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Divisive Princess

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  1. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I personally really like this interview. The reason I think everybody is taken aback by it is because we don't usually see this side of Lana. She always seems really shy and sweet (most of the time) and this is unlike most of her other interviews. I do think that maybe she was in a mood when she answered these questions, but my opinion of her hasn't changed. She can't be EVERYTHING we want her to be. She's her own person. And as far as the not being patriotic comment, I'm an American and I'm not offended at all. I know it might be surprising to hear her say that because of obvious reasons, but just because she's not huge on America doesn't mean she doesn't love her American fans. All my life I've never been a patriotic person and I've wanted to leave America for as long as I can remember and I just don't think people should look down on her for that. That's just my opinion. 
  2. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I know I already replied to this thread, but that was before actually reading other people's two cents. That being said, I am SO incredibly sad to see some of Lana's fans bring her down like this. Yes, this was a more open, less careful interview, but that doesn't mean that she's the horrible person that a few of you are making her out to be. I also think that some people are over-analyzing the comment about her and Barrie appreciating the arts or whatever the direct quote was (I haven't read it since yesterday, but my point remains.) because she never once said that she only listened to obscure music that no one's heard of. Of course she's going to love the classics. If they didn't have special qualities about them, they wouldn't be classics! I think what she was getting at was the fact that maybe her and Barrie GET it ('it' being the art and the music, etc.) a little more because they're both obviously very passionate artists and singer/songwriters. Lana and I could listen to the same song, but she'd probably have a different take on it than I would because I'm not an artist. I guess all I'm trying to say is that I'm upset Lana's fans are acting this way and I don't think she was really being pretentious. 
  3. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I know I already replied to this thread, but that was before actually reading other people's two cents. That being said, I am SO incredibly sad to see some of Lana's fans bring her down like this. Yes, this was a more open, less careful interview, but that doesn't mean that she's the horrible person that a few of you are making her out to be. I also think that some people are over-analyzing the comment about her and Barrie appreciating the arts or whatever the direct quote was (I haven't read it since yesterday, but my point remains.) because she never once said that she only listened to obscure music that no one's heard of. Of course she's going to love the classics. If they didn't have special qualities about them, they wouldn't be classics! I think what she was getting at was the fact that maybe her and Barrie GET it ('it' being the art and the music, etc.) a little more because they're both obviously very passionate artists and singer/songwriters. Lana and I could listen to the same song, but she'd probably have a different take on it than I would because I'm not an artist. I guess all I'm trying to say is that I'm upset Lana's fans are acting this way and I don't think she was really being pretentious. 
  4. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Honestly, I never expected this interview would cause such a strong reaction. I haven't read all pages of this thread, so I apologise in advance if I say something that has been stated before. Please don't feel offended or personally addressed when I indirectly quote any of you... it's just kind of inspired my train of thought.
    To me, it seemed like she really needed to get some things off her chest. Although the interviewer didn't ask her any provocative and insensitive questions, I got the impression that she felt the need to set the record straight on some things. I have read some opinions on here saying that she's obviously lying or telling half-truths but personally, I don't think that's the case. I think she has been very open in this interview and seemed genuinely interested in being understood. I have seen people say that she denying things that have been proven to be right. Is that really the case? Because I don't think so. Nothing is really cleared up about her past. There's a cluster of tiny bits of information from here and there that us fans and the media have tried to put together, but who besides Lana herself knows if that is 100% accurate (nice keyword, coming to this a paragraph later)?
    I feel like she's constantly struggling to define her public image. @@Monicker and @ discussed her apparent "personality disorder" and I agree that she seems quite bipolar at times. In opposite to journalists claiming that she's well in charge and extremely controlling of everything, I believe that she is very insecure and extremely overwhelmed with the challenge of being a celebrity figure. I see Lana Del Rey, the enigmatic and beautiful artist, Lana Del Rey, the good-hearted and loving person that's all sweet with her fans [insert infamous laugh here], Lana Del Rey, the shy and modest private person, and then I see a few other fragments here and there. I am totally unable to put all the pieces together. I sometimes get the impression that she is just as lost like we are when it comes to her, and that she therefore tries to carve her past, her present and future into the oh-so dramatic "work of art." 
    All those contradictions in interviews, be it print, audio or video, kind of reflect that struggle of hers, and I am pretty sure that she's far away from coming to terms with herself. I am convinced that all those inaccuracies and thereby emerging misconceptions/interpretations (mine's probably just as wrong here) do eat her up and pretty much force her to constantly change details about things she's already talked about. Do I even make sense at this point? So, I see why many people get upset over this interview.
    I think this interview marks a turning point of her. That, however, remains to be seen... All these assumptions and speculations on my part are obviously based on my understanding of the interview. I just got home from today's Pragmatics course (part of English Linguistics, which I study) so I was in the mood for a little pragmatical conversation analysis. Fair enough, but I'd have to see a taping of this interview, or at least hear a recording of it, in order to be able to judge properly. 
  5. Zagato liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I personally really like this interview. The reason I think everybody is taken aback by it is because we don't usually see this side of Lana. She always seems really shy and sweet (most of the time) and this is unlike most of her other interviews. I do think that maybe she was in a mood when she answered these questions, but my opinion of her hasn't changed. She can't be EVERYTHING we want her to be. She's her own person. And as far as the not being patriotic comment, I'm an American and I'm not offended at all. I know it might be surprising to hear her say that because of obvious reasons, but just because she's not huge on America doesn't mean she doesn't love her American fans. All my life I've never been a patriotic person and I've wanted to leave America for as long as I can remember and I just don't think people should look down on her for that. That's just my opinion. 
  6. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I don't know why it's becoming "worrisome" that Lana appears to have a multi-dimensional personality. While I love when Lana's humble and sweet, interviews like this are delicious to the brain because it's fresh. It's human. It's what a majority of the media asked for when they said she was just an emotionless doll.

