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  1. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Lana Del Rey talks Fragrance, Poetry, and New Music in new article with Elle Canada (April 2019)   
    and I can see that her management team can't convince her of doing anything. She insinuated that in this new interview. She must be driving Ben crazy. I think that's why he's more into Dua Lipa's career then Lana's because Lana has put everything on pause. Ben can't just sit down and wait for Lana to sprint into action forever. He's got other clients who want to do the work and are ambitious. 
  2. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by KingJay in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I love BAR, BUT I will never understand why people want it on the album?? Like I want fresh songs that we’ve never heard before or that aren’t older than 1-2 years max. I can maybe accept Yosemite since we’ve never really heard the song, but not BAR. We’ve heard the full song no need for it to be on the album. I still don’t understand how people want an old unreleased song like serial Killer to be on any future album. Also Roses Bloom For You is a no for me as well. It sounded boring.
    I can’t at people still saying things like “She’s just trying to throw us off!!11” “it’s a surprise release!!11” like how can anyone even be this delulu? Sis is not trying to throw me us off. What will it take so people can stop having that mentality.
    Anyway, so can we pretty much say for a fact that we aren’t getting the damn album any time soon?? Like next month or anything? It just seems like in her mind she never even started the era, and the songs she put out were just for the sake of putting some songs out?
  3. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana Del Rey talks Fragrance, Poetry, and New Music in new article with Elle Canada (April 2019)   
    But I'm pretty sure Florence was really clear about the release dates, iirc, and she also didn't release songs/announce an album and then say nothing about it for the next seven months and counting. She also staggered her pre-release songs quite evenly. Lana gave us two in a week and then nothing for four months.
    Lana's fanbase is definitely more ... intense, but the way Lana is orchestrating this isn't helping. If it's really annoying, then she should just turn off all of her comments. I'm surprised she hasn't, actually, because there is fuck all meaningful content.
  4. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    She had a good run. She created 3 amazing albums, 4 if you count AKA (I see Paradise more as an extension of BTD), served some iconic looks, made a huge impact on pop culture...she really gave us so much. We'll always have that, and we'll always remember her. I suppose NFR will be released, at some point in the future. I'm sure I'll love it. But we're pretty much done, let's face it. It's over. And that's fine. Nothing can last forever. There's no point in believing in forever. Or even tomorrow. It's better to just enjoy things as they happen, with no expectations. It's not easy, but we should try.
  5. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by violets in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i hope she isnt coming to the ends of her music career... yall stop with these theories i cant handle them
    im afraid she will be taking a big break after NFR is released. all we can hope is that this album is her magnum opus and will save us!

