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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Relieved to hear that 65 of 80 (?) people in Barcelona could leave the hospitals today. Sad to hear about Turku in Finland. Twitter accounts keep saying that they didn't shout allah, they were shouting Finnish words like "watch out" and such. I haven't watched the video myself though (and I don't know Finnish anyway so...). Press conference in ~30 min according to radio.
  2. So... according to this, I'm an old granny. White Mustang is ok, but it's not a favourite... I hope I'll like it more in the future. It took me a long time to really really fall in love with Swan Song - I can't get enough of it today! And I thought it was ok at first... mess!
  3. Anyone else who hear that high note as background vocals for the last "God Bless america"? I just noticed it now when I walked to the train. So. GOOD.
  4. Omg, I wish Swedish fans were like this too! At least the fans for U2 here in Sweden usually make cool stuff, they've waved with white fabric when the band entered the stage... a whole arena waving white! Whoohoo! It sure is pretty! Well, ok, not all of the arena, but a lot at least!
  5. I can't really connect to any of her songs (never been in love and never had relationship problems... never a real crush, never done bad things) but gosh I LOVE THE LANA UNIVERSE!! I can't get enough, it's like jumping into different movies! I don't like their material to get leaked (mainly because it still makes her sad for a second) but the instrumentals for this album... they sound fantastic!! I wanna hear them and find a new favorite apart from Blackest Day (which sounds superb without vocals too - amazing!) Ok I should sleep, enough fangirling for today. Bye.
  6. If I may jump on this persona discussion too... To me, Lana had really built up her own world and had been playing with that idea for years when she started to be serious about music. And it may have been a good idea because it made her stand out among other girls who wanted to make it too. Here's this girl who brings americana, glamour and the total opposite of glamour, heart broken songs that people can connect to - she wasn't afraid to play a role that might come off as vulgar (thinking about Boarding School among others... >___< ). She made up a character mixed up with her own experiences and old Hollywood films and 50's lifestyle (always pleasing the man and putting them first). However, I don't think she can play that role forever. But I do think that she will keep the dangerous and depressing theme with her for a long time, and maybe go back once again to her past life. And, hopefully, create songs with a more cheerful message in the future, as we've seen in this album. For me, Lana has always been a mood-setter with all the strings, guitars and drums and also a great storyteller. She takes you to her world, which is fantastic. A lot of songs today are simple love songs, but Lana makes you feel something, makes you feel what she feels. Although she probably adds some fantasy in it too. So I'm not afraid if she decides to go political, happy or whatever she'll go in the future - she'll always be able to make me enter her world anyway. Remember that most of her (released) songs are about her past and I don't know how much more she has to tell about that or if she wants to remember those things.
  7. They never taught me the cool expressions in school. Thanks! ^^
  8. Because I still believe I heard Queen of Disaster a whole summer on radio before I even knew Lana that well and can you imagine how much money she would've gotten from that? IT WAS ON REPEAT on the channel I was listening to, several times a day they played it! I'd love to get my hands on an album with unreleased songs because I love them and wanna support her by buying them, but I also really want radio stations to play her songs so people stop thinking of her as some sad chick who wants to die - that's not the Lana I know! Yes, she has melancholy lyrics and slow beats, but she's also full of life, sassy and sweet. Can you imagine turning on the radio and hearing Hollywood, Hundred Dollar Bill or any other bop being played? Imagine your friends like them too? I want that for Lana.
  9. Nazis are so scary. Seriously, they give me goosebumps just thinking about them. I hope I'll never meet or see one in life, they'd probably hit me or something for just standing up.Some IDIOTIC nazis were so pressed by innocent Afghans having a calm sitting protest in central Stockholm that they came in a group and hit them - still unbelievable to me that it happened. The police started to protect them during the day after that, but couldn't during the night they said... I think the protest is still going on, I haven't heard any news about it.
  10. Yesterday on the phone with my brother's fiancée. When was the last time you wrote something with a pencil/pen?
  11. I dunno, this just sound so surreal to me. Never thought as a kid that I would live in a world where there are still people who symphetizes with people like Nazis. I never wanted to believe that Trump would win the election. Somehow he did and I haven't heard anyone who's happy about it. Apart from some idiots on Twitter of course. Ugh. I get so angry that it's still "ok" for them to do this! I hate them!! They make so many lives miserable for no good reason at all! Saw this comic strip a few minutes ago and reminded me of the discussion in this thread. =/
  12. New interview with El País. I don't have time to read it all and see if it's interesting or not, and I don't have time to translate it either. Feel free to do so if it's of importance. I don't think this is the same interview she gave for Yo Dona (El Mundo is a different paper if I'm not mistaken), but I haven't found it yet. That one sounded more interesting though. https://elpais.com/elpais/2017/08/02/tentaciones/1501684915_087822.html
  13. Before I went to London to see Lana. So... 3 weeks ago? When was the last time you had some tea? (Do you have any favourite tea blend? )
  14. National Anthem - 30 Ride - 102 Tropico - 24 Shades of Cool - 76
  15. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Mermaid Motel demo vs Maha Maha
  16. You take -1 point from a song and add it (+1) to another song that you wish to stay. Red usually means -1 and green text equals +1 point. Born to Die - 10 Off to the Races - 12 Blue Jeans - 11 Video Games - 14 Diet Mountain Dew - 9 National Anthem - 11 Dark Paradise - 13 Radio - 9 Carmen - 10 Million Dollar Man - 12 Summertime Sadness - 10 This is What Makes Us Girls - 7 Without You - 10 Lolita - 6 Lucky Ones - 6
  17. What does "cut a rug" even mean? I've never heard that expression before.
  18. Ahaha, yeah, I'm ok don't worry. Thank you. I get emotional sometimes of course, but it's alright.
  19. Brunette Lana Postcards or e-mails?
  20. No - I love pretty much every color. Do you agree that it's windy today? I don't lol
  21. Hi, I believe there's already a thread for that! http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/940-post-your-lana-itunes-library/
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