    I don't see much of a different Lana, I've read a few similar interviews from a few months back, so I'm not sure what is really the problem with some of her responses. I laughed with her, I took humor out of a lot of her cynical responses. I don't know, I read this a lot differently than it seems others have. Everything just seemed very casual and facetiously "uppity" to me, while also keeping the "I don't give a fuck" rather real and clear.

    That's all I see here, just someone with substance whose feelings are raw and uninhibited. Which is as they should be. I don't think it's her growing an ego, I think it's just her getting her backbone back and being able to articulate her feelings fearlessly without feeling like she owes the world someone sweet and lily-livered. Sorry, I'll take a Lana who can be humble some times while giving the critics a clear middle finger while she spills salt in their wounds with a smug smirk on the occasion. She may be talking about how it's affected her, but if you look at where she is now compared to what a lot of articles and reviews had to say about her, all of it sounds very "Look who's laughing now?"

    Even when she says that she is disconnected from other artists. I don't think there's anything uppity or egotistical about that. So many artists have had the same answer, she's no exception. You do get to that point as an artist that you start feeling like you identify more with yourself and your experiences than you do the experiences of other artists and the work they did based on those experiences. She's growing self-sufficient as an artist. And she sees that other artists just aren't doing the same thing.

    I don't know, I didn't grab anything worth breaking a sweat over. She's complex and sometimes her feelings are conflicting, that says a lot more than most artists and human beings. She has substance, it just isn't always the sweet, soft-spoken kind. And I like it that way. She's fallen in shit and walked out in gold so many times, sometimes modesty just isn't warranted. It especially isn't warranted when you've taken every article and review about you to the chin so many times. Lana should be entitled to saying "Fuck them, I know what I do and I do it great." There isn't enough of that. Right away so many people chalk it up to having an inflated ego.

    It can never be just being secure in your craft, loving what you do and knowing that you do it well; I mean, who does that? You've got to be an idiot if you don't stay on the ground long enough to let everyone else throw a few extra kicks on you before sticking their thumb in the air like they're Caesar, like their opinion of your talent is all that can validate your existence or worth as an artist. (CUE THE EYEROLL)
    ... Get real. Every time an artist finally starts being more self-assertive and fending for themselves and all the time they invested into their work, right away no one wants it anymore. I'm sick of insecure artists.

    And this isn't to anyone here, this is just a random rant, I'm just growing as tired of the "Where's Lana gone?" kind of responses as I've gotten of what most of the general public and the media in America has had to say about her like as if they have not let a single talented soul slip through their fingers in the past decade. Lana hasn't gone anywhere, she's just not cherry-picking what thoughts she wants to showcase for her interviews. And I fucking praise that.

  7. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by YesAlen in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Guys, I think that you're overreacting.
  8. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by lola in Get the Look   
    u can get the capitol records shirt lizzy wore during a performance here: http://www.flyclothing.com/Capitol-Records-T-Shirt.html

  9. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in "Lana Del Hate", the average everyday Lana Del Rey haters   
    I don't really pay attention to Lana haters. I like her and that's all that matters to me. But in the second video, the guy didn't really bother me at all. He was trying to be entertaining with his opinion, but in the first video, the people really bothered me. They made themselves look like idiots. 
  10. iseeyouupsidedown liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    These are really good!
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana's weekly schedule   
    I find him really attractive and that's not even biased. He could get it
  12. vmbb liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana's weekly schedule   
    I find him really attractive and that's not even biased. He could get it
  13. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Trash Magic * SUPERULTRAVIOLENCE 10 YEAR EDITION   
    Can you please, please, PLEASE make an inside booklet for AKA that has photos and lyrics in it? I would love you so much. I may even pay you in Trident layers.
  14. The Baradise Edition liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Does anyone else get the sense that Young & Beautiful is about Barrie? For me, the telling line was 'The way you play for me at your show' which I know could also be about Jimmy, but the song just really screams Barrie to me.
  15. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Artwork - Update: Bel Air   
    I got bored and started playing with fonts and basically this happened i hope ppl like it!!! 
    Hawaiian Tropic:

  16. vmbb liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Does anyone else get the sense that Young & Beautiful is about Barrie? For me, the telling line was 'The way you play for me at your show' which I know could also be about Jimmy, but the song just really screams Barrie to me.
  17. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Ten dollar ring omfg
  18. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Is there any way I can purchase the boy? (just kidding... not really) But this shirt makes me REALLY wish I had money
  19. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Fragrance/Perfume   
    Just douse yourself with a bottle of this:

  20. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Arzi •• honeymoon   

  21. lflflflflflflflflflf liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Is there any way I can purchase the boy? (just kidding... not really) But this shirt makes me REALLY wish I had money
  22. MarryTheSequins liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in My Floppy QOD Cover   
    I love the QOD one. Very nice work 
  23. cola liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Is there any way I can purchase the boy? (just kidding... not really) But this shirt makes me REALLY wish I had money
  24. demiannn liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Crooked Cop   
    I actually like this song... It's not perfect obviously but I loved the unfiltered-ness of it and I think it would sound AMAZING as a studio version. I hope we get a studio version
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