  6. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Lustrouslines in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    With how fucking contradicting she is a public retirement would never work for her. She would suffer from not being able to release music. She honestly feels entitled now and like you said DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK about what she does. She’s on her own time now and feels financially stable to have a career she’s always desired. She’s “worked” and now ACTS like she’s as historical as Stevie Nicks and feels like her parts done.
  7. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    honestly you're right but it's just so damn infuriating that this is coming to a head right now, when she's sitting on what's been shaping up to be possibly the best album of her career
  8. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by 13beachess in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    well... now, hope IS a dangerous thing.....
  9. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    y'all need to realise Lana literally does not give a fuck anymore. Like she doesn't care if she loses fans because she knows that lanky twink and his possy of rats will still be front row of every show she ever does for the rest of her fucking life. She doesn't care about promo or a proper album rollout because she doesn't care if the album succeeds or not. She's been there, done that, got the t shirt and hated the experience. She'll be financially stable for the rest of her life and just has the freedom to do absolutely nothing. It's clear that music isn't her passion anymore and all she wants to do now is write poetry and suffer a mid life crisis. Maybe it would be better for her to publicly retire instead of half-assing everything she does now- at least then the legacy and artistic image she spent years crafting wouldn't be completely tarnished. 
  10. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    We keep coming back to the friends, so let me rant (again) about the friends. You're welcome.
    First of all, people keep saying, "oh we know nothing about them." Not true. They all have social media accounts which are publicly accessible, and it's very clear from those what type of people they are. That tall blonde one turns the camera onto Lana every single time she's videoing. I don't think that that's a coincidence.
    Am I saying that they're bad people? No, but one can ascertain things from what they post. You don't have to be a genius to work out that a lot of it is carefully crafted to create an image. That's how some people choose to use social media, and that's their choice, but it makes me wonder if being friends with Lana is, at least partially, part of that carefully crafted image. I hope not.
    Lana is obviously very familiar with using social media for professional purposes, but the Instagram baddie resolution was a resolution to essentially use social media to be fake from a personal standpoint. You can see the obvious correlation to her friends there.
    Second of all, almost everyone seems to be assuming that Lana has changed - but has she? I mean, as I've said before, she's friends with Courtney. She is (or was - idk about now because of the Kanye IG comment) tight with the Kardashians. One of her current friends was their rep, we know she is/was friends with Kim, and last year she interviewed Kendall and said that Kris Jenner is very grounded. 'K, Lana.
    That interview a few pages back, she went on and on about that Alessandro guy, and she's done that in almost every single interview in the past 6 months. Am I saying that Courtney, Kim, Alessandro, etc are bad people? No. But Lana does subscribe to the celebrity lifestyle and she has for a long time. I mean, if you think the Kardashians are grounded ...
    I don't think I had a point; I just thought I'd kill 20 minutes by ranting.
  11. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Elle in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I've already seen some discussion about this, but because of her newest article with Elle Canada, I feel like the best estimate we have for the album at this point is around the end of this year (October - December)
    I remember her stating she'd like the poetry book to come before the album awhile ago, and in the Elle Canada article she states that she hopes to put the book out within 6 months.
    She also stated she wanted to release a few more tracks before releasing the album in which she stated she still didn't know when would come out.
    It seems like it's going to be awhile before the album. & in all honestly I really don't mind waiting, but having a confirmed release date from her would be nice.
  12. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Except Marina's new ~i'M a PsYcHoLoGiSt NoW~ music basically sounds like she's doing anything she can to be seen as a parody of herself. I hate Lana's messiness as much as the next gay, but if I had to choose, I'd rather have a bad rollout and know we'll end up with brilliant tracks like MAC and VB than get something like Marina's half-assed introductory psychology project.
  13. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Say Yes to Heaven spoke with someone at Liongate. He has all the details about LIB. From what he posted on Insta, a couple of weeks ago, Lana submitted a snippet of Life is Beautiful, for the Adaline trailer. Liongate has that snippet locked somewhere and doesn't have all the rights to the song (from what I understand, Lana and her team have the «other half» of the rights). 
  14. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    The endless delay might be because of the poetry book, which she apparently miscalculated the production time for (and in spades), but the delay really suggests that there's another reason for it. It may also be that when she announced the poetry book in September of 2018, she had no publishing plan, and was hoping established commercial publishers would coming knocking, hoping to get the publishing rights, and either none did, or none wanted it after reviewing it. Such 'baiting' ploys are common in all media industries. 
    Artists don't typically release an entire cohesive album in singles and pairs over a period of a year, and corporate record companies don't support that, because it makes promotion almost impossible, which means they have no opportunity to recoup their investment, among other problems. It may be that whatever the cause for the delay is both complicated and embarrassing, and no resolution has yet been found. 
    LDR may be frustrated and angry about all of this, and so has become relatively apathetic about the future of NFR. She certainly sounds as if she has.
    She has had a lot of what seems like bad luck since the release of BTD, with the SNL gig (and SNL mocking her a week later), the public Lorde feud, losing the James Bond song to Sam Smith (who then had a huge hit with it and appeared on SNL with Lorde, of all people), Lou Reed dying the day he was to record with her for UV, her troubled relationship with Barrie and the fallout from it, her houses being broken into by obsessive fans and being stalked and threatened by them, the significant drop in her sales with UV and Honeymoon compared to BTD/P, the Left (which she sees herself a member of) turning against her in various ways on multiple public fronts, Eminem slagging her, whatever the G-Eazy situation was, and so on. 
    Some of these things are just par for the course for any celebrity in this era, and some are just life, period. But I think it's enough to frustrate and exhaust anyone. No wonder she doesn't have the time or inclination to be an international style influencer anymore. 
  15. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey talks Fragrance, Poetry, and New Music in new article with Elle Canada (April 2019)   
    This gucci campaign is such a blessing to us, seems like the contract she signed with that brand forces her to do more interviews than she would ever do in promotion of her own music.
  16. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey talks Fragrance, Poetry, and New Music in new article with Elle Canada (April 2019)   
    Lana Del Rey talks Fragrance, Poetry, and New Music in new article with Elle Canada
    Article highlights: hopes to release poetry book within 6 months, is not sure when NFR will be released but plans to put out a few more songs before the album's release
    “I was going to create my own fragrance just for fun. Literally the next week, Gucci asked me to be the face of theirs, so I took it as a sign.”
    Lana Del Rey has an impressive following within the ASMR community. Thanks to the singer’s signature breathy speaking voice, her recorded interviews have been spliced together to make ASMR compilations that are admittedly difficult to turn off. So should you ever find yourself on the phone with her, prepare to enter a state of total, uninterrupted Zen. 
    “I was going to create my own fragrance just for fun,” says Del Rey in her characteristically captivating tone when we reach her in L.A. “Literally the next week, Gucci asked me to be the face of theirs, so I took it as a sign.” The new iteration of Gucci Guilty, called Pour Femme, is more complex than the original while still maintaining the sense of playfulness the Italian brand is known for. (Jared Leto fronts the male version of the scent, Pour Homme.) “It reminds me of something I’d have worn in high school,” she tells us—and means it as a compliment, explaining that it’s the type of fragrance that makes its wearer feel adventurous, thanks to a bold blend of citrus, pink pepper, lilac and patchouli. 
    Below, thirty-three-year-old Del Rey discusses filming the campaign video, her upcoming album and living like a YouTuber. 
    What does Forever Guilty mean to you? 

