefire previously. 
    This year the other 10 non-permanent countries with veto power are Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates. Next year it will be Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Switzerland. Not sure how much that would change anything since the US clearly holds the final decision regarding Israel.
    For example:
    "The US has used its veto power at least 34 times to block UN Security Council resolutions that were critical of Israel."
  16. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Barry in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Mr. President, Excellencies,
    I wrote to the Security Council invoking Article 99 because we are at a breaking point. There is a high risk of the total collapse of the humanitarian support system in Gaza, which would have devastating consequences. We anticipate that it would result in a complete breakdown of public order and increased pressure for mass displacement into Egypt. I fear the consequences could be devastating for the security of the entire region. We have already seen the spillover in the Occupied West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. There is clearly, in my view, a serious risk of aggravating existing threats to the maintenance of international peace and security. 
    The risk of collapse of the humanitarian system is fundamentally linked with a complete lack of safety and security for our staff in Gaza, and with the nature and intensity of military operations, which are severely limiting access to people in desperate need. The threat to the safety and security of United Nations staff in Gaza is unprecedented. More than 130 of my colleagues have already been killed, many with their families. This is the largest single loss of life in the history of our Organization. Some of our staff take their children to work so they know they will live or die together. Colleagues have shared heartbreaking messages from staff members pleading for help.  
    The Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Safety and Security has advised me that all possible means of mitigating the risk to staff within Gaza, short of evacuation, are closed off, because of the way this conflict has evolved. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the UN is totally committed to stay and deliver for the people of Gaza. I pay tribute to the heroic humanitarian aid workers who remain committed to their work, despite the enormous dangers to their health and their lives. But the situation is simply becoming untenable. 
    This Council called in Resolution 2712 for “the scaling up of the provision of such supplies to meet the humanitarian needs of the civilian population, especially children”.  I deeply regret to inform the Council that under current conditions on the ground, the fulfilment of this mandate has become impossible. The conditions for the effective delivery of humanitarian aid no longer exist. The crossing point at Rafah was not designed for hundreds of trucks and is a major bottleneck. But even if sufficient supplies were permitted into Gaza, intense bombardment and hostilities, Israeli restrictions on movement, fuel shortages, and interrupted communications, make it impossible for UN agencies and their partners to reach most of the people in need. 
    Between 3 and 5 December – the two days preceding my letter – the UN could only distribute aid in one of Gaza’s five governorates – Rafah.  Elsewhere, access was impossible.  People are desperate, fearful and angry. In some cases, they have expressed that anger towards our staff. 
    Mr. President, All this takes place amid a spiraling humanitarian nightmare.  
    First, there is no effective protection of civilians. More than 17,000 Palestinians have reportedly been killed since the start of Israel’s military operations. This includes more than 4,000 women and 7,000 children. Tens of thousands are reported to have been injured, and many are missing, presumably under the rubble. All these numbers are increasing by the day. Attacks from air, land and sea are intense, continuous and widespread. So far, they have reportedly hit 339 education facilities, 26 hospitals, 56 healthcare facilities, 88 mosques and three churches. Over 60 percent of Gaza’s housing has reportedly been destroyed or damaged – some 300,000 houses and apartments. Some 85 percent of the population have been forced from their homes.  The people of Gaza are being told to move like human pinballs – ricocheting between ever-smaller slivers of the south, without any of the basics for survival. But nowhere in Gaza is safe. 
    At least 88 UNRWA shelters have been hit, killing over 270 people and injuring over 900. Conditions in shelters are overcrowded and unsanitary. People nurse open wounds. Hundreds of people stand in line for hours to use one shower or toilet. Families who have lost everything sleep on bare concrete floors, wearing clothes they have not changed for two months. Tens of thousands of Palestinians arrived in Rafah in recent days, overwhelming shelters there.  Many displaced families – including children, older people, pregnant women and people with disabilities – are sleeping in streets and public spaces across the city. 
    Mr. President, Second, Gazans are running out of food.
    According to the World Food Programme, there is a serious risk of starvation and famine. In northern Gaza, 97 percent of households are not eating enough. In the south, the figure among displaced people is 83 percent. Half the people of the north and more than one third of displaced people in the south are simply starving. WFP’s own food stocks are running out.  In the north, nine out of ten people have spent at least one full day and night without food.  The last functioning flour mill in Gaza was destroyed on 15 November. WFP has provided food and cash assistance to hundreds of thousands of people across Gaza since the crisis began, and is ready to scale up its operations.However, that would require effective access to all people in need, and at least 40 trucks of food supplies every day – many times the current level. 
