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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. LOVE her dress and hair!! Anyone who knows what kind of club it is? A place for teens to hang, or..?
  2. I saw an ad last night that H&M have a 50% sale on knitted sweaters here in Sweden. But I can’t spend money on like... anything than groceries for a while, and I’m not really sure if I like Lana’s sweater/if it would look good on me.
  3. Oh. I thought it was ~1 hour. I'm not an experienced festival goer as you can see.
  4. Wow, that's a LONG time for a festival! 8:30-10PM, that's like her whole LATTM concert?
  5. Since you're singing with fans now, can I be next?
  6. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Hm... Trash Magic VS Money Hunny
  7. Hm, not neccesarily. Do you agree that every Christmas needs some snow?
  8. I think it was the karaoke a few hours ago?
  9. Honeymoon: 10 Music To Watch Boys To: 10 Terrence Loves You: 7 God Knows I Tried: 10 High By The Beach: 9.5 Freak: 8 Art Deco: 7 Religion: 8 Salvatore: 8.5 The Blackest Day: 10 24: 8 Swan Song: 9 Don't Let Me Be Understood: 5 Mean: 110/13 = 8.46 Ok, I couldn’t give 24 any lower than that. It’s never been a favorite but it’s grown on me a LOT more this past year.
  10. I’m gonna be one of them. I’m gonna listen to HM on the train back to uni town and give my rates, I promise! >w<
  11. I don't know, it just says "Unfortunately, the rest of her European tour is cancelled completely" so it could mean ALL of it or just the second half of it because I heard some other dates got postponed too... her website isn't showing any tour dates either. I mean, she's going to some festivals in March I think, and maybe even more in summer, so I don't think we'll ever get the chance to see her anytime soon.
  12. My brother just got an email stating that the rest of her European tour is cancelled and she won’t come to Sweden... I guess the tickets must have sold really badly, huh. Not so very surprising because nobody really knows her here... Oh well. I hope she enjoyed signing books and celebrating her mom’s birthday instead.
  13. I can’t wait to see CL’s performance for the Olympic closing ceremony.
  14. I don’t think so, maybe he’s just doing some touch ups? I think he has written songs at least last year too.
  15. Hozier posted a microphone on his Instagram story and added the text “vocals”.
  16. I was listening to the radio while having breakfast and THEY PLAYED BUBBLE POP! I’M SHOOK!!
  17. I must say, I really like this new song! I still haven’t listened a lot of his work, but I do love a few songs and I’ll definitely listen to them all someday.
  18. Has anyone seen Danish Girl? Was it good/bad? What was your impression of it?
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