    "When I was talking to everybody while we were filming the commercial, we were [saying] how fun it is to have a fragrance that makes you feel adventurous and bold. I also think it’s important to have something that makes you feel feminine. A spirit of adventure comes to mind."
    Is scent is a big part of your day?

    "Scent is a big part of my day. Living in California, I love when I can tell that it’s spring and you can smell the flowers in the air. You can tell what season it is by what the flowers are doing. I kind of have a process when I write: If I’m writing at night, I take a bath, I put on my favourite lotion and my favourite perfume. I have a process for getting ready for the day too. You take a shower, wash your hair, put on your daytime perfume. For me it’s part of my routine. It symbolizes like, 'Ok we’re getting the day started.'"
    How did you first meet Alessandro [Michele, creative director of Gucci]? 

    "He got my phone number and we started talking on the phone a couple times a week. This was before the perfume. He was friends with a couple of people I knew and he was telling me that he really loved the music and that he played it while he was doing little renderings and drawings of new collections. I told my manager that I was so amazed to have someone like him, who’s endlessly putting out collections, listen to my music on repeat. I was just really honoured about that. Then we started talking about inspirations in general. It’s funny, we’re similar but we’re different. We both have a fantastical point of reference. But I do when I’m actually going out, he’s more day to day. He’s like 'more is more' and I’m like 'less and less...until I become invisible.' [Laughs] Then we started talking about him making me something for the Grammys and the Met Ball, and then we shot the video like last January. At this point we just kind of chat about whatever."
    What was the direction Alessandro gave you for the video? 

    "He story-boarded out the entire commercial. From 0 to 60 seconds. He had everything he wanted down to a T. So I knew what we were going to do. He told me his inspiration for the shoot was his strange idea of Hollywood, coming from Rome where he works. I just thought that was really cute because like, who doesn’t need a bit of Hollyweird in their life?"
    What was it like working on set with Jared [Leto] and Courtney [Love]? 

    "Well I couldn’t believe Courtney was there. She called me like four days before to tell me she was going to be there and I just got such a kick out of that because I really love Courtney. I’d met Jared a couple times before but I didn’t really know what that was going to be like. I definitely grew up watching him on My So Called Life. I was excited. He was pretty quiet for most of it, until I freaked out because we had to slow dance. And then he came to life. He was funny. Alessandro wanted us to do a choreographed slow dance, and I don’t really ballroom dance. [Laughs] So [the final cut] is like an eighth grade sway."
    How is your resolution to live like a YouTube vlogger coming along? What inspired that resolution and what appeals to you about that lifestyle? 

    "Oh my god, my resolution is going so well. So much better than I thought. I was like partially kidding, but not really. Yeah, it’s actually going excellently. I’ve been working out every morning at 10am. That was one of my lame little resolutions. Seeing my girlfriends a lot more, cooking in an Instant Pot. Everything’s great, it’s going swimmingly. I’m a pretty cerebral person and I find I write better when I keep it simple. It takes a lot for me to keep my feet on the ground and left to my own devices, I would just be working out melodies or sitting at home, contemplating the reality of things. So I like to bring everything back down to earth, go to the gym, all that stuff."
    Tell us what we can expect from your upcoming album. 

