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  1. Purrfect liked a post in a topic by Maxim in Marilyn Manson   
    Marilyn Manson is my all time fave and Tattooed In Reverse may be one of his best songs I was SHOOK when I first played it
    wild that this thread is made today when Im doing a full re-listen to the tryptic 
  2. LDR Town liked a post in a topic by Maxim in Marilyn Manson   
    Marilyn Manson is my all time fave and Tattooed In Reverse may be one of his best songs I was SHOOK when I first played it
    wild that this thread is made today when Im doing a full re-listen to the tryptic 
  3. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in ALLIE X   
    I crave more songs like Need You... it aged so well and y’all hated it.
  4. Maxim liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in ALLIE X   
    Honestly... maybe this is Allie X in a nutshell nnnn
    It's CLX I
    Poor Sanctuary video canceled
    Oh helo Clx II - Unsolved
    Bye Alexandra & Misbelieving
    Casanova promo release 6 months before the album
    Paper Love lead single
    Video leak
    Official Tour months before the album
    Vinyl rips in 00000034kbs with songs sped up
    Need You single without a video
    That's So Us third single after the song being released for like 1 year already
    Casanova being released as a single despite being out for months
    Pointless drag queen lyric video
    Hyping something
    Pointless Verité Remix
    Pointless official music video 
    but I STAN because GIRL is PURE TALENT and POP MUSIC.
    Super Sunset fuckery was the 6 months froot-looks-familiar-roll out that ended up spoiling the whole record, because for real I just cannot imagine how I would deal to listen to Science + GOTY + Little Things all together without being months-in-between overplaying every song. 
  5. Maxim liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Charli XCX   
    At this point, if anything leaks I hope and pray it’s like... True Romance era stuff. I really feel like that stuff is long gone so if people still have it there’s kind of no point. I am tired of the new stuff leaking and making her upset and anxious even though it’s exciting to hear.
    Like surely someone out there has Fruit Salad, Atomic, Jungle, Ali, etc. after all this time
  6. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Cruel in Charli XCX   
    the best song on pop 2, facts are facts 
    the breakdown at the end is so emotional to me, it's just so much and then mixed with their emotions...I'm getting emo just thinking about it
    also just posted this on my art instagram and thought I'd share it here too 
    im doing a small series called "pop girls of 2017" as I did one for 2016 last year. it's been done for months but finally got it scanned and fixed digitally 
    for charli i wanted to mix both mixtapes into one and this was the outcome, it wasn't easy but I'm pretty happy with it now
  7. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Hattie in ALLIE X   
    Stop saying Focus is the worst of the album challenge 
  8. Maxim liked a post in a topic by feelinglifted in ALLIE X   
    tbh unpopular opinion but i pretty much prefer focus without the belting and all for the album, i think it just suits as the ending for the album and it closes it up nicely, nsbila, lt and science were the more energetic points of the album and i just dont see the reason for focus being more energetic rather than chill them but well idk 
  9. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    the treble + claps + sexy breathing in Babygirl sounds like waves crashing on the shore of a sexy beach. ok & then the fucking spaceship sounds in the bridge??? THE BASS!!!!! &&& THEN THE COWBELL. Babygirl literally BLASTS OFF and some of y’all have the nerve to call it a bad song!!

  10. Maxim liked a post in a topic by californianfreak in ALLIE X   
    "You make me focus, when you love someone the rest just falls away" 
    As the rest of the record explores these other personas, I see this line as saying they don't matter anymore. Whoever you are pretending to be just falls away, and you can be yourself with that person. And as Focus is at the end of the record, Allie realises that she doesn't need to try and be anyone else so by the end of the record, she is comfortable being herself! 
    Anyway that's how I interpret it!
  11. Maxim liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in ALLIE X   
    OMG I just realised that I started this thread exactly two years ago. That's 6544 posts with hardly any drama, which is quite an accomplishment, considering what happened in the Allie X thread(s) before this one. I'm really #feelingX right now. 
  12. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Diet Mountain Dew in Charli XCX   
    does any of you remember Churchcloud? lol
  13. Maxim liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Charli XCX   
    When will y'all learn that there are NO bad songs on number one skinny angel! I'd say ILY2 and Emotional are the weakest tho but even then I can still bop.. oh and Baby Girl is the best song on N1A so jot that down girls
  14. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Waywent in Arthouse - The New single from Maxim <me>   
    i'mma politely decline, but thank you for sharing and don't ever stop improving your craft!!
  15. Diet Mountain Dew liked a post in a topic by Maxim in Charli XCX   
    Listening to Taxi really makes me wonder why of all the exchange songs she put Roll With Me out on a mixtape? Even if she was planning on releasing Taxi on XCX world I can't help but think RWM is a strange choice of the set to see the light of day first (no disrespect to RWM she's still a bop)
  16. Maxim liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Charli XCX   
    Don't you fucking talk about Roll With Me like that.... the tea is that no matter which exchange songs she put on the mixtape there would still be people begging for all of them. Imagine if RWM wasn't released lol we would still be going on about it because it's amazing
  17. Maxim liked a post in a topic by LonelyHeart in Charli XCX   
    Well it happens... TR will be one of my fav albums forever with an unique sound and a nice aesthetic too. That was a classic
  18. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Jujuba in Charli XCX   
    hey guys, let's look on the bright side, we won't have to bother making a fanmade solo version 
  19. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Jujuba in Charli XCX   
    If you're a new fan reading this, please listen to me: DO NOT EVER LISTEN TO ANY LIVE RECORDING OF UNRELEASED TRACKS BY CHARLI. It's a trap. It'll make you live like a zombie, starving for a release, begging for HQ versions, replaying those shitty LQ recordings until you die inside. Save yourself of the frustration, enjoy what's released, do not open yourself to the anxiety that expecting those tracks may cause.
  20. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Waywent in Charli XCX   
    once again umru is 19 years old and is allowed to be proud of getting to work with charli and AG jfc 
    just for that, no 1999 or bricks for y'all this week 
  21. Maxim liked a post in a topic by Bella Goth in Charli XCX   
    1999 (feat. Bicassie)
  22. Maxim liked a post in a topic by FkaTwinks in Charli XCX   
    This was a really satisfying moment 

  23. Maxim liked a post in a topic by FkaTwinks in ALLIE X   
    Imagine recommending Allie's worst released song (Kid Wonder) to a newbie stan 
  24. Maxim liked a post in a topic by FkaTwinks in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I cant wait for The Actual Nature Tour 
  25. Maxim liked a post in a topic by FkaTwinks in ALLIE X   
    Them not releasing it on the soundtrack was highkey a dumb decision and doesnt make any sense
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