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  1. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by deepseafishing in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    the amount of people (mostly on twitter) using the ‘edgy teen who hates seeing marina happy’ stuff or ‘u like basic pop when *blank* does it but not when marina does u hate marina!!!!1!1!1!’ bullshit is so funny just like the music in peace without being dumb damn
  2. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Charlottexseax in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    SS, HH and OT seem so uninspired to me tbh...
    You can defo see that they put a great deal of work on Baby, even though I don’t like it and I think it’s a stupid ass title. The melody was cute, the arrangement was cute, the lyrics kinda make sense... like it’s not a song for the generations to come to remember but it’s cute. The rest tho... like she deadass put more work in her GarageBand demos. They are so boring. The melodies are all over the place. And like I know a lot of people don’t give a fuck about the musical aspect but her early demos were SO much better than this. Like in songs like Starlight, Supermodel’s Legs, Pancake Karma etc... the music she played was much more interesting. Like even as far as chords are concerned they were much more diverse and interesting. And the lyrics...
    Like it’s easy to brush off any kind of criticism as just people not adjusting to her new sound but it’s not just like that. She used to be much more interesting. From every point of view. I know y’all are happy she’s back and I’m too, but I don’t want a dummy that fails to imitate the Marina I used to love. I want Marina. And this is a watered down version of her
  3. Tragic Rabbit liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I love the visuals of the music videos and the aesthetics as well as how she looks for this era. The music though? Awful. Really awful. 

    What song is that?
  4. movebaby liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because they don't really add anything to the set. 
    She would be better off with two backup singers then backup dancers. The singers would make the live music on stage sound better and she wouldn't need all that horrible backtracking in the background. 
  5. ParadiseFreak liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Love it. Makes me sad sometimes to see clips of her from back then. 
    I will never understand why she uses backtracking vocals when she doesn't need it. She can sing! She doesn't need the dancers either, what she does need is two back up singers. It would give her live performances more life and better sound with no backtrack needed.
    Those two dancers aren't adding anything to the music on stage. Most of Lana's music isn't even danceable. 

  6. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  7. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because they don't really add anything to the set. 
    She would be better off with two backup singers then backup dancers. The singers would make the live music on stage sound better and she wouldn't need all that horrible backtracking in the background. 
  8. Gone user liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  9. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Love it. Makes me sad sometimes to see clips of her from back then. 
    I will never understand why she uses backtracking vocals when she doesn't need it. She can sing! She doesn't need the dancers either, what she does need is two back up singers. It would give her live performances more life and better sound with no backtrack needed.
    Those two dancers aren't adding anything to the music on stage. Most of Lana's music isn't even danceable. 

  10. Turbo2000 liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Love it. Makes me sad sometimes to see clips of her from back then. 
    I will never understand why she uses backtracking vocals when she doesn't need it. She can sing! She doesn't need the dancers either, what she does need is two back up singers. It would give her live performances more life and better sound with no backtrack needed.
    Those two dancers aren't adding anything to the music on stage. Most of Lana's music isn't even danceable. 

  11. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Lana's emerald green eyes are gorgeous! 
  12. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Those fans selfies are cute!
  13. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Love it. Makes me sad sometimes to see clips of her from back then. 
    I will never understand why she uses backtracking vocals when she doesn't need it. She can sing! She doesn't need the dancers either, what she does need is two back up singers. It would give her live performances more life and better sound with no backtrack needed.
    Those two dancers aren't adding anything to the music on stage. Most of Lana's music isn't even danceable. 

  14. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  15. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I love the visuals of the music videos and the aesthetics as well as how she looks for this era. The music though? Awful. Really awful. 

    What song is that?
  16. Pink Champagne liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  17. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Love it. Makes me sad sometimes to see clips of her from back then. 
    I will never understand why she uses backtracking vocals when she doesn't need it. She can sing! She doesn't need the dancers either, what she does need is two back up singers. It would give her live performances more life and better sound with no backtrack needed.
    Those two dancers aren't adding anything to the music on stage. Most of Lana's music isn't even danceable. 

  18. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  19. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Love it. Makes me sad sometimes to see clips of her from back then. 
    I will never understand why she uses backtracking vocals when she doesn't need it. She can sing! She doesn't need the dancers either, what she does need is two back up singers. It would give her live performances more life and better sound with no backtrack needed.
    Those two dancers aren't adding anything to the music on stage. Most of Lana's music isn't even danceable. 

  20. UltraHeroin liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  21. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because they don't really add anything to the set. 
    She would be better off with two backup singers then backup dancers. The singers would make the live music on stage sound better and she wouldn't need all that horrible backtracking in the background. 
  22. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Look how Amy Winehouse's backup singers added life to her shows. They were amazing. God knows how many times Amy was on stage high as a kite and those two singers were right there singing her parts and saving the shows. Not that we have to worry about Lana being high on stage but just saying.
    Those dancers are tacky and distracting and are adding nothing to the shows other then dance moves to songs that aren't even danceable.
    Lana was just fine by herself on stage.

  23. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by Noel in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't hate the dancers or anything, but yeah, they don't add the right element to her songs or performances. Lets just have three singers doing simple choreographed moves behind ha!!!
  24. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by venicebitch in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    On the positive note, her face and body look the best in YEARS. Her legs are sexier than ever and she looks fit, youngful and fresh. I just wish she would present her gorgeous self in another outfit.
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