    "Well the three songs I have out now, they’re my favourites. That’s why I put them out. I don’t have any big plans to like, have a mega record launch. It’s done, I just don’t know when I’m going to put it out. My process was really easy-going. I wasn’t actually planning on writing [an album]. I only had two songs written and then I met Jack [Antonoff] last December. We started sitting down and I’d sing him a couple bars and he would play a couple bars. Eventually we just started making song after song. It’s a really thoughtful album. It’s not too bombastic, sonically. It’s very easy-going and I have a couple more songs I’m gonna release before [the album is out]. It’s very pretty. I’m just happy it came out easily with no pressure. Jack is really good in that way. He’s the most easy-going producer I’ve ever met. I think sometimes it’s hard if you’re trying to go for a really big song because I just don’t really work that way. He was good at just leaning back and letting whatever came out of each session come out. It’s really important to work with somebody who says yes a lot and is open to more experimental sounds. I got lucky with him." 
    How did the making of this album compare to the others? Was there any change to your creative process? How did working with Jack influence that process? 

    "It was my most chill recording process. Born To Die was like, an on-fire recording process. I was living in London and going to see a different producer in Brighton or Glasgow or Ireland every day. Just everywhere trying to put all my thoughts down. This time we were recording just a few miles from my house. So I felt really spoiled to be able to go grab my own coffee and spend a couple hours [in the studio]. I think for that reason I really like the tone of this record. But Ultraviolence, that was a pretty chill record-making process too. I usually try to make videos for my favourite songs. Like last year I put out a video for a song called “White Mustang,” which I’m pretty sure nobody heard. But I loved that song and video. I like to just put out my favourites and not worry too much about how far it’s going to travel. I think with this record I have the least like, plan, I’ve ever had. I definitely don’t feel like there’s a plan. Or that there needs to be, which is kind of fun. I feel like the music goes where it’s supposed to when it’s not shoved in any direction. I’m a little bit of a purist that way, much to the dismay of everybody I work with." 
    What inspired you?

    "Even though I record close to home, I write a little further away. I always go like 80 miles north or south of LA and just have my own thing going on there. I had a couple of towns in mind when I’m writing, a laid back vibe, some of my friends. A lot of the songs are just a day in the life. There’s a little bit of a nod to cultural things but not really in a big way. I think the melodies are some of my best, which is good because that’s something you can’t force."
    What can you tell us about the book of poetry you have coming out? What type of poetry is it? How did you come to the decision to put this out there? 

    "I wasn’t going to but I actually started writing without even planning on putting anything out. I’m always a little hesitant when people do crossover things. But I had a lot of time this summer where I was just sitting down and writing these longform, seven-page poems and I was a little bit surprised. I felt like they were coming from a different source of inspiration. I don’t know if it’s because it was so unstressful, those few months, but as I was looking at them in October, I was like, 'These are really good' so I decided I was either going to put them into a book or do a spoken word type thing. A two hour like, not an audiobook, but basically an audiobook. I think the people who like my music would really like the words. It’s interesting because you can tell it’s written by the same person. I wouldn’t say it’s better [than the songs] but there’s definitely more layers to it. I’m interested to see where it goes. I’ll have to figure out whether I want to do it in a big way or like a soft release."
    How is it different than writing a song? 

    "Usually when I’m writing music, it always feels the same. It’s always felt the same, since I was young. But when I was writing these poems, it kind of felt like it was coming from either a different place of wisdom or experience. Even the phrasing is really different. Like it’s more classic. I’m even trying to remember how I learned different stanzas and ways of phrasing things. I’m like, 'Did I learn that in my 11th grade poetry class?' And then I realized when I was younger I always wanted to put together a book of poems and I’d forgotten that I ever wanted to do that. I’m hoping that it happens in the next six months or so." 
  17. Froot liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Florence + The Machine   
    Florence is a goddess. 
  18. Snakelor liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Florence + The Machine   
    Florence is a goddess. 
  19. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Florence + The Machine   
    Florence is a goddess. 
  20. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Elle in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
  21. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I wonder if Rob will be willing to do a livestream. I feel like stanning him more than Lana now...
  22. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Instagram Updates   
    Easter...and the world wakes up to bombings in Sri Lanka. I find all religions fail miserably in bringing peace to the world. Scratch the surface of history and you’ll find there’s always a religion lurking behind every war...like a dark shadow. This world is a very fragile place...held together by our simple kindness and compassion for each other...not by religion.
    lana listen to your fucking dad challenge
  23. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    Thank you, I love Lana's poetry. Her words are very genuine. 
  24. ivy liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    Thank you, I love Lana's poetry. Her words are very genuine. 
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