    Mr. President,  Third, Gaza’s health system is collapsing while needs are escalating.  At least 286 health workers have been killed.
    Hospitals have suffered heavy bombardment. Just 14 out of 36 are still functioning. Of these, three are providing basic first aid, while the others are delivering partial services.  The European Gaza Hospital, one of the two main hospitals in southern Gaza, has 370 beds. It is currently housing 1000 patients and an estimated 70,000 people seeking shelter.  There are critical shortages of drugs, blood products and medical supplies. Fuel to run the hospitals is severely rationed. Many patients are being treated on the floor and without anesthetics. As patients with life-threatening injuries continue to arrive, wards are overflowing and staff are overwhelmed. At the same time, the unsanitary conditions in shelters and severe shortages of food and water are leading to increases in respiratory infections, scabies, jaundice and diarrhea.  Everything I have just described represents an unprecedented situation that led to my unprecedented decision to invoke Article 99, urging the members of the Security Council to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe, and appealing for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared. 
    Mr. President, We are all aware that Israel began its military operation in response to the brutal terror attacks unleashed by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups on 7 October.  I unreservedly condemn those attacks. I am appalled by the reports of sexual violence. There is no possible justification for deliberately killing some 1,200 people, including 33 children, injuring thousands more, and taking hundreds of hostages.  Some 130 hostages are still held captive. I call for their immediate and unconditional release, as well as their humane treatment and visits from the International Committee of the Red Cross until they are freed. At the same time, the brutality perpetrated by Hamas can never justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. And while indiscriminate rocket fire by Hamas into Israel, and the use of civilians as human shields, are in contravention of the laws of war, such conduct does not absolve Israel of its own violations.  International humanitarian law includes the duty to protect civilians and to comply with the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution. The laws of war also demand that civilians’ essential needs must be met, including by facilitating the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian relief. International humanitarian law cannot be applied selectively. It is binding on all parties equally at all times, and the obligation to observe it does not depend on reciprocity.  
    Mr. President, The people of Gaza are looking into the abyss. 
    The international community must do everything possible to end their ordeal.  I urge the Council to spare no effort to push for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, for the protection of civilians, and for the urgent delivery of lifesaving aid.While we deal with the current crisis, we cannot lose sight of the only viable possibility for a peaceful future: a two-State solution, on the basis of United Nations resolutions and international law, with Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security.  This is vital for Israelis, Palestinians, and for international peace and security.  
    The eyes of the world – and the eyes of history – are watching.  
    It’s time to act. 
    Thank you.
  17. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    gonna be honest i don’t think there’s a good OFFICIAL lana remix - i love a lot of the remixers doing her stuff but it always comes out kinda flat sounding
  18. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    A lot of good new ones!
    I found this yesterday and I'm in love:
    Born to Die, Monsieur Adi remix
    So chilled out and the new chords are amazing!
    (His summertime sadness remix on the other hand is quite..different. Let me just say that there are rapid handclaps. Someone might just start twerking to that sh*t.)
  19. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Instagram Updates   
    Oh I quickly had to unlike this. There is no worst song on her most heavenly album.
  20. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in FKA twigs   
    I'm just remembering some weird interaction I had online years ago (probably 2016). I posted my spotify top artists and both FKA and BANKS were on there. Some random guy who followed me started trashing me for having FKA Twigs in a higher spot than BANKs because "FKA is trash. BANKs did dark RnB first" Wild.
    I've listened to them both since 2014, and genuinely never related them as being in the same genre, or at least close enough to compare to eachother. I think they tend to have some of the same listeners, but they're so different.
  21. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Lonely Planet in Sky Ferreira   
    she’s going to sound sooo good on this!
    Sky Ferreira - Live to Tell (Madonna Cover) 
  22. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by williamprb in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she said reduce reuse recycle save the environment in multiple ways on that album
  23. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by brandon in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she even made a bad album, so that way she wouldn’t have to make too many physical copies, therefore reducing carbon emissions from the vinyl and cd plants! she’s so thoughtful! 
  24. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I’m so mad she wasted the name ancient dreams in a modern land, it’s so epic and would have fit a greek mythology album so well
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