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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. Thank you for asking! <3 here’s mine — Sun — Norman Fucking Rockwell! To me, Norman represents pragmatic risk-taking, which I think is me in a nutshell. Lyrically, there’s a candidness to it, but I like how that candidness is soundtracked to casual and very organic instrumentation, which I feel is a perfect embodiment of how I live my life: very naturally and fun, but still really thoughtfully and with a higher purpose in mind. Moon — Blue Banisters I heavily resonate with the narrative of Blue Banisters, as I believe that record is all about accessing knowledge and power within yourself to find (and create) the answers you’re looking for. I think I am always trying to rationalize my own inner dialogue and that lends itself to a more pragmatic thinking pattern while still allowing room to deliberate upon personal experiences. And I love the emphasis on familial origin within the record—that kind of exploration coupled with a domestic idealism and beautiful home life is really important to my emotional fulfillment, motivations, and peace. Rising — Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass Being the only spoken word record of Lana’s, Violet is a very conversational project! It contains a quiet eclecticism that I think distinguishes it from others, but its little idiosyncrasies and overall warmth make it feel really earnest—I think that describes my disposition and the way I present myself well. There’s a quiet confidence and self-assurance that I really identify with.
  2. What are your big three astrological placements (sun, moon, and rising) as Lana Del Rey albums? 💫 The sun is your identity. It is the essence that you shine out into the world. It represents the vital force that drives you to seek the highest expression of your true self. Your sun sign is how you answer the question “I am” and how you experience life and express your individuality. It also represents the type of energy that you need to feel revitalized. For example, your sun sign’s element is helpful in understanding your self-expression tendencies and how you recharge. The moon is the soul behind your identity. It is the subconscious side of yourself that you typically keep hidden and is the driving force behind your emotional reactions. Your moon sign helps you feel pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, and gives insight into how you nurture and restore yourself. It is the mecca of your inner world. For example, your moon sign’s element is helpful in understanding your inner world and how you typically react in emotional situations. The rising sign (also known as your Ascendant) is your social personality. It is how you dawn on people as it relates to the zodiac sign that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born. Your rising sign represents your physical body and outward style. It is the manifestation of both your inner and outer world, which can define the balance between your seven dimensions. For example, your rising sign’s element is helpful in understanding the type of energy that drives your physical body and overall approach to life. Discuss away! Can’t wait to read everyone’s answers 🪐
  3. Being one of our Lizzy Grant ambassadors but also a sweetheart, voice of reason, bright light, and generally iconic member on LanaBoards
  4. Oh Say Can You See! From Honeymoon: IPTRO, HYTIMM, ISTYNHWM
  5. You got it! And WELCOME BACK! We missed you so much! <3
  6. Video Games! And what a fun thread idea! From: Ultraviolence ICSYBITSL, TTAYLT
  7. Fun thread idea! With desserts — BTD — New York cheesecake Paradise — Peach cobbler UV — Molten chocolate lava cake HM — Gelato alla crema LFL — Key lime meringue kisses NFR — Matcha white chocolate mousse COTCC — Apple pie à la mode BB — Pecan pie
  8. If I had to describe what I think this album is going to be using previously-released material, I’d say: 1. Arcadia’s orchestral arrangements meshed with 2. LA Who Am I to Love You’s dissonance and lyricism meets 3. Honeymoon’s mood as a record (contemplative but glamorous)
  9. Her reaction to getting a parking ticket is so fun lol I love her
  10. IanadeIrey


    One of her best songs and one of my favourites <3 it’s just so perfect. The poetry, her vocals, the serenity of the instrumentation…just gorgeous. An absolute classic
  11. I came up with it for a Blue Banisters album cover + tracklist concept about a year ago when the three singles came out, and I guess it must have stuck around!
  12. I’m loving everyone’s concepts with the new shoot <3 I’d love a glamorous black-and-white-on-the-beach moment for the album cover!
  13. Here’s a BTS snapshot in colour, if that helps!
  14. This part of the album cycle is reminding me of late 2014 when she was just starting to talk about her jazz inspirations for Honeymoon. I even think the recent glam is reminiscent of that time; the Gucci look is so reminiscent of her second night at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, and the W Mag shoot is thematically similar to the Galore Mag shoot -
  15. I don’t know what it is, but something about the new photoshoot, the references to Honeymoon, and knowing that Rob plays piano on the record makes me think viscerally about a record that’s classic in feeling, with sweeping string sections and impressionistic piano chords and dancing melodies through which conversational lyrics are carried. Almost in the vein of Million Dollar Man live, mixed with Buddy’s Rendezvous and Debussy’s sensibility —
  16. This is so poignant and brilliant of you to highlight. I feel like this black-and-white motif is really significant for the next record, particularly how it sheds light on the dimensions of colour in her previous writing.
  17. Her comments about fashion being fun again make me happy. I remember 10 years ago she was always asked about her entrance into the fashion world and her answer would always be about the beautiful people she met in it, and how everyone was dedicated to making their lives into works of art. And that translated into how glamorous she was, and how the looks were always a real extension of the music! We got a bit of that again in 2018, but other than that, her relationship with the fashion world seemed to be not as much of a focal point, in timely coincidence with her scaling back on PR as a reaction to hypercriticism. I’m glad she’s stepping back into it now though, and having fun with the glamour and midcentury references in terms of imaging, which we saw earlier! It’s like a return to form and her uninfluenced, authentic inspirations in a way (even though everything she does is exactly that).
  18. Not to rehash people’s qualms with leaked songs being on records, but the W Mag shoot is, like, a perfect visual embodiment of what a finalized, polished version of Fine China would sound like 🖤🤍
  19. This shot is just my favourite - her beauty is stunning and I love how classic her styling is in this shoot.
  20. This shoot and interview is just amazing. I love the glamour of the photos, and I always love a luxurious black-and-white moment. There is so much insight and depth in her answers, her self-awareness is really inspiring. I'm excited for the record, and if her mentions of Honeymoon's existentialism lately is anything to go by in terms of what's inspiring her, I can tell she's creating something amazing in the studio <3
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