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Voluntary Leave
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  1. How dare she say the word "black"? In MY 2019?
  2. ####

    Lady Gaga

    ...What was the point of that?
  3. ####


    Technically the part about Poppy not writing her own songs is true, i can't name 1 song that she written all by herself that isn't something from Bubblebath or What if i
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    idk if this was like, known but HANA'S version of We Appreciate Power is the first one according to the writer. She re-recorded it with Poppy and then scrapped that version and released the old HANA one.
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    I think she's talking about how P*ppy released Play Destroy even though Grimes didn't want her to
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    Omg this new song is so good! Thankful she kept Poppy out of it
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    But like! How do you not feel bad for supporting a shitty person??
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    If everyone universally hates XXXTentacion for being a trashy person and an abuser, why should she be excused? Because she makes """futuristic""" pop music? Double standards is how i see this. & if threads for singers that are exposed for being pedophiles are closed, this one should be too, as well as the xxxtentacion thread et al
  9. Oh they really snapped with that last episode huh
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    Bip Ling

    Her new album is so beautiful, i cried when i listened to it. It's objectively the best album released in 2018. All offense taken, bipch
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    Mars Argo

    She tweeted something 6 days ago... that took me WAAAAYY of guard, i was chilling at home, i was not expecting that https://twitter.com/marsargo/status/1054744992433037318?s=19
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    Her simple pop songs outsold that pseudo pc music mess she's putting out. Also yes she is an abuser
  13. I just watched the new episode and holy shit this is what ive been waiting for for so long... This show is back!!!
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