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  1. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana at The Nice Guy/Hair Salon in LA - 15 June 2016   
    ~ ever since my fanbase went away,

    my hair's the blackest shade ~


  2. comeintomybedroom liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana at The Nice Guy/Hair Salon in LA - 15 June 2016   
    Hmph, everyone knows that black-haired people are the most beautiful
  3. Sophia liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana at The Nice Guy/Hair Salon in LA - 15 June 2016   
    Hmph, everyone knows that black-haired people are the most beautiful
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in ALLIE X   
    """"no reason"""" nathan was banned for:
    - ban evasion
    - abusive behaviour towards members on and off the forum
    - general shitposting
    - duplicate accounts
  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in CANCELLED: Lana @ Monterrey, MX, Oct 2016   
    I wanted to go to Osheaga but it's a fucking fortune
  6. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Dua Lipa in CANCELLED: Lana @ Monterrey, MX, Oct 2016   
    okay this is cool and all but when will we get more places in canada
  7. yourboy liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Questions   
    You need to format the table within the code here; copying and pasting from Word wouldn't work.
  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    maybe Lana should do a collob with Gord from The Tragically Hip..
    might not get another chance, sad news today.. they have had some great songwriting- 'Gift Shop', 'Ahead by a Century', 'the Hundreth Meridian'..

  9. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Forum Suggestions   
    Truly cutting. It's not like I'm hoarding the position of emoticon manager. You can villainize me if you want but I'm not gonna try to explain anything bc "any shady, bitchy or rude comments" about our admin will be deleted so... Would absolutely love to take you up on that and not deal with the tomfuckery but as it is we're obviously in a moment of forum resuscitation where we're trying to address stuff like this so bitch get into it and hold your horses
  10. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Questions   
    Thank you! That's what I just started to realize with horror. It's going to be worth it, but at what cost
  11. Valentino liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    - The interview where she describes "Video Games" as dealing with mutual sobriety in a relationship--her and her partner both staying clean.

    @@SitarHero, I think this might be it but I can't recall:


    But its not necessarily about Video Games
  12. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Forum Suggestions   
    @@SitarHero stake your claim or i'm snatching your crown
  13. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Forum Suggestions   
    I think it would be really cool to bring back member of the month! I love the sense of community on this forum and it really seemed to engage it Especially since Lana is a bit more quiet now!
    Edit: also please allow me back into the interviews section I have a lot of work and I can't start until I see what's already been done and how to do it! This is the project I care about the most
  14. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Forum Suggestions   
    Maybe bringing back spaces in usernames? It's hardly anything worth mentioning, but I always wondered why spaces were no longer allowed in usernames.
    Might have to do with the fact that a few of us also took advantage of using special characters in our usernames just because we could. I'M SORRY. 

    I also agree that we should give the mods more privileges and admin-power; I don't think we need more mods, though I would love to be one myself, each of the mods already do a great job with keeping things controlled and handling situations with impartiality. I just think they need more privileges so that they can further provide excellent help and service for the rest of the community.
  15. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Forum Suggestions   
    I agree with @@evilentity and @@YUNGATA's posts! I also posted in Staff Chat; it'd be nice to be a mod in ability and not just in name!

