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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. This is what we've come to, asking for the bare minimum.
  2. LMAO well, like I said, I ain't no programmer so I understand nada
  3. I think we might get something similar, his recent work with Weyes Blood didn't look too different! Just maybe more like the Chemtrails photoshoot.
  4. please, Lana is always announcing her albums several hours later lmao
  5. I'm definitely moving to the kitchen counter to do the dishes ugh No but, seriously, going to her older albums always remind me of how lush and rich her instrumentals could be. I missed that in Chemtrails, Blue Banisters was a bit better in my opinion (I don't think I'll ever tire of the outro for If you lie next to me, that trumpetttt at least I think it's a trumpet). I really want something rich again for this album BUT at the same time, I don't want to hope for it because we know her dad will be playing the piano for at least one of the songs. Based on her projects since LFL, it'll most likely be a stripped back ballad, so I don't think she'll go experimental and have the piano be the base of the song. And there's nothing wrong with that, Sweet Carolina was the 3rd most Lana I played this year so I obviously like them. But. I really hope she kept what she mentioned several months ago, that it'll be a word-y album, that maybe she'll continue with hinting her relationships with her family or further explain why she is who she is (Wildflower Wildfire, Text book), that she'll be angry. I really wonder what the final song will sound like, since she described it to have a Hollywood-ish "thanks and goodbye" vibe. I'm still not completely into the whole concept of Chemtrails, of describing the mundane, hanging out with friends and family - it's sweet, but nothing I really care much for, although I kinda get why it was important for her to share that. I want to know Lana. I want to know her thoughts. Her view of things, her perspective. Gimme more of that!
  6. I hope we’ll get something this December, I’ll be sitting by my desk and work on my assignments until Christmas, and I just learned that my grandpa passed away so there might be a funeral happening soon too. Gimme something to look forward to and be excited about, Lana.
  7. Yep, just go to my profile —> about me and there’s a short list of my timelines!
  8. Especially mods who live in Europe and are awake at the same hours, it could be so difficult at times to mod all alone without having someone online to double check with. And I know I’m not exactly helping since I quit so I shouldn’t complain. Does this count as complaining? I hope it doesn’t.
  9. I had no idea this song existed until now. Video and sound-wise, it's similar to her disco album. Not bad!
  10. I love the outro of If you lie down with me... so mesmerizing, a highlight of the album. I could listen to it forever.
  11. The back cover of the album, it’ll be like “track 6...” and the song title will take up two rows just to fit all the words.
  12. I mean... I guess it isn’t difficult for it to be better, several songs in BB were old. (don’t get me wrong, I really like the album!) It took me a good minute to get what nonsense you had written lol! It’s like I saiiiiddd, it’s just a keyboard mesh, it makes no sense!
  13. I’m sorry but GPSOTSOMFWHDSF looks like a nightmare, worse than hope’s full title. That’s literally a keyboard smash, I find it hard to believe it’s a real title and not something an insider made up. But then again, it’s Lana we’re talking about so I guess a keyboard smash acronym isn’t out of the question.
  14. I just checked my album timeline blogpost (which unfortunately is missing some rumor stuff because I've been too busy to keep up with things), and I had completely forgotten that Lana mentioned this album last year, as soon as BB got out. It'll be 2023 soon. Technically, we've waited only a year, but looking at the years' numbers, it feels like it's almost been three years.
  15. Indies record store vinyl version - it's a splatter vinyl. It looks really cool, and now I can't decide if I prefer this one or the red vinyl lol. But. The splatter vinyl for IWABLT disappointed me a lot because my copy barely had any, and I don't want a second disappointment in my collection...
  16. @For K I appreciate it and I think you're most likely right, thank you. <3
  17. Yeah, I definitely think it was a mistake as well. Question is if this means Poland will defend its borders, and what the cost might be if they do or don't.
  18. I read it too. Things are scary, and they somehow got scarier. I really hope it doesn't mean anything, leave poor Poland alone, don't drag them into this too.
  19. Bono has released his memoirs (“Surrender: 40 songs, one story”) this past week (or is it two weeks now?), and of course, his son Elijah is mentioned in it too. I don’t have a copy myself (but I think I’ll read it in English someday), but my brother has a copy. Here’s a baby pic of Eli and one when he’s a little bit older: Bono also shared a memory of Eli being on stage in winter 2018, jumping onto the drum set, falls, and lies motionless, but he turns out to be okay. He also describes his son to have an “Elvis smile” and that’s he’s a hound dog (which makes me wonder if that’s something he’s told him, considering the line “I could be Elvis on a Tuesday night” in My honest face!), writes that he’s a lot cooler and relaxed on stage than himself, that he doesn’t try to be something he’s not, that he thinks it’s fantastic and touching that his son also chose to fulfill his music dream, and that he thinks his band (Inhaler) is really great. Apparently, Eli has asked his father for advice sometimes but Bono simply tells him to be himself. Lastly, he wrote, “this kid can become whatever he wants”. Makes me really warm and glad to read, since I’m a U2 fan too!
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