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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. When she enters stage with the blonde Marilyn Lizzy Grant wig and starts to sing For K pt 2
  2. This is so random and came from absolutely nowhere, I’ll never forgive her if she performs it and I’ll also never forgive her if she doesn’t perform it.
  3. I don’t know, I fear it’ll be like when me and @Star Lux Cherry Pie went to the listening party and silently freaked out when we heard the line “palm trees in black and white, I dream in technicolor” and the similar melody to Wait for Life in Sweet, no one around us reacted at all. I don’t think the locals would catch it and think she’s performing a brand new song.
  4. No videos or pics, just a picture and testimony that the Lizzy picture was up on the screen for some time.
  5. I’ll never forgive her if she performs For K pt 2 just once and never again and crushing my hopes that didn’t exist a few hours ago to experience it live too.
  6. Not Lana calling her Paris and London shows for special and then performs For K Pt 2 in Quebec.
  7. It’s Lana guys, I doubt she even remembers the lyrics for the song.
  8. Seeing all the fan pictures with Lana outside the stages/airports/shops recently and I’m like… I don’t know how to approach her if I’d ever see her. Like? Hi? I’m sorry to disturb you? I really love your music a lot and think you’re a cool person? You mean a lot to me? I have no idea what to say, and I’d be too shy to ask for a selfie.
  9. So glad they got him before he could do some real damage. It’s really unnerving that Lana has so many stalkers and über obsessive fans, but I’m glad several of them have been found and caught.
  10. I won’t really type down how I became a fan (it’s written in some other, similar thread) but I just want to mention that I was about 17 when I first started to listen to Lana and became a fan. After reading the comments here, it feels like everyone became fans when they were 12 or 13, so I’m here to represent us “older” fans. (“Older” in quotation marks because I know some here are older than me!)
  11. I’m sorry to hear that you had to grow up in such circumstances, I hope you’re doing better now.
  12. Grandfather, please stand on the shoulders of my father While he’s deep-sea fishing for sharks in the Pacific I don’t think I’ll ever forget how ridiculous I thought this line was the first time I read it.
  13. That makes sense, I think! I guess I was just thinking of her more recent songs, but aesthetics and the more pop sound she had with BTD can still interest new fans.
  14. I’m curious to know what in Lana’s music that is appealing to kids that are about 10-12 years old, her lyrics and sound are far from what I liked when I was 10. I don’t think I’d even understand everything she’s singing about.
  15. I think it’s innuendo because, you know, butter is made by churning it.
  16. Don’t have to write me a letter ’Cause I’ll always be right here Closer to you than your next breath, my dear […] Just know this is your song It’ll live on and on, way past me and you
  17. I’m trying to think of some lines to contribute with but there are too many good ones.
  18. So surprised and happy to see her earning this, most deserved!
  19. Throw me 'round like a hot potato, if he want the butter, then say so
  20. I’m just worried they see this kind of behavior as some kind of “goals”.
  21. @hotshot2am Thousand thanks for keeping us updated! We all appreciate it.
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