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Liz Taylor Blues

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  1. Uniporu liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Honeymoon is the quintessential summer record for me
  2. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Honeymoon is the quintessential summer record for me
  3. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by ParadiseFreak in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Not sure how "unpopular" this opinion is - but I think the best thing Lana's done is Paradise.  I feel like her songwriting, singing, the production, and the overall tone has never been matched before or since.  Songs like Ride, Cola, Gods and Monsters, Body Electric.... unbeatable.
  4. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by RideOrDieConeyQueen in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I'm so incredibly happy that Get Free has Lizzy Grant sounding vocals
    also I wish Lana didn't have so much plastic surgery - I get that it's her body but she looked/looks so pretty so it's kinda unnecessary but I guess she wanted a full transformation like Marilyn
  5. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by AlexanderM in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm finding it hard to enjoy Lust for Life after we've been blessed with Honeymoon. The lyrics improved, but the sound and atmosphere are completly different from what I wished. I always loved Lana for writing about her imaginary world, her introspective side was what made me a real fan. These reality-aware songs on this new album don't give me the same feelings. In Honeymoon, Lana says "we both know that it's not fashionable to love me, but you don't go 'cause trully there's nobody for you but me". For me as a fan, this is really true, but when even Lana stops being there to feed your introspective personality to make something more society-relevant, what's left? Even if many songs in Lust for Life are still introspective, the fact that most of them are so upbeat makes them not to transmit to me that atmosphere I love so much about Lana and that was all over UV and Honeymoon.
  6. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Honeymoon instrumentals are sooo gorgeous
  7. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Uniporu in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Honeymoon is still alive and breathing in my heart
  8. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Only legends are capable of delivering music like Honeymoon
  9. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Summer Bummer
    Groupie Love

  10. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by reputation in G-Easy Name-Drops Lana in New Song   
    Lana: makes a song calling G-Easy a loser
    Y'all: hahaha! how funny! screw G-Easy!!
    G-Easy: makes a song saying Lana found him to be crazy, names drops her
    Y'all: fuck G-Sleazy!!
    Lol, Lana even had the nerve to G-sign her hand at her concert. y'all are boring
  11. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by electra in G-Easy Name-Drops Lana in New Song   
    Just came up on my twitter!
    His new song, "Nothing Wrong" mentions their brief "relationship". Opinions?
  12. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Interview with Kevin and Bean on KROQ, Talks 'LFL' and Stevie Nicks   
    She said she loves the productions for Coachella
    Lana what the fuck. 
  13. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by urbannoize in Interview with Kevin and Bean on KROQ, Talks 'LFL' and Stevie Nicks   
    Its a pretty fun and light interview. Definitely appreciate Kevin and Bean's energy. So good to hear Lana have a hearty laugh similar to the Zane Lowe interview.

  14. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Sean Lennon discusses working with Lana in new interview   
    The song is perfect.
    Grant & Lennon
    Lennon & Grant
    (rolls off the tongue like Lennon & McCartney)
    I would like to hear more from the two of them, a lot more.
    (and for the fourth time, they would be one helleva couple on an equal level)
    Neither needs material goods, neither needs fame, they can be open and honest in singing.
    to quote an Elton song (who is Sean's Godfather),"written in the stars"
    I am so happy she made the call to Sean, and that he answered
    (and I say this as someone who was there when the Beatles were there, and was always a John fan, more so than a Paul fan.
    And it was John & the second half of their short six years as an active group that made the Beatles immortal and George who gave the Beatles their soul.
    "Isn't it crazy, Sean sang, I'm singing with Elizabeth Grant'...
    and while some have said that line she sang which I just paraphrased above, in my opinion, that line is THE line, that truly shows what Lana is thinking
    in the same way on "Brooklyn Baby" she ad-libbed "my boyfriends pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me"
    The world is a better place with this song in it.
    Thank you Sean. Thank you Lana.
    And  Coachella & Tomorrow Never Came are on track to be my favorite two songs of 2017.
  15. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by reputation in Sean Lennon discusses working with Lana in new interview   
    It is strange seeing Lana as an artist that other artist are dumbfounded to work with. His other music isn't really that good to me, but she really made him work. I can see why Lana choose him and I'm very happy for that. The worst critically acclaimed artist on the record but made for the best feature? LOL
    I'm starting to sound like Graham bye
  16. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Lana Discusses Unreleased Music, Potential Re-Releases on Instagram Live   
    I literally just imagined this in my head and I actually died. RIP my funeral is this Thursday
  17. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Discusses Unreleased Music, Potential Re-Releases on Instagram Live   
    When she said this is era was for the fans, she wasn't playing
  18. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by cherriesandwine in Lana Interviewed by The Sun   
    I feel like she should have done her research a bit better before doing this interview with the sun lol especially when the content of the interview is so political and talking about feminism.....
    she'll be chatting to the daily mail next
  19. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana Del Rey Posts Teaser of Something on Old Twitter Account   
    Enjoy it guys because you just know the next era is gonna be a full non-event and Lana will be all "Ok gays I did LFL now you can all fuck off, here's Honeymoon part 2" xxxxx
  20. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana Del Rey Posts Teaser of Something on Old Twitter Account   
    I cant believe she didnt cancel the era yet This era really is for the fans
  21. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana Del Rey Posts Teaser of Something on Old Twitter Account   
    I think the revival of this account has something to do with the whole unreleased mixtape thing
  22. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Lana Del Rey Posts Teaser of Something on Old Twitter Account   
    Lust for Life confirmed for best era. Ya fave could never resurrect Lizzy Grant like this.
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