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  1. Venice liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  2. Doll Harlow liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    watching these make me so sad
    i keep watching the itunes festival 2013 performance and WHEW wtf happened in the space of 2017-2020 that wrecked her performances
  3. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    she's clearly been putting less and less effort into her shows over the years. she peaked with the endless summer tour in my opinion. even then i remember an interview where she said she didn't have a desire to tour anymore but i reckon her management are forcing her to
    apologies for double post
  4. Starsx liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  5. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    watching these make me so sad
    i keep watching the itunes festival 2013 performance and WHEW wtf happened in the space of 2017-2020 that wrecked her performances
  6. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    this whole thing has more layers than a conspiracy theory omfgggg
    can she just like... say something. my admiration is deteriorating
  7. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    she's clearly been putting less and less effort into her shows over the years. she peaked with the endless summer tour in my opinion. even then i remember an interview where she said she didn't have a desire to tour anymore but i reckon her management are forcing her to
    apologies for double post
  8. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    been biting my tongue on this because i was told i wasn't owed shit but im snapping
    i think its extremely disrespectful of her to not even issue a personal statement, when if im honest, i don't even think the email statement was written by her. it's so brief and explains nothing. i know that if she is ill, she doesn't want to be on social media but at the end of the day it only takes a few minutes, if that, to post something on instagram or a tweet.
    as someone said some fans spent so much money on travel, me included, that we can't get refunded. for her to stay silent is just wrong in my opinion. i know its only been a few days but to feel disappointed and then left in silence is weird.
    i think something is up with her. i wouldn't be surprised if she's not sick at all seeing how she seemed fine in her instagram posts just a few days ago. i think there's a bigger issue here, be it her being lazy or issues arising from vaping. she really needs to address this properly to reinstill peoples faith in her honestly.
    i get the feeling she hates touring, and if that is the case, i wish she'd just do these european shows then stop, since people have been waiting for years to see her.
  9. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  10. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  11. ultrabanisters liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok.... i feel bad and i think i'm gonna get torn to shreds for saying this and i'm trying my best to word it as kindly and reasonably as possible (especially bc mercury is in retrograde rn) but...
    that video actually made me feel worse about the whole situation    i was anticipating her saying something because it took her long enough so in some ways i'm glad she finally did, but coming onto instagram looking fine, sounding fine, with obviously freshly done lip and cheek fillers (surely if you're super ill the last thing you'd want is needles in your face? and if you have no voice you could possibly also have a cough, so needles around your mouth area might be something of a risk, no? of course i'm not a doctor so i don't actually know, but regardless wouldn't you just wanna focus on resting up anyway?) and giving a nonchalant "i'm sorry" only to then go on and essentially say "but hey look at all these other cool shows i've got coming up that you won't be able to go to because they're on the other side of the world!!  " then making the utterly laughable statement "of course i'll make it up to you like i always do", particularly when the official statement given by the venue already confirmed there would be no rescheduling....... girl.
    i'm sorry, i hope i'm not being too hard on her and i guess i should be relieved she at least acknowledged the situation, but tbh... today was supposed to be my show so i'm def feeling extra sensitive today    like i woke up in such a sad mood because of it hahah.
    idk, i'm not sure what i really expected her to say. maybe just something a little more personal and heartfelt. she honestly sounds fine to me and the fact that, as Rorman mentioned earlier, she was likely out hiking with alex and val (as well as being spotted out and about seeming fine prior to the cancellation of the shows) just makes me struggle to put two and two together. that's not to even mention the fact we pretty much know that the venue and crew hotels etc knew about these cancellations a while before we did. the whole situation is naturally bound to be upsetting, but i feel this video did very little to make it any better and, in some people's cases (mine  ), actually made it kinda worse.
    that being said, these things do happen. the neighbourhood, for example, recently postponed their entire march uk tour all the way to november. could be a mental health situation, an illness other than what she told us or maybe she really has lost her singing voice! whatever the situation, i do genuinely hope she's okay. i don't begrudge her cancelling shows for the good of her health (presuming that is the case) and i'm wishing her all the best and a super speedy recovery. i just wish this video had made me feel better rather rather than worse on what would have been the day of my show.
  12. ultrabanisters liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    Exactly and I need to find a way to accept this because I am still so damn disappointed. It’s the worst thing ever when a person you love so much and are so excited to see doesn’t seem to reciprocate the feelings. Honestly I almost wish she didn’t put that apology video up because it only confirmed to me that she really doesn’t realize or grasp just how big of a deal this cancellation was for us non US citizens
  13. ultrabanisters liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    So because you think her eyes say she's struggling we're not allowed to complain that our shows got cancelled. Okay.
  14. ultrabanisters liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    It's not like you have a separate throat for singing. Sis didn't even sound raspy.
  15. ultrabanisters liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    Of course Lana isn't responsible for the cost of people's hotels and flights, but at this point, she's coming off as pretty unreliable and I'd be quite wary of spending a large, non-refundable sum of money  to go see her. 
    This isn't the first time she's cancelled shows and handled it badly. Not to mention she's been pretty unreliable in general over the past 12 months or so, with the poetry book, the delayed 3-part mv (with no explanation) and now the spoken word album ... never mind the NFR pre-release fuckery and the fact that the shows she has done have been very hit and miss. 
  16. ultrabanisters liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    I mean she lied at least once, 'we didn't know until the day'.
    She didn't particularly seem very remorseful either, all smiles and 'no biggie, kisses '.
  17. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  18. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  19. Lilacnicole liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  20. Oceansoul liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  21. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  22. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  23. ivy liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  24. 13bitches liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
  25. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok first of all did she get her lips refilled
    and secondly wdym make it up just reschedule queen
    also "as always" plssss 
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