    I see what you mean about us being less active, but I'm doubtful that activity on the forum actually warrants more moderators...
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Forum Suggestions   
    I'm starting to feel like there's one or two things we can all do ,that the others can't. tbh we need to list out or mod powers bcos ideally we'd all be able to to do the same thing.
  17. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Forum Suggestions   
    Oh, this is a really minor thing, but is there any way to fix the way statuses get out of order when you "Load More" in Staff Chat?
  18. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Forum Suggestions   
    MAKE @@annedauphine A CONTRIBUTOR TO THE INTERVIEWS SECTION MAKE @@annedauphine A CONTRIBUTOR TO THE INTERVIEWS SECTION More delegation of admin powers to mods. I know @@YUNGATA has more privileges, but I'm not sure if she has enough, or if maybe more mods should have those too. Is there any way to put a time delay on posting from new accounts? Some spam accounts are more sophisticated, but I can't count the number of spammers that have a status update, posts, and have created a thread, but show they've been online for only like 7 seconds. More transparency about the site's financial situation. If donation is necessary to keep the site going, I think more people would be willing to donate if they knew what the site's cost are and how much existing revenue streams are bringing in. Would also be nice to demonstrate you're not pulling a @ on us or something. Not that I would care if you made a profit as long as that was transparent.  
    And one more thing,
    (Also, I'm sure I'll think of more.)
    @@YUNGATA @@SitarHero @
  19. ZeroZero liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I want a country / country-inspired album, tbh
  20. apricockjuice liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I want a country / country-inspired album, tbh
  21. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I want a country / country-inspired album, tbh
  22. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I've searched in the topic but I don't think it has been speculated before - I rewatched Let's Get Lost (side note - I think it's becoming one of my favourite movies) and I'm really really starting to wonder if Jump isn't, purely and simply, about no one else but Chet Baker. 
    _ First and foremost she used the documentary a lot in the video for it (not even to mention West Coast) and we know her love for him.
    _ "Palm trees in black and white, last thing I saw before I died": there are a lot of occurrences in the documentary where you can see shots of palm trees in black and white, especially in the beginning, from where most of the references in the song as well as West Coast seem to point forward.
    _ "Right mixture of cocaine and heroin": there is a memorable moment in the movie where he explains the mixture of cocaine and heroin and how you have to be careful not to put too much cocaine because the first blow is devastating.
    _ "Hair thin and in the wind, Cadillac convertible with him": Lana was HEAVILY, not to say she copied, inspired by the scenes at the beginning of Let's Get Lost of Chet and others in the convertible where he is presented as already, "a very old man", and is laughing.
    _ "You are a junkie on your window smiling wide": his death, if I understood correctly, was from falling from the window of the hotel he was staying in, at night, and he was found in the morning, with traces of drugs in his body. He, literally, may have jumped. "Last fight, fuck them, last words".
    I don't know, it really makes sense to me. I would prefer this song to be about Chet than Mike!
  23. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    Don't worry about the people berating you, you didn't do anything abnormal. Sometimes people imposing on her has resulted in photos, sometimes it doesn't. Given how she appears to behave with fans at venues it wasn't unreasonable for you to request a photograph. Plenty of people have seen her and hesitated to approach and probably still regret it to this day, we all know it can pay off to be a little pushy in these situations.
  24. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by fessle in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    I met Lana randomly, at the Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe on Thursday May 12.
    I was in LA for a few concerts for my favorite singer, Lights, and it turned into a vacation. On that Thursday, May 12th, my friends and I had breakfast at the Beverly Hills Hotel Fountain Coffee Room. It was reaalll nice. Then I asked the front desk if someone could give us a tour of the hotel, so we could take pictures by the most scenic spots. Since I'm an architecture student, I just mention that and they happily show us the architectural highlights.
    We saw the Frank Sinatra suite, which is about $15,000 a night and I saw a bag of weed on the table inside...it was beautiful. I said out loud, I bet Lana would love this room.
    We went down by the poolside and I took some polaroids and photos and we hung out for a minute just to enjoy.
    Lana Del Rey walks past us and I immediately recognize her and say "Lana!" and my legs were just shaking. My friend Rachel did not even notice until a few seconds later (and she didn't hear me say Lana, so either Lana ignored me or she didn't hear me) and I was just SHOOK. I could not believe that this is where I would meet Lana. Our tour guide told us he was responsible for us so that it would be inappropriate for me to go talk to her under his supervision, but he left us a couple minutes later and told us we could do whatever...haha.
    We sat at a table 20 feet from LDR, drinking lemonade and eating chips and salsa. I didn't take any creeper photos because I thought that would be weird and she was just having lunch with her friend. On the polaroid I took of the pool and cabanas, I wrote "swimming pool glimmering darling... We'd love to take a polaroid with you" and asked the waitress to pass it off to which she said no, they can't do that. So we waited for Lana to finish her lunch, and then she took a picture with her friend.
    When Lana got up, so did we, and as she walked towards us, I gave her the polaroid and said it had been a dream to always meet her. She looked so beautiful and so sweet. The manager (restaurant manager) then came and interrupted and said he was responsible for her and that he needed to protect her and she kept brushing him off. The first thing she said to us was "I'm not really taking pictures today." That was kind of weird because she had just taken one with her friend. This other girl and her mom tried to take a picture of her and the manager got in front of the camera, and Lana said no pictures again. She asked me if I wanted her to keep the polaroid still and I said um yeah it's for you lol. She hugged me and my two friends, as well as this other girl and asked us where we were from, where we had seen her... So she showed some sort of interest but she didn't really engage in any conversation, at all. Like "Where are you from?" "Chicago" "Oh cool" Since we couldn't take any pictures with her, I showed her a portrait I had drawn of her way back, and her friend said I was very talented and I don't know if Lana really said anything besides that it looked good. We hugged her again and then she asked us "Are you leaving?" when we were already on the stairs and on our way out.. haha
    A few minutes later she passed us in the hotel hallway and said "How are you?" and kept walking without stopping.
    Overall it was kinda bizarre and I have no pictures to show for this encounter, but hey, I met Lana Del Rey in LA. This experience was so authentic and strange I loved it tbh. I am glad I got to meet her, and hug her twice, it was surreal. She looked beautiful, with her chipped tooth and she smelled so sweet.
  25. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    "Roses" kinda sucks?
    Also, surprised this is apparently an unpopular opinion.
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