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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. This a really thoughtful point that I didn’t consider before, because, as @Surf Noir mentioned, I took it as its intended meaning. But I really appreciate you bringing up how language takes on new connotations when it’s contextualized by something (in this case, sex). This actually reminds me of something kind of unrelated (but also not) that I feel a bit uncomfortable witnessing. I can’t help but feel that the sensual feeling of the album’s photoshoot is used as an excuse to further objectify Lana by some audiences. I know it’s not ill-intentioned, and I know that this may read as prudish or overly sensitive, but I see a lot of comments about Lana that reduce her to an object of sexual desire. I can only assume that because it’s largely gay men and straight women who make these comments—two groups that aren’t attracted to Lana in that sense—there’s a feeling that it’s different if a straight man said it. And because Lana is drawing attention to herself in that way, perhaps people seem like it is okay for them to do so as well. But one’s self-empowerment is not an invitation to be objectified. The whole gamut of comments that refer to Lana’s chest as a colloquial, albeit, crass term, reads as generally disgusting.
  2. I’m usually far removed from this sphere of LanaBoards but I know damn well that whenever a new user interacts with @Wait For Life in an unreleased song thread something’s up
  3. Screw your anonymity - is it lanaswildflowers/bikinigold again?
  4. The title track of Born to Die has always felt like the dead of December.
  5. Florida Kilos Yes to Heaven Ultraviolence Well! Quite an eventful year
  6. Yeah! And people are just having fun lol, coming onto LanaBoards is a contrast for a lot of people from the seriousness of daily life. It’s fun to get excited about uncovering things about the album from publicly available but obscure sources like a little scavenger hunt
  7. Cackling at how a Lana Del Rey album pre-release is being purported as some super serious thing like a major corporate transaction or business deal that needs to have such strict guidelines for how to approach it the whole point is to let loose…it’s never that deep
  8. I’m immortalizing “Liz, I’m Calling from Calihoma” here because I am actually shocked at the longevity of my concept tracklist for Blue Banisters
  9. If GPSOTSOMFWHDSF is track 11…. on Lana’s albums where the standard edition is longer than eleven tracks, track 11 is usually a standout. Summertime Sadness, The Blackest Day, The Greatest, Wildflower Wildfire, to name a few.
  10. What seems to be Side C (the top-right column of text) is so wordy, every title is a block of text lol. Perched for the dense, climactic middle-section of the album!
  11. The vape through the mask She’s so hilarious I just love her
  12. @hotshot2am is one of my favourite members - they are so kind and thoughtful and of course, extremely intelligent. Their attention to and recall of particular details paired with their technological savviness is something we can all aspire to!
  13. These lengths…and the thing is, Lana’s longer songs contain so much room to evolve and build that they make for such a rewarding listen. You feel like you’ve been through something by the time they’re done. I’m ready
  14. I think all the “features” on this album are going to be more like background contributions. If FJM is just backing vocals, SYML is just a piano sample, and part of Judah Smith’s sermon appears at the end of a song, then I’m guessing (1) Jack does backing vocals on one of the songs he produced (like Seth Kauffman’s vocals on Brooklyn Baby); (2) Jon Batiste’s contribution is co-writing + backing vocals (or maybe a verse, but it seems unlikely given FJM’s minimal airtime); and (3) Tommy Genesis contributes something small, as BoZ referred to it as a “collab” with quotation marks, suggesting it’s not exactly a traditional feature (maybe a sample).
  15. I got The Watcher of Worlds, and I’d say that’s accurate. Thank you for making this! <3
  16. I don’t think Sweet and Beautiful will be of the same caliber, strictly because of Sweet’s placement in the tracklist. Lana’s track 3s are always a substantive and cornerstone part of each record.
  17. I’m thinking something that evokes the ocean! The title track feels very oceanic with the pulsing, almost muddy drums and the strings that feel like the ebbs and flows of the sea. It reminds me a lot of Les Baxter’s “Jewels of the Sea”. I think the other ballads on the album will be in the same vein as the title track, but as for the rest of the album—namely tracks like American Whore or the Tommy Genesis collab—I’m thinking it will be a bit more surfy with electric guitars (though not as casual-sounding as the ones on NFR, maybe a bit more dark and eerie like the ones on Freak)
  18. Lana on this particular photo: Commented on this post by @/lanadelreysclosets. She’s so funny lol I love her <3 She also confirmed that the bows in her hair are from Forever 21! Frugal queen
  19. Neil on the sound of the record https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl6uPOLvGYC/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  20. I totally know how it goes and I see you <3 If no one’s told you lately, just know that you’ve got this and remember to remind yourself of how capable you are. Being a first generation student and now doing your masters are two major accomplishments - you should be incredibly proud of yourself!! Just know that if you’ve made it this far, you can keep going….you can thrive. Sending love and strength your way, and may everything work out for us all in the end. 🌟
  21. Aw what a great tradition! My vote is NorCal at sunset for sure. With the imagery of Ocean Blvd, you need to be on the pacific coast, and it’s only right that you honour the infamous Del Norte County by being in that region! California is a must for any Lana album that makes explicit mention to the elements of nature lol, and I’m a big proponent of the phrase, west coast, best coast. 🌊
  22. I agree, and I teared up listening too! On a personal note, I (and likely so many others reading this) have felt so caught up in the fast currents of life and feeling like I’m on this never-ending path of climbing a ladder that only has more rungs, that I’m just like, God! When’s it gonna be my turn? The turn to truly live and be seen for what you are, which is exactly what I see Lana grappling with on this song. It’s tough out here for us all, but this song and record hopefully make for a companion that reminds us that we can thrive <3
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