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About whitelungswhitepalms

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/12/1997

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    over the rainbow....in Canada
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  1. I don’t have twitter what are people sayinngggg (only the positive please) im so excited for this album now
  2. I don’t really know why Henry had to go But I have to trust that only God can know if I pray maybe I’ll find out what’s true Lana sing to us baby
  3. I need a reworked fine China moment but it’s happy this time At least with the dryness of this era, I have been able to discover music that I love. but Lana come the fuck onnnnnnnn
  4. It’s a movie poster my luv shes releasing a short movie of the bayou and her wedding in the swamp. Editing has been taking forever which is why there’s a delay for the release of Henry.
  5. I need the songs to be grittier than the two songs we have so far already ordered the vinyl cant wait for the tour
  6. Not Toronto selling out, the venue only holds 2500 people and I was 3000th in line. FUCK
  7. Other than the title track, the songs haven’t done much for me. prayin the rest of the album connects with me an as an ensemble it finally clicks exciteddddd
  8. I’ve gotten so tired of my music that I’m listening to classical pieces now. lana come onnnnnn
  9. I hate that song so much I really hope the album doesn’t sound